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Welcome Thread


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
Attn; LarryO

Wow, from Noob to Senior member in less than 24hours! Do you know who I am? Yes, I have been posting at BBSex for a number of years, so yes I am very experienced but I'm wondering did you already know that? Or did you just promote me because of the quality of my posts? I'm very loyal to the forums I post at, at least the forums that have cool Webmasters I am!

I'm a disabled & unemployed veteran of the U.S. Army {please don't ask}.

I'm currently seeking employment so I gave my goodbye's at BBSex...Prematurely as it turns out & I'm too embarrassed to go back & start posting there again~D'oh! It's very hard to find work as a disabled man! Don't worry I won't leave NUDECELEB Forum & Juicy Forums will now be relegated my 2nd place (porn only) forum. Even if a miracle happens & I do find a job I'll still occasionally make a Celeb post here, cool? Now after the flurry of posts I've made here so far, don't expect that to continue. It takes a lot of cyber-work to obtain the movies for my posts.
I'm working on a couple movies right now & I'm wondering if it's OK if I post Elle Fanning in 'The Neon Demon'? I've heard some things & I wasn't sure.

Whatever your answers are e-mail them to me, Cool?

Stay Safe & Stay Cool, J99


somewhat respected
Staff member
Aug 25, 2005
Reaction score
Hi Jacques,

I didn't recognize you from BBSex or Juicy; my time is spent here, at Fritchy.com and Planetsuzy.org. Most new content contributors are spammers, so we look out for new members' posts. All I can say is BBSex's loss is our gain. Welcome; we look forward to more of your excellent contributions!