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People who can fuck off!


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
People who talk politics on a babe forum ;)

Tits are in the other sections. This one is for discussion about whatever you like. And this thread is self explanitory. If rarely heeded by those who should.
As for Trump, the sooner he fucks off the better for the world. And when he said he'd propbably leave the country if he lost, you can bet he meant to a country with no extradition treaty and under an assumed ID since he no longer has Presidential protection from his creditors or the US legal system, all of whom will be gunning for him now.


Senior Member
Apr 7, 2018
Reaction score
Tits are in the other sections. This one is for discussion about whatever you like. And this thread is self explanitory. If rarely heeded by those who should.
As for Trump, the sooner he fucks off the better for the world. And when he said he'd propbably leave the country if he lost, you can bet he meant to a country with no extradition treaty and under an assumed ID since he no longer has Presidential protection from his creditors or the US legal system, all of whom will be gunning for him now.

My comment stands as an answer to the question :razz:


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
As >I< see it...

As far as ALL politicians go;

Most of them are in one respect or another ego-driven criminals.
But ever 40 years or so a rare person comes along who's heart
is in the right place. The president I can think of, that although
he came from his fathers (Joe Kennedy's) criminal background.
John F Kennedy, {physical and sexual weaknesses aside} with his
brother's help did his best to set things right and do the right
thing. Unfortunately, whomever was behind it? The dark-side took
him from 'us'.
Donald Jackass Trump :evil: on the or hand used his non-reality TV
popularity to con and lie his way into he presidency. Once
there, the spoiled 1% rich-boy racist who had no-connection
at all with the common man, who has to work to survive! He
set about to undo as many of 'our' freedoms that he could.
Caring only to make himself and his fellow 1%'s richer.
And in the process adhering to his inbreed racism he's
also destroyed the lives of way too many black and brown
immigrants. Splitting families apart and caging them in
inhuman circumstances!
>I< as a Caucasian disabled US Army veteran can tell you,
'Black Lives Do Matter'! If it weren't for two of my 'Ebony
Brothers' who were US Army medics, I wouldn't be alive!!

In the Army, yes there is racism when we're in the rear
but when we're up-front where the bullets fly and the
blood flows there's only one skin color; Green or Tan as
were the colors of our uniforms. Donald Trump has no idea
of what it means to fight for freedom! He believes in a
America by it's self. Isolationism won't work! America
has been the shinning light of the world and needs to
remain so! Otherwise, we might as well invite the dark
forces of the world like Russia China and North Korea
not to mention all of the terrorist and other dark forces
of the world. Invite them to r@p3 the world! If good is
to defeat evil in the end? America must take the lead.
All I can say is good-riddance to Trump and his selfish ways!

Excuse me if you disagree but have you ever bled for freedom??


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Trump can fuck off, then?

As far as ALL politicians go;

Most of them are in one respect or another ego-driven criminals.
But ever 40 years or so a rare person comes along who's heart
is in the right place. The president I can think of, that although
he came from his fathers (Joe Kennedy's) criminal background.
John F Kennedy, {physical and sexual weaknesses aside} with his
brother's help did his best to set things right and do the right
thing. Unfortunately, whomever was behind it? The dark-side took
him from 'us'.
Donald Jackass Trump :evil: on the or hand used his non-reality TV
popularity to con and lie his way into he presidency. Once
there, the spoiled 1% rich-boy racist who had no-connection
at all with the common man, who has to work to survive! He
set about to undo as many of 'our' freedoms that he could.
Caring only to make himself and his fellow 1%'s richer.
And in the process adhering to his inbreed racism he's
also destroyed the lives of way too many black and brown
immigrants. Splitting families apart and caging them in
inhuman circumstances!
>I< as a Caucasian disabled US Army veteran can tell you,
'Black Lives Do Matter'! If it weren't for two of my 'Ebony
Brothers' who were US Army medics, I wouldn't be alive!!

In the Army, yes there is racism when we're in the rear
but when we're up-front where the bullets fly and the
blood flows there's only one skin color; Green or Tan as
were the colors of our uniforms. Donald Trump has no idea
of what it means to fight for freedom! He believes in a
America by it's self. Isolationism won't work! America
has been the shinning light of the world and needs to
remain so! Otherwise, we might as well invite the dark
forces of the world like Russia China and North Korea
not to mention all of the terrorist and other dark forces
of the world. Invite them to r@p3 the world! If good is
to defeat evil in the end? America must take the lead.
All I can say is good-riddance to Trump and his selfish ways!

Excuse me if you disagree but have you ever bled for freedom??


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
Fuck Yes!

Not only can Trump fuck off but so can all of his motherfucking cronies.
and anybody who still thinks he's not a stupid, lying, spoiled-asshole! :flipthebi

>I< the first person to adopt Homer as his icon ('91) am proud I voted for Biden!
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