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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Registered User
Nov 11, 2017
Reaction score
Thanks for uploading this. Is there any way you could upload a 1080p version? I would love you forever.


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Jane Birkin - Love at the Top (1974)
AKA Le mouton enragé

In a hotel room, Jane gets all nude and such for Jean-Louis Trintignant, showing her pretty puffies and... Can someone move that darn bed rail!

Jane is panti-less playing dominoes with Trintignant. Don't really see anything until the very end when her muff comes briefly into view.

Betty lays naked in bed when Jean-Louis Trintignant pulls off the sheets, revealing her taters. Then we see some brief buns when she hops out of bed.

Jane Birkin has starred in such films as A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries, The Last September and Daddy Nostalgia.


FileJoker Link:
Dead Link Removed

File size: 128 Mb
File type: Mkv
Resolution: 1280x720
Duration: 05:34

(celebritys, uncut, Explicit sex scene, breasts, butt, bush, full frontal female nudity, uncensored scene, naked, shy, nude)
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