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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
763MB Keira Knightley - Colette-HD+~01:43:29 1280X720p

763MB Keira Knightley - Colette-HD+~01:43:29 1280X720p
(circa 2018)~Based upon a true story, entertainment history is about to change~




[+Plus a Full Cap+]

{v~Download the MKV Here~v}
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HQ~@~Fullscreen~HD-1280X720 01:43:29 48000kHz~English H264 Thx2> original poster (op)

After marrying successful Parisian writer Henry Gauthier-Villars, known commonly
as 'Willy'. Gabrielle/Colette is transplanted from her childhood home in rural France
to the intellectual and artistic splendor of Paris. Soon after, Willy convinces Colette to
ghostwrite for him. Colette, in turn pens a semi-autobiographical novel about a witty
and brazen country girl named Claudine, sparking a bestseller and a cultural sensation.
After its success, Colette and Willy become the talk of Paris and their adventures inspire
additional Claudine novels. Colette's fight over creative ownership and gender roles drives
her to overcome societal constraints, revolutionizing literature, fashion and sexual expression.
Willy is bankrupted after producing a play featuring Colette and her sexy lesbian lover Missy...

A period piece film set in the late 1800's about promiscuous playwrites and performers.

The cast of 'Colette' includes;
Keira Knightley :razz: as Colette,
Denise Gough :razz: as Missy,
Anita Gera :razz: as a Secret Lover
and Dominic West :cool: as Willy.

Be Cool by Being Safe during this deadly time of COVID-19!

Here's a link to a bunch of my other 'movie' posts here at NCF.

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