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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
640MB Ellen Burstyn + Jennifer Connelly - RequiemForADream-HD++~01:31:58 1280X688p

640MB Ellen Burstyn + Jennifer Connelly - RequiemForADream-HD++~01:31:58 1280X688p
(circa 2000)~The drug-induced utopias of the drug-addled are shattered by their addictions~



[+Plus a Full Cap+]

{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}
Dead Link Removed
{v~Or Here~v}

HQ~@~Fullscreen~HD-1280X688 01:31:58 48000kHz~English H264 Thx2> original poster (op) :cool:

Sara Goldfarb~Ellen is a retired widow, living in a small apartment. She spends most
of her time watching TV, especially a particular self-help show. She has delusions of rising
above her current dull existence by being a guest on that show. Her son, Harry is a junkie
and along with his friend Tyrone has visions of making it big by becoming a drug dealer.
Harry's girlfriend Marion~Jennifer :razz: could be fashion designer or artist but she is swept
along into Harry's drug-centric world. Meanwhile, Sara has developed an addiction of her
own. She desperately wants to lose weight and she goes on a crash course popping several
prescribed pills, pills which turn out to be very addictive and harmful to her mental state...

A dark movie about drug-addicts and the depths they'll go through, to obtain their next fix.

{++ Plus a Hot Jennifer Connelly Wallpaper++}

Thx2> the walls creator

Be Cool by Being Safe during this deadly time of COVID-19!

Here's a link to a bunch my posts here at NCF.

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