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Religious Right, right?

Red Horse

Senior Member
Aug 26, 2004
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For mox and cable: ;)

The Ballad Of East And West
Rudyard Kipling

Oh, East is East, and West is West,
and never the twain shall meet,

Till Earth and Sky stand presently
at God's great Judgment Seat;

But there is neither East nor West,
Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,

When two strong men stand face to face,
tho' they come from the ends of the earth.


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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cableguy said:
it should be noted that i am not actually pushing anything on anyone, just providing an alternate viewpoint... i am not one of the rabid crazies you like to quote...

once again, as people seem to either not read or not retain, id isnt something that can be proven, absent whatever the creator is showing up and demonstrating it for us....

Those "rabid crazies" i quote are the leading members and theorists of Intelligent Design. Without them and their theories there is no articulated ID argument, nothing to which you can compare your own thoughts and arrived-at-independently beliefs.

Indeed ID isn't something one can prove- one cannot prove nor disprove the existence of a creator, so why then include it in science class? Science deals with things one can prove and disprove- shouldn't ID and Creationism stay where they belong, in religious education class? I am not encouraging atheism be taught in science class so why should religion be taught in science class?

The problem is they don't want to stay there; they want to control every aspect of one's life. Many evolutionist scientists such as Gould as well as all the theistic scientists who don't take a literal translation of scripture, argue for a separation of science and religion; as they believe they are primarily concerned with differing fields, but alas! Those of a fundie temperament are not content, they want complete control, for to them the piece of shitty authorship and editing that is the bible covers all aspects of one's life, including supposedly answering the questions of why we are how we are and everything else- a benevolent creator made us and everything that way, end of story. :confused:

Once again i don't care what people's personal beliefs are (providing they don't include my termination or some other crime against humanity :lol: ) The whole point of argument is: should something that doesn't meet the accepted criteria be placed along side something that does- its about context- religion has no place in science.

In my ideal world nobody would have religion, but that is neither here nor there, the point is we are talking about education, the education of facts not beliefs. Beliefs can be and are taught and strengthened through those institutions called churches, mosques, etc... they should not be part of a school science syllabus.

Cable, do you really think that all that the ID and Creationists want is their beliefs taught alongside secular interpretations of the world? I must have slept through the History classes where religions wished for alternative arguments to be allowed as well as their own (including and especially other religions to be taught), as monotheism states quite clearly in all of its versions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, that it is the sole truth, and all others are lies and the work of the devil. In which case what is a 'good' monotheist to do with those teaching the 'devils lies'? Live and let live? i am yet to find such an example, until of course it was forced upon religious people to accept differing beliefs by secular societies; the case in which we have found ourselves still today, though this wouldn't last once religion gets a foothold in every field yet again. Still the poor fundie be very disappointed with the current state of affairs. Poor child! One only has to listen to those charming fundie preachers you lot stateside enjoy so much- you know the ones preaching hatred (or is it god’s love, I always get confused with such intricacies) towards homosexuals, blacks, women, heathens, commies, and liberals; basically anything they themselves are not.

I might wish to literally piss on yours and other's religions, but I refrain, so why is it ok for religion to piss on science? This is what it is doing with creationism and ID. When do non-believers get to have warning labels on 'holy' books found in religious institutions stating that 'this is only a theory, of which there are alternative theories' or have somebody stand up in church during sunday service and say 'of course this is only one amongst many beliefs represented, all have scope for examination including: that some guy called joshua never lived and therefore did nothing for anyone, thus putting your whole praise and adulation into the shitter'?

Until that day religion can stay out of science class. Because when religion thinks it can offer something constructive it usually fucks up everything in its path.
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Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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This attempt at argument makes me laugh with utter contempt for the idiot who has argued it:

"Sen. Chris Buttars, R-West Jordan, plans to lead the fight for instruction of divine design in Utah public schools. He wants to defuse some of the expected controversy by avoiding the term "creationism" altogether.
Instead, he favors "divine design," sometimes called "intelligent design," which "doesn't preach religion," he said. "The only people who will be upset about this are atheists."

