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People who can fuck off!


Actively social distancing
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Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2005
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The NCF patron responsible for targeting my posts and reporting them to Mediafire, thus provoking them to suspend my account. Congratulations, you've succeeded in surpassing the amount of bullshit I'm willing to put up with. I'm done posting content. Now fuck off!


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2005
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Micro$tupid with their idiotic new middle-finger-operating-system can FUCK THEMSELVES RIGHT OFF!


Senior Member
Mar 11, 2010
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Makers of hollywood films that are based on true events and forget to included those events, can fuck off.
Sunday Drivers, can fuck off.
Sunday Drivers towing Caravans, can fuck off.
David Cameron, can fuck off.
George "pale faced slimey turd" Osbourn, can fuck off.
Justin Bieber, can well and truely fuck off.
Grunting women tennis players.........fuck off.
Jennifer Lopez, you can fuck off as well.
Cristiano "I am an arrogant son of a bitch" Ronaldo can fuck off.
Ant and Dec can fuck off.
People who say they are in a Boy/Girl band, when none of them can actually play an instrument can fuck off.
The so called doctor who assessed me for my disability then got it completely wrong can fuck off.
All those mentioned above and are somehow reading this, you can all fuck off a 2nd time round.
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Senior Member
Sep 18, 2011
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f_ck you TMZ!

Man, I never held a grudge against TMZ until today.

First they try and draw you in with the "super topless" advert of a Kate Upton clip topless on a horse (from about 2 years ago). Then the bastards Censor it... well that's not really SUPER topless is it? More like "almost" topless....

Then just to add insult to injury they show us clips of the Staff getting to watch the uncensored version, as if to say "haha suckers this is how happy you'd be if you could see it, but that's never gonna happen 'cause we own the rights"


Okay I needed to vent. 'm done now :D


Registered User
Oct 31, 2013
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Diane Younger

Can Fuck Off!!
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Senior Member
Sep 13, 2011
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them fucking cunts who post a ton of links to download movies that are only premium download, and people who expect us to pay to download 'illegal'(by means of theft) movies can ALL fuck off

if i wanted to download a movie that badly, i'd tap a code onto google and bingo, no paying for download, no waiting or any crappy fucking capatcha's.....so again, fucking spammers whom spam with 100's of posts expecting money for movies fallen off back of a boat can FUCK WELL AND TRULY OFF



Senior Member
Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
All the people here at NUDE Celeb Forum who continually post absolute crap can fuck off. You are ruining what was once, and no longer, the best forum on the net. I complained once, and the problem has gotten dramatically worse since. If I didn't have the link to this forum listed above the superior pics link in my link folder, I probably wouldn't even come here anymore, as everyone continues to rip off Pieman's posts over there, and reposts them over here (without any credit, as if the post was actually theirs! lol). There is hardly a difference between that forum, which doesn't allow nudity, and this one, which pretty much requires nudity, or near nudity. I love Emma Watson, but just because there are pics available of her out there, it doesn't mean they should be posted here. I mean, legs, and an otherwise completely covered body...really? That goes for Selena Gomez, and Jessica Alba, as well.

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Senior Member
Jul 14, 2014
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All the people here at NUDE Celeb Forum who continually post absolute crap can fuck off. You are ruining what was once, and no longer, the best forum on the net. I complained once, and the problem has gotten dramatically worse since. If I didn't have the link to this forum listed above the superior pics link in my link folder, I probably wouldn't even come here anymore, as everyone continues to rip off Pieman's posts over there, and reposts them over here (without any credit, as if the post was actually theirs! lol). There is hardly a difference between that forum, which doesn't allow nudity, and this one, which pretty much requires nudity, or near nudity. I love Emma Watson, but just because there are pics available of her out there, it doesn't mean they should be posted here. I mean, legs, and an otherwise completely covered body...really? That goes for Selena Gomez, and Jessica Alba, as well.

amen to that...


Exp0sed Board Member
Staff member
Staff Alumn
Oct 19, 2003
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people who call and don't leave a message

i feel the opposite way. i hate having to check my voicemail. basically, i only want a message if it's serious, like someone died. otherwise, you're wasting my time.