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Welcome To The Idiots Hall of Shame (Stupid posts and remarks will come here)

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Geo Sav

Registered User
Aug 6, 2005
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Hall of Shame

Does anyone have her scenes in the movie New York Nights?


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2010
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Hall of Shame

This 20-year-old bubbly, energetic, potty-mouthed Essex Girl says she wants to win Big Brother for the fame even if she is loved or hated, she doesn’t care which.

The retail sales supervisor/part time barmaid believes that, “money does make you happy. It sorts out everything” but says that she is not a stereotypical Essex girl, “Yes I wear fake things when I go out but I’m not like that TOWIE lot”.

In the past she’s sold wine stocks and commodities which turned out to be very lucrative, “people say you can’t do it because you don’t have this or that like only two GCSEs but if you set your mind to it you can do it”.

Her dream job would be getting into TV or becoming an air hostess. She’s happily single but “I love flirting and chatting to boys as long as they have banter and can handle me they’re alright.”


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2010
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has any one got the topless zoo pics of here i did try posting some pics but it hasn't seemed to work :S
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