Why would an atheist be upset if as he says it doesn't preach religion? :confused: What qualification is required to become a senator today? complete and utter stupidity, the complete absence of the art and workings of rhetoric? do these people actually listen to the verbal diarrhoea that leaves their mouths?
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Senior Member
Mar 16, 2004
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mox, you stated--correctly--that science deals with things that can be proven and disproven... sadly, this isnt what is being taught as science in many cases... scientific theory is being presented as fact on a number of fronts... it is not fact, it is theory... the beginning point of life, global cooling (the fad), global warming (the fad), ddt, and a number of other subject areas as well... theories and beliefs should never be presented as facts, and it is an even greater transgression to present them as scientific facts...

regarding the id thought industry which you have introduced me to, i was, for the most part, unaware that it was such a large thing... i didnt need it, or any of its members, to come to my own conclusions, and i am certain there are any number of others who have independantly arrived somewhere closer to my belief than yours, who did so independantly as well... as i stated before, it was being taught evolutionary theory in high school that made me question it, not any church, religion, or some organization...

mox, you made a small misstep that i would like to point out... you said you arent advocating teaching atheism in science class, but by bypassing the id theory, you are, in actuality, doing just that... this is the mess that this subject brings... teaching one or the other angers the side left out, and teaching both is viewed as almost as bad by most people with any firm position on either side... if school is to be an institution of learning, shouldnt students be presented with different options?? i guess i dont know what to do with this one... both (as they pertain to origins) are unprovable, scientifically or otherwise... i am left with either teaching both, or neither, and i dont much like those two choices...

i will not defend idiots on either side of this argument for saying things that seem outrageous or truly ignorant... yes, they do come from EITHER side... evolution as a process is something i accept as scientific fact... what i dont accept, at this point in time, is that everything you see today came from a single evolutionary source... you cant prove that it did, nor has anyone to date... ergo, evolution as an origin isnt scientific fact and shouldnt be taught in science class... we are still left with teachers having to answer "where did we come from?" and "what was the start of life?" as there are no scientific answers to these questions, and as the purpose of a teacher is to facilitate learning, what would you have a teacher do when asked these questions??

again, i feel the need to stress that i practice no religion, monotheistic or otherwise, but i do believe in "something."


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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These people will just never give up. You know, the religious right should just rename themselves the Taliban, it would make things much easier.


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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mindido said:

These people will just never give up. You know, the religious right should just rename themselves the Taliban, it would make things much easier.

It is what happens when somebody clings on to dogma in the face of all evidence and argument unfortunately. They are the christian equivalent, though they wouldn't admit it, probably because like all people who hold dogma- they think they are right and everybody else is wrong.

cableguy said:
mox, you made a small misstep that i would like to point out... you said you arent advocating teaching atheism in science class, but by bypassing the id theory, you are, in actuality, doing just that... this is the mess that this subject brings... teaching one or the other angers the side left out, and teaching both is viewed as almost as bad by most people with any firm position on either side... if school is to be an institution of learning, shouldnt students be presented with different options?? i guess i dont know what to do with this one... both (as they pertain to origins) are unprovable, scientifically or otherwise... i am left with either teaching both, or neither, and i dont much like those two choices...

cable, this isn't a dichotomy of the non-religious against the religious. We are talking about your average church-going theist (average except in America by all accounts), people of other moderate religious views, agnostics, deists, freethinkers , atheists etc... who are defending science against fundamentalist christians who are seeking to undermine science. Many of the leading evolutionist spokespeople are theists, they just don't take a literal interpretation of the bible. If this means that bigoted christians are left out, then i say good ridance, they have no place anyway.

