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Mr. Admin guy
Staff Alumn
Oct 16, 2004
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Athlete pictures

So..we have a celebrity picture area and a Model/pornstar area. With all the hot female athletes out there today, any thoughts on adding an athlete section?

Of course the downside to this is we would have requests for an actress section, singer section, etc. But I thought Celebrity/Athlete/Model&Pornstar breakdown might have some merit.


Staff Alumn
Staff Alumn
Oct 15, 2005
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Simple answer:
RULE #3 : NO ADVERTISEMENTS, FAKES, RANDOM PORN AND NO HARDCORE (including vaginal insertions of any kind). SOFTCORE ONLY.

Speedy Gonzalez

Senior Member
Feb 10, 2009
Reaction score
Simple answer:

Technically they are still available in the Jihad section...

I mean rather than put it there (Or delete it from the main site say,) Why not have a password protected section for older members and move all that content in there instead?

If there is a worry about availability of the password, why not have mods only give it to 18+ members and at least give it a trail, worked quite well in another forum I use.


Tim Sanchez
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
I know there are gonna be some members under 18 but this is a NUDE celeb forum so members should be 18+ anyways. So there would be no need to have a 18+ section for hardcore. "No hardcore" has just always been the way this forum has been run since the beginning.


Staff Alumn
Sep 15, 2006
Reaction score
mbblue27 said pretty much everything.

I wonder who were under 18 when they started here :rolleyes:?


Senior Member
Aug 25, 2007
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If you need to come here for porn, you're not using the internet correctly.

Speedy Gonzalez

Senior Member
Feb 10, 2009
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I know there are gonna be some members under 18 but this is a NUDE celeb forum so members should be 18+ anyways. So there would be no need to have a 18+ section for hardcore. "No hardcore" has just always been the way this forum has been run since the beginning.

Hmm, fair enough, I was wondering why they don't delete it or censor it then.

So would a password protected section be out of the question?


Exp0sed Board Member
Staff member
Staff Alumn
Oct 19, 2003
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This is a celebrity forum, its not a porn forum. If you want porn go to another forum that has it.

Hmm, fair enough, I was wondering why they don't delete it or censor it then.

So would a password protected section be out of the question?

Jihad used to be emptied from time to time. I'm not sure whats up with it lately, but it doesn't really count as an active forum. Its just like a trash bin and can be ignored.

pizza planet

Senior Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Why when i click on a celebrity's name do i get maybe 1 see through post and the rest are in normal everyday clothes?? If you are gonna have a site that is called NUDE celeb forum then shouldn't there be nothing but NUDE celebrities??? False advertisement if you ask me. Just a thought.

That is an interesting point made here. Nevertheless this site does include nudity - which is good - but it also has lots of really sexy good quality pictures of celebrities/stars looking damn fine. It's a good mix of stuff that keeps me coming back.


Registered User
Mar 2, 2009
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I can only say look around I like what I have seen so far.


Senior Member
Aug 15, 2005
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You can find just about any nude scene of almost every single celeb that did one. So based on that it is deserving of this name.

No idea why I replied. I been lurking and jerking around here for years.


The Resident Lady of Leisure
Staff Alumn
Jan 11, 2007
Reaction score
To all the people who said they should contribute before they bitch was dead on. Man a lot of thse girls looks good with skin-tight, sheer(see thru), and bikini clothing as well as naked. Porn doesn't always equal nudity.

It said right here in the urban dictionary in it's forth definition that Porn is arousing materials usually employed for masturbatory purposes.


Senior Member
May 13, 2009
Reaction score
hi all,

This whole thread is a total waist. !8 is the law (.) Hollywood has money so law can be broken and youngins can get naked and be in sexual situations. Deal with it. This is not hollywood, rules apply. We are not rich enuff to getaway with it. (I am not agreeing with or disagreeing with it)

There are all kinda loop holes witch would let this site post the younger starlets. They cost lots of money to invoke with a team of lawyers. I say to the ppl who want the content in question to be allowed, Set up a account, have all your buddies fill it with cash. Then get a layer or several and have them get to it. once the proper paper work is finished and the owner is satisfied he wont fry for it. then and only then will it be able to happen. Even if it is all put together it is still someones site and they get to decide, not popular opinion.

is the rule dumb? who cares what I or any of you think. It is a rule follow it or go somewhere.

a lil off topic, the olsen twins are damn fine ya'll hate all you want they are super sexy, big old tities and a fat ass dont make a woman. Thin with itty bittys is more populare. dissagree, show me a fat super modle?

this whole thread has me a lil mad so instead of rereading what I have written ima just post and never look back. If I offended any pedo's good, you sick fucks. to eveyone else I am sorry you found this thread like me.


Senior Member
Aug 25, 2007
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It's not mine, but why was it put in Jihad?
She looking sexy, has erect nipples (which fits in with the rules.)

Someone go through this thread and find all the stuff someone with an agenda has deleted, there's a lot of good pics in here that shouldn't be.

I was asked why I deleted my posts? Because there isn't any point in posting something you find sexy and having some plonker move it because he doesn't think it's sexy.


Staff Alumn
Feb 15, 2004
Reaction score
Right I'm gonna have a bit of rant here a minute because I'm pissed off and well it better to do here than to beat up my children! right all of you right now go and have a look at the Emma Watson picture thread! (Go on I'll wait) Right post #22 is by yours truly and show miss Watson slipping a bit of bra fair enough not very exciting but its the best we've seen from here since her 18th Birthday (see #1!).

Right so I found these pics on some obscure website not important which one but being me and having a little knowledge i saw which ones were 'good' pictures and posted them the others were no essential random pap shit that no one cares about...but what this oh' no wait some one does care the noob that then came along and posted all the ones that I didn't - bravo well done (Yes I'm very aware that this person - Alewan - is a noob and needs encouragement but this does not excuse random acts of being a dick!) so dear readers i offer you insight into this funny world of forum posts! Check whats been posted before you! if your post is pointless covered up crap that no one would blow a pennies worth over then please don't post it thanks!
Rant over!
(P.S. I don't have any children and if i did I wouldn't beat them!)


Senior Member
Dec 28, 2007
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NudeCeleb Forum

It seems that a lot of people posting here are unaware what the Forum means, below is a dictionary definition.

nude - 6 dictionary results
nude  /nud, nyud/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [nood, nyood] Show IPA adjective, nud⋅er, nud⋅est, noun
–adjective 1. naked or unclothed, as a person or the body.
2. without the usual coverings, furnishings, etc.; bare: a nude stretch of land laid waste by brush fires.
3. (of a photograph, painting, statue, etc.) being or prominently displaying a representation of the nude human figure.
4. Law. made without a consideration or other legal essential: a nude contract.
5. having the color nude.

–noun 6. a sculpture, painting, etc., of a nude human figure.
7. an unclothed human figure.
8. the condition of being unclothed: to sleep in the nude.

ce⋅leb⋅ri⋅ty  /səˈlɛbrɪti/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [suh-leb-ri-tee] Show IPA
–noun, plural -ties for 1. 1. a famous or well-known person.
2. fame; renown.

Simply put a naked well known person ! So why are there so many plain ordinary unknowns clothed?