with minimal effort, i found that a tornado happened november 11, 1911... i also found a couple from december... 1887 and 1908... rare, but they do happen, have happened, and will continue to happen... kindly explain these events of over 90 years ago, and how they also proove global warming...
when are you goofballs going to take a random and rare occurrance for what it is, rather than looking for someone to blame for bad luck and poor planning???
because i know who you are and the way you think/feel, i feel it necessary to point out that tornadoes are among the very few things that are difficult to plan for... tornadoes happen in at least 48 states, and are rather random in appearance... building properly is not always a sure bet, and no structure i am aware of is "tornado proof." HOWEVER, having proper insurance and emergency food and water are a must regardless of where one lives... no one is surprised by a hurricane, while everyone is surprised by a tornado...
micro, someday you might realize that all the kind thoughts, mushiness, caring, and even love in the world cannot alter the laws of science and mathematics... shit happens, and everything is scaleable... i have no idea how old you are, but you werent around 100 years ago... you also werent around 1000 years ago, or even further back than that... to prove your case, you must proove that what we are seeing is a first... ever... that at no point in the history of this planet has there been a warming cycle, that at no point in the history of this planet has there been an active period of storms, including strong hurricanes in groups and late season tornadoes...
i look forward to reading about any such evidence... i expect the question will be either ignored or brushed aside as irrellevent... im not the one demanding a global change in the way we do things, so once again, it falls to you to provide a compelling reason to make such changes... until such time as you can show that what we are seeing has NEVER happened, kindly look elsewhere for your "evidence" that is supposed to panic the populace...