The dichotomy is:

intelligent rational people vs right-wing christian numbskulls


Senior Member
Mar 16, 2004
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mox, i will happily defend science from religion--where religion blindly ignores scientific fact... whereas that may be the case in part of this debate, i think it rather small minded to shrink the debate to that level... i dont see scientific theory as having that much more weight than religious theory... some, perhaps, but not to the point of taking the scientific theory as a fact... that is what has happened here... sadly, those with the loudest trumpets are usually closest to the edge... you reject all religion out of spite, and some religious types ignore science when it is convenient... either position is frought with the potential for a gross verbal misstep...

i appreciate what you have brough tto this debate, but dont like the implication that anyone that believes in id does so at the expense of science and of common sense... this same implication that could be used to lump rational people in with the crazies... there are two other groups in this debate, and i am in one of them...


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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cable, for all your supporting of ID theory i have yet seen any scientific theory put forward on its behalf, in fact this is not just your problem but also the problem of those who actively promote ID. All they have done so far is attack accepted scientific theories without offering a testable alternative. If or when they do offer a recognisably scientific alternative, then, and only then will yours and other 'creationists'/'designers' case for teaching such beliefs be recognised as something other than an opinion brought about by the prior assumption of a creator. Still as of present all the ID'ers can offer is redrafts of Paley's watchmaker or pipe-up about how certain areas of study as of yet haven’t been explained by the scientific community- as if they themselves have the answers! Oh yeah they do don't they: 'god created it’, which has the usefulness and explanatory power of me saying 'floating pink elephants created it.’

Min, me, Iceberg and whoever can be forever showing you the evidence and theories for evolution, and you can forever be saying that this or that doesn’t explain something in your mind, but when do we have the same opportunity to evaluate your evidence and theories?

Its easy to criticise something, the tricky part comes when the critic is asked to actually put something viable in its place. :)


Senior Member
Mar 16, 2004
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thank you for finally stating my point, though you dont exactly realize you have done so...

id isnt about scientific theory... at least to me, it never has been... the commonality between id theory and evolutionary theory is the word THEORY... as in unproven, scientifically or otherwise... as i stated before, i dont believe it has been SCIENTIFICALLY proven that a bumblebee can fly, yet i have, on many occasions, observed this very behavior in bumblebees... i am sure there are a myriad of other things that havent been, or currently cannot be scientifically proven, but we have seen with our own eyes... does that make our eyes liars?? no, it does not...

evolutionary theory is nothing more than an opinion brought about by a prior assumption of a scientist... your scientist, my creator, again, nothing is proven... i feel bad for you, mox... what a terribly dull life one must lead if everything, to be accepted as true, must be scientifically proven... a live devoid of emotion, as there isnt much scientific proof of that... a life without any unknowns--scientific fact doesnt allow for those, either..

science is a wonderful thing, and has brought us much understanding, but it is incapable of answering every question... instead of looking elsewhere for answers, you insist on allegiance to anything theoretical, so long as the root word "science" is contained within.. i dont take such a narrow view of things... perhaps evolution is the answer, perhaps id is... at this point, both are simply beliefs without any proof... i will withhold judgement until such time as one or the other is proven correct... until such time, we are both entitled to our BELIEFS... as for you evaluating my beliefs and theories, i believe you have been for about 4 pages now... your evaluation can be summed up in two words; dismissal and denial... why?? because you cant accept anything that cannot be quantified, even if quantification of some things is impossible...

scientific theory holds no more validitty than moxdevil theory, cableguy theory, or religious theory... a theory is a GUESS, not proof... because evolution is proven does not mean that it also covers the unknown ground... evolution has gotten us from point f to point s, but doesnt explain point a to point f... ah yes... man has been to the moon... i live in minnesota, and i know that cape canaveral, florida is a waypoint on the way to the moon... i travel by car and airplane... i can use a combination of car and airplane to arrive from minnesota to cape canaveral, but i cant exactly drive my car to the moon, nor can i get in a passenger jet and fly there... a rocket is required to leave the earth and travel to the moon... a rocket doesnt resemble a car or an airplane at all, yet is required for part of the journey... we know a portion of the chain, and that portion is explained by evolution... what happened before that might be the same, but it might be like that rocket... something so completely different that similarities are hard to see... is it proven?? is it scientific fact?? no, but i will settle for theory, as so many people seem to put so much stock in them... yourself included...


