previously on "read the rules"
I was browsing JIHAD and found A LOT of posts like this:
plz re-up these ... thnx
This is a phenomena because the poster made a simple error.
(They didn't PM'd the original poster nor accepted the fact that those pics are lost forever in the vortex of Internet)
There are more Phenomena's
Maybe create threads (to organize) dedicated to these phenomenas. (the funny ones that just didnt made it.)
Then all posts alike go there while the poster knows (by the title) that he/she needs to read the rules.
maybe something like Welcome To The Idiots Hall of Shame (The re-ups)
Maybe create a subforum "Welcome To The Idiots Hall of Shame" with "alike" or Phenomena threads in it. This really lights up if someone is searching for their post
Jihad Rules!!! (do not misuse this because of the word jihad,pls)