"you say religion is trying to take over, yet all i see is protests over religious scenes at christmas, prayer taken out of schools, commandments being taken out of courtrooms and offices and business places. I also see the mockery of religion and of god. Its no longer politically incorrect, as you mentioned South Park."
Do a Google search on "kansas school board" or "bill frist" or "religious right". You'll find all the info you need. As far as the mockery is concerned, I'm sure there is some but I don't know that it is all that prevalent. Religions, throughout history, have made some very preposterous claims that have been proven false. If someone continues to defend a claim after being proved false, they lose credibility. So if religions are sometimes mocked, they've largely brought it upon themselves.
"You obviously don't celebrate christmas, but do you use this day as an excuse to give as others do? Or to recieve."
No, I don't, as I'm not a christain. But most of the rest of my family is so I respect their beliefs and participate in a limited way.
"I personally will show my kids religion, but i would never force it to them as i believe there would be no need to in the 1st place."
This is exactly the way I was brought up. I went to church until the age of 16 and then left. For me I just had too many questions that religion could not explain. I got real tired of often getting the answer, "its gods will". If I ever have kids, which is unlikely, I would teach them the same way my parents did. If they want to get involved with religion, then that will be their choice. Just remember not to impose that religion on others.
"Will you or have you explained to your kids that evolution is scientifically correct and true and they must carry the torch?"
As mentioned above, I don't have children, but if I did I would teach them that "evolution is scientifically correct and true" because it is logical and the data supporting it is voluminous.
"I love my fellow man and would not judge their life, for who am i."
I agree with that statement 100%. If you will go back and study western history though, you will find that the vast majority of wars were, and are, religious in nature.
"so i don't understand where your going with all this, or why it matters."
Hype is pervasive in this society. You literally cannot go out your door and not see it all over the place. Television is, for the most part, hype. Someone trying to sell you something whether you need it or not. Whether you recognize it or not. If you don't recognize it, I would strongly suggest that you learn to, or your going to be separated from your wallet far too often.
Red Horse,
"If a globally respected scientist, say a Nobel Prize winner, came out with a statement saying "Dive into the deepest part of a lake, go down as far as you can, then take a deep breath" everyone in their right mind would think the guy is completely crazy...but there would be the few who would do it because they believe (read: faith) in what he's come up with before."
First, no scientist (at least a sane one) would ever do that as the results are obvious. But this would be something a religious "prophet" would do. And have (Jim Jones, David Koresh, Heavens Gate, etc, etc.).
"you say religion is trying to take over, yet all i see is protests over religious scenes at christmas, prayer taken out of schools, commandments being taken out of courtrooms and offices and business places. I also see the mockery of religion and of god. Its no longer politically incorrect, as you mentioned South Park."
Do a Google search on "kansas school board" or "bill frist" or "religious right". You'll find all the info you need. As far as the mockery is concerned, I'm sure there is some but I don't know that it is all that prevalent. Religions, throughout history, have made some very preposterous claims that have been proven false. If someone continues to defend a claim after being proved false, they lose credibility. So if religions are sometimes mocked, they've largely brought it upon themselves.
"You obviously don't celebrate christmas, but do you use this day as an excuse to give as others do? Or to recieve."
No, I don't, as I'm not a christain. But most of the rest of my family is so I respect their beliefs and participate in a limited way.
"I personally will show my kids religion, but i would never force it to them as i believe there would be no need to in the 1st place."
This is exactly the way I was brought up. I went to church until the age of 16 and then left. For me I just had too many questions that religion could not explain. I got real tired of often getting the answer, "its gods will". If I ever have kids, which is unlikely, I would teach them the same way my parents did. If they want to get involved with religion, then that will be their choice. Just remember not to impose that religion on others.
"Will you or have you explained to your kids that evolution is scientifically correct and true and they must carry the torch?"
As mentioned above, I don't have children, but if I did I would teach them that "evolution is scientifically correct and true" because it is logical and the data supporting it is voluminous.
"I love my fellow man and would not judge their life, for who am i."
I agree with that statement 100%. If you will go back and study western history though, you will find that the vast majority of wars were, and are, religious in nature.
"so i don't understand where your going with all this, or why it matters."
Hype is pervasive in this society. You literally cannot go out your door and not see it all over the place. Television is, for the most part, hype. Someone trying to sell you something whether you need it or not. Whether you recognize it or not. If you don't recognize it, I would strongly suggest that you learn to, or your going to be separated from your wallet far too often.
Red Horse,
"If a globally respected scientist, say a Nobel Prize winner, came out with a statement saying "Dive into the deepest part of a lake, go down as far as you can, then take a deep breath" everyone in their right mind would think the guy is completely crazy...but there would be the few who would do it because they believe (read: faith) in what he's come up with before."
First, no scientist (at least a sane one) would ever do that as the results are obvious. But this would be something a religious "prophet" would do. And have (Jim Jones, David Koresh, Heavens Gate, etc, etc.).