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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cable, you haven't moved on from your position of ignorance on simple things like-

-the distinction between 'scientific theory' and everyday use of the term 'theory'

-the problems concerning the reliability and veracity of anecdotal evidence

-the difference between 'theory' and 'opinion'

-assumptions on what can and cannot be learned given time, technology, etc (because you think some things cannot be known stemming from prior assumption)

-the distinction between theory with evidence, and belief

-the distinction between 'the theory of evolution' and 'abiogenesis' and what each theory purports to explain

-what is meant by the term 'science' and what science entails

What is more you have reduced your argument (if it can be judged as such) to assuming that my life is lacking because i don’t credit the existence of supernatural beings.

I am not a scientist. I am training to be a historian, there is an element of scientific analysis to what i do. Therefore, yes 'truth' if it is attainable, or more appropriately 'facts' are my daily currency. You have leapt to the assumption that i see nothing in life independent of science, an assumption like many others that you are quite susceptible to.

And cable, i don't realize that i have stated your point because i haven't. This is in no small part because you have yet to state a point from which you will argue from, there has been no argument merely criticism from you (albeit from the position of ignorance) of scientific theory and explanation.

Please attempt to posit an argument from which you can supply all the necessary evidence and testing, this is what differentiates a rigorous field of study from simple beliefs and opinions, you'll find its no different in the fields of literature, History, science, etc.

There are ‘opinions’ and then there are ‘educated opinions’ resulting from experience, understanding, study, etc. That is why somebody interested in what took place say in the 'middle ages' would ask an archaeologist or historian who specialises in that period as opposed to say their granddad who worked down the mines his entire life and never read a book.

Duke E. Pyle

Senior Member
Apr 2, 2004
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Anyone see the new evolution documentary on Discovery? If so any thoughts? Looks like it cost about $25 dollars to make. They spend all this money on shows dealing with what the future of the planet will look like, and take a trip to Joe's costume shop to put together a show on evolution. One thing i learned was that scientists are as corrupt as the next. Ego hurts science just as it does religion. "Man must have evolved out of Africa since there are still great apes there". Great statement from the show. "There's a pile of shit over there, there must be flies". <--thats my great statement


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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Haven't seen the documentary, will look for it. One observation though, "scientists are as corrupt as the next. Ego hurts science just as it does religion."

Scientists are human beings and are corruptable, just like anyone. The difference though is "peer review". Someone can make a claim but eventually that claim will be tested. If the claim doesn't pass the tests, and is found to be fraudulent, that scientists word is now worthless. Probably the worst thing that can happen to a scientist. Thats what keeps most scientists on the straight and narrow.

Compare that to any religious leader. They can say anything and whos to say they're wrong? Nothing can be proven.

Major difference.


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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Funny site dealing with the ID situation in Kansas-

ID/Christian creationism, then why not teach 'Flying Spaghetti Monster' theory also?


Especially liked the responses from the Kansas school board and the experts.


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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Hey Mox,

LOL! I think I'll join. Makes complete sense to me.


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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mindido said:
Hey Mox,

LOL! I think I'll join. Makes complete sense to me.

Was it the line that there's evidence for 'FSM' theory, without the need to actually reveal it that converted you? It had me hook, line and sinker. How could i have been walking around in the dark for so long, when there is so much irrefutable proof for FSM! :)


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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It was EVERYTHING about FSM! It is all so clear now. Everything makes so much sense now, like it never did before. Although I do think HIM is probably a HER!


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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mindido said:

It was EVERYTHING about FSM! It is all so clear now. Everything makes so much sense now, like it never did before. Although I do think HIM is probably a HER!

Blasphemy! Oops i mean it’s a scientific theory so question of FSM’s sexuality is irrelevant. (Though its quite obvious FSM is a He, after all His spokesperson is a he. ;))


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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Well, I guess we'll have to start a new FSM with HER in the lead! And it has to be taught in science class because there is so much more evidence for HER than for HIM.
