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People who can fuck off!


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2010
Reaction score
Yeah, but you were the only one to thank my post! How about it, boys?:deal:

I had too thank it, I loved it
Anybody that dont thank useful and or amusing posts can go fuck themselves also

Yeah I know who you mean man, these mod bastards Here!
The mods there are right bastards!:evil:

Yeah, I heard that, I wonder why, there is one mod there mv something, he can fuck of also:D


Mr. Nemcova
Nov 7, 2005
Reaction score
Larryo is Simons right hand man and seems to 'kill' every forum he gets hold of.

Good luck for this place guy's,

You can Fuck off.

People that blame others for their own inadequacies can Fuck off.


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
People who name obscure foreign politicians can piss off - wankers

Obscure foreign politicians? Then you call him a wanker? Hmm, where have I heard that word before...could it be England? So how exactly could Gordon Brown, (from England), be an "obscure foreign politician" to you, if you use an English phrase to describe his critic? I seem to detect a hypocrite....:flipthebi


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
You can Fuck off.

People that blame others for their own inadequacies can Fuck off.

Well, to be fair, I don't know larryo, or even Simon. I've seen larryo's posts and he seems like a nice enough guy, so I'm not about to criticize him. But as far as you go, dis1, I feel you're overreacting a tad, especially as I can't find Tabler's post on this thread. And telling a fellow brother to fuck off seems like bad form....even for an American. And the part about other's inadequacies, well, I don't see that at all. Maybe you should check yourself before you run that bulldog mouth with that chihuahua ass.:butt:


Senior Member
Apr 11, 2010
Reaction score
You can Fuck off.

People that blame others for their own inadequacies can Fuck off.
I won't be drawn on LarryO: I don't know enough about him. But I will be drawn on this post.

Tabler on another thread made a legitimate point about the lack of interaction in the discussion forum here. This response is both unfriendly and wide of the mark: I feel free to speak plainly because, my dear dls1, if you dish it out you'd better be willing to take it back.

I see a clue in your post as to why things might be so quiet on the NCF discussion forum. Rude, offensive trolls who belittle the poster because they did not like the post are an active obstacle and disincentive to worthwhile discussions. They can fuck off.
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Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
The bint from Dr Who & her from countdown. I can't see what all the fuss is about.Oh and Ms Cole,anyone would asume they had talent.They can all you know what-----I await the flack.


Mr. Nemcova
Nov 7, 2005
Reaction score
Well, to be fair, I don't know larryo, or even Simon. I've seen larryo's posts and he seems like a nice enough guy, so I'm not about to criticize him. But as far as you go, dis1, I feel you're overreacting a tad, especially as I can't find Tabler's post on this thread. And telling a fellow brother to fuck off seems like bad form....even for an American. And the part about other's inadequacies, well, I don't see that at all. Maybe you should check yourself before you run that bulldog mouth with that chihuahua ass.:butt:

A person (that's only been here for a short time, that knows nothing of it's history of being that way for most of it's time in existence.) blaming the Admin for the "Silence" and "ruining" of this board and everyone he Admins is no fellow brother, that's all. The inadequacies comment had nothing to do with with that poster, but those type people in general. That's why there was a space between them, just like other poster's lists. I should of thrown in another one. like "My Ex can Fuck off", to have avoided that problem.

I won't be drawn on LarryO: I don't know enough about him. But I will be drawn on this post.

Tabler on another thread made a legitimate point about the lack of interaction in the discussion forum here. This response is both unfriendly and wide of the mark: I feel free to speak plainly because, my dear dls1, if you dish it out you'd better be willing to take it back.

I see a clue in your post as to why things might be so quiet on the NCF discussion forum. Rude, offensive trolls who belittle the poster because they did not like the post are an active obstacle and disincentive to worthwhile dicussions. They can fuck off.

I had no qualms with him commenting on the lack of interest. We'd all like to seem more of it. But, really is it LarryO's fault ? No, it's been that way since at least 2005. (I can't tell if it was that way going all the way back to '03 because I wasn't here then.) LarryO and Simon only recently took over the place, so how have they "ruined" the place, there is more going on now than there was. I guess they could shut down the pics and vids parts, maybe that would increase traffic in the chat dept. but more than likely it would cause the the whole place to shut down.

My point was simple, blaming LarryO (or anyone for that matter) for ruining the the forum isn't going to fix the interest level in the place, probably will turn some people off, it has me.

With all that said.... My Ex can Fuck Off.

And for the record.... dls1 can Fuck Off. (yup he, can take it as well as give it)

Have a great weekend everyone.
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somewhat respected
Staff member
Aug 25, 2005
Reaction score
Criticize the forum, forum policy or the way we manage NCF all you want, but personal attacks are against the rules. Post another attack against me, Simon, specific NCF moderators or members and it will be your last post here.

If anyone has a problem with me, explain it in a private message.


Staff Alumn
Staff Alumn
Mar 28, 2009
Reaction score
It pains me to see this thread going the way it has. I hope talking about it has helped.


the pittsburgh penguins can kiss my watertight feathered ass


Staff Alumn
Sep 15, 2006
Reaction score
I'm just glad to see dls1 back (even if it's just temporary).

That said... Cleveland Cavalliers can fuck off.


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
I had no qualms with him commenting on the lack of interest. We'd all like to seem more of it. But, really is it LarryO's fault ? No, it's been that way since at least 2005. (I can't tell if it was that way going all the way back to '03 because I wasn't here then.) LarryO and Simon only recently took over the place, so how have they "ruined" the place, there is more going on now than there was. I guess they could shut down the pics and vids parts, maybe that would increase traffic in the chat dept. but more than likely it would cause the the whole place to shut down.

My point was simple, blaming LarryO (or anyone for that matter) for ruining the the forum isn't going to fix the interest level in the place, probably will turn some people off, it has me.

Well, tabler mentioned "every forum he's been on", so maybe he's had some previous experience with him. Again, I don't know...so I can't (nor do I want to) take sides here, I just don't like to see a friend cussed out. I do appreciate your honesty in answering the post the way you did, with the explanations, and thanks for that. I have nothing against larryo, or you, or anybody here. But I do wish, along with tabs, that the discussion and bullshit forums were more active, I personally like good intercourse. Verbally, too.;)


Senior Member
Apr 11, 2010
Reaction score
The bint from Dr Who & her from countdown. I can't see what all the fuss is about.Oh and Ms Cole,anyone would asume they had talent.They can all you know what-----I await the flack.
No flack from me falcon: I rather fancy the new girl, Ms Vordeman's replacement, on Countdown, but it's still a crap program, mainly bacause in Jeff Stelling they have picked a presenter just as embarressingly talentless as the late Richard Whitely. For non-British members, this is Richard Whitely:

This is Richard's best ever contribution to UK television.

Jeff Stelling is actually a poor man's Richard Whiteley.

The new Dr Who stopped being any good when Christopher Eccleston quit. Of course, Billie Piper was always watchable...

As for Cheryl Cole, nice face, shame there's nothing behind it.