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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Senior Member
Jul 25, 2011
Reaction score


peso--- 792 mb
formato--- avi
duracion--- 10 min
resolucion--- 1080p




parte1--- http://ouo.io/yhVvn5c
parte2--- http://ouo.io/Ft7BBr
parte3--- http://ouo.io/FRcHbw



Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Jade Albany & Alexandra Johnston - American Playboy The Hugh Hefner Story S01E01 (2017)

Jade Albany showing bare breasts while lying in bed naked with a guy. We then get a view of her butt from behind as she stands up by the bed while pulling on her panties. Jade then continues to talk to the guy while putting on a shirt.

Alexandra Johnston getting out of bed in a white robe and walking toward a guy who is sitting in a chair. She then stops and drops the robe off, showing side boob as well as her butt in her panties as she steps over to the guy and climbs into his lap. Alexandra kisses the guy and he picks her up, carrying her back toward the bed before putting her down and leaving.

Alexandra Johnston naked in a string of pearls as she has sex on top of a guy, showing her bare butt and a bit of side boob before she leans over to kiss him.


FileJoker Link:

File size: 104 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 1920x1080
Duration: 01:26

(celebrity, uncut, bush, butt, ass, full frontal female nudity, sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Crystal Allen

Ana Alexander & Crystal Allen - Femme Fatales s01e09 (2010)

Serbian-born actress Ana Alexander has appeared on a number of TV shows, including CSI: Miami, Important Things with Demetri Martin, and Las Vegas. Some of her movie credits include Glass Trap and Deep in the Valley.

Crystal Allen has made guest appearances on numerous TV shows and been featured in movies like Anaconda III and Anacondas: Trail of Blood. She is perhaps most recognizable as the star of numerous Tic Tac commercials.


FileJoker Link:

File size: 135 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 1280x720
Duration: 06:54

(celebrity, uncut, lesbian sex scene, full frontal female nudity, pussy lovers, uncensored scene, naked, nude)


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Eugenia Suarez - El Hilo Rojo (2016)

Eugenia Suárez making out with a guy as he undresses her, taking her wet dress off and and pulling her panties down so that she ends up naked. The guy kisses her body before laying down in bed with her, Eugenia ending up on top of him as they have sex. From El hilo rojo.

Eugenia Suárez, an Argentinian actress from Buenos Aires, has been featured on a number of TV series, including Camino al amor, 30 días juntos, Solamente vos, Los únicos, and Floricienta (AKA Flinderella).


FileJoker Link:
Dead Link Removed

File size: 112 Mb
File type: Avi
Resolution: 1904x808
Duration: 01:31

(celebrity, uncut, sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)
Last edited by a moderator:


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Julia Montgomery & Colleen Madden - Revenge of the Nerds (1984)

Julia Montgomery removing her purple bathrobe to go topless, showing us her nice breasts before she pulls open the shower curtain and is surprised by a guy hiding inside. Hi-res DVD capture.

Colleen Madden seen on TV as she undresses, going topless as she enters a bathroom before she ends up pulling down her panties to reveal her bush.


FileJoker Link:

File size: 36,8 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 1330x720
Duration: 01:58

(celebrity, uncut, hairy pussy, vintage movie, topless, bush, butt, uncensored scene, naked, nude)


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Joanna Kulig & Juliette Binoche & Anais Demoustier - Elles (2011)

Anaïs Demoustier lying on her stomach on a bed beside a guy, her right breast coming into view when she props herself up on her elbows and smokes a cigarette. She is then seen in a similar position, now lying by herself with a sheet around her waist.

Joanna Kulig bent over a table with her bare butt in view as a guy has sex with her from behind while holding on to her hips. We then see Joanna sitting on a table naked with her big breasts in view, one hand down between her legs as she plays with herself. The guy is facing her and puts his hand out for Joanna to spit in as he also masturbates. Lastly, Joanna is seen squatting on the floor, rubbing her breasts with her hands as the guy stands in front of her and gives her a golden shower.

Anaïs Demoustier standing behind a desk in an office as a guy sits in a chair and watches her lift up her dress to reveal no panties underneath. We see a bit of her bush as well as her butt from the side as she rubs herself with one hand while holding her dress up with the other.

Anaïs Demoustier lying naked on her back as a guy kisses his way down her body and then licks his fingers before fingering Anaïs. He then begins to have sex with her, reaching his hand back up to let Anaïs lick it.

Anaïs Demoustier making out with a guy on a bathroom, leaning against a sink as a guy grabs her ass in her see-through panties. The panties creep up her butt crack and then the guy begins to slide them down before bending her over the sink and grinding against her from behind.

Juliette Binoche standing up in a bathroom with her dress unzipped, exposing her breasts. As she walks out of the room, she reaches back to zip up the dress.


FileJoker Links:

File size: 611 Mb
File type: Mkv
Resolution: 1280x544
Duration: 13:55

(celebrity, uncut, Explicit sex scene, blowjob, sucking cock, uncensored scene, naked, nude)