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Mouse hesitates and Audio Pops/Clicks/Skips


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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I don't have a lot of time at the moment but I do have a few thoughts. First, make sure you are taking good notes on what you are doing. So that, hopefully, you won't do the same thing twice. Good notes really pay off in the long and short term.

You made a statement early in your last post, if I understand it correctly, that the machine seems to work OK when you first turn it on and then the problems seem to appear after the machine warms up. Is that correct?

If that is correct, then I'd first look at the power supply. Go buy another one (from somewhere that you can return it if necessary) with a higher output, stick it in and see if that helps.

If that does nothing, I'd next check the RAM. Pull all the chips and then, one by one, stick a single chip in the 0 (or 1) slot (the first slot) and then reboot. See how things work. Test all of your chips in the first slot. When your pretty sure that the chips are fine and the slot is OK, then move on to slot 2, etc.; until your sure that all of the chips and slots are OK.

Also, I don't remember if this is a laptop or desktop, but if its a laptop, check on the web for the Proxim Orinoco Gold PCMCIA card. You probably can't find it locally so you'll have to order it from the web. They're a very good card with great sensitivity. I can usually lock on to something much further away from an AP than just about any other card.

If you have a desktop, check out the Netgear cards. Several years ago I went into all of the local stores and bought (and returned) virtually every card they carried. The Netgear cards were, by far, better than anything else out there at the time. You should be able to find the Netgear cards at any of the chain stores.

Hope that helps.


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Mindido. I appreciate the time that you have in helping me.

A couple things to let you know about, to maybe clear up some confusion.

I have a Desktop. (1gig mem, 180 hard drive space, 3.19 Ghz, Pent 4....,etc)

About 2 years old.

I have a 3 year warranty which ends at the end of this year.

I had already checked the memory slots and cards before and they tested fine.

I agree with you on the Power Supply issue, because I feel that it seems at times, especially recently, that not enough power is getting to the system, etc, etc. And there are times where the system feels hot, or exerting a lot of heat. Even when I do a start up and my Wireless Adapter lights don't come on, I feel that's a power supply issue, even though the Techs I spoke with on the phone, said it was a motherboard issue.....which I had the motherboard replaced....yet I still have the same issue.

So, I agree with you on possibly replacing the Power Supply.

When I start up my computer....for most of the time, it runs fine, without the pops and all that. ......It's only after a while, when the computer is running, or goes idle, or when I'm running a program, like Microsoft Word or on the net, and scrolling...or don't even have to scroll, where I would get the mouse skips and audio pops, etc, etc.

So, it's when the system is on for a long time, or running additional programs, and at times scrolling.

The Intel Application Accelerator was suppose to be installed already when I got my computer initially, to help enhance and make the programs run smooth, without problems....but it wasn't. Because it wasn't installed by the manufacturer I had to go through 3 desktops before that issue was figured out.

Since they didn't install it. I had to do it myself, with guidance from them. Later on, I had a system problem, and it could've been related to the power supply or something....but I had to have my motherboard replaced.

It wasn't till after that, that I started to notice...over time...the pops and the clicks in the audio....followed by the mouse issue. So, I'm thinking the Intel App Accelerator was damaged.

Overall....my plan for tomorrow is to ask for a new Motherboard, for which they will come out and replace it. I will ask if when they do that....if they can help me re-install the Intel Application Accelerator.

I will also ask to see if they can replace my power supply, and mention the things you mentioned.

Because again....when my system starts up and the power light doesn't come on, that has to be a an issue of no power getting to that Adapter.


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
I found this forum after googling the following.

"CPU Usage jumps to 100%"

Yes. I've got this too... damn annoying.
I've expended some time trying to find a solution... comes and goes... makes the music, movie, mouse, or anything, very choppy, etc. DPC usage doesn't need to rise above 5% in order to impede critical tasks.
My observations are just like everyone else's: ~30-40% DPC usage spikes over period of 5-10 minutes, themselves occuring at irregular intervals.

There are 20 + other posts in that thread that were similiar to this, and all of them revolve around the HARDWARE....primarily the VIDEO CARD.....which I have the same model....which is the Geforce 6800 video card.

There was something else about "DPC's"....but I don't know what that means.

I think that my video card is damaged though. Because I encounter the same exact problems as these people....to the core......

- the CPU Usage spikes to 100%
- choppy audio, mouse, etc
- happens at interval times

I thought it could've been some virus, which was causing the spike....but ran multiple spyware programs, including one called Vunmundo or something....which was suppose to pick up on a problem that was somewhat related to what I have been experiencing....but it came up with nothing.

Which leads me to believe in NO WAY....that any spyware or anything is causing it.

I think it's the hardware.....namely,....NOW.....the video card. So, I'm gonna see if I can get that replaced....as my motherboard, heatsinks, etc....will be replaced tomorrow.


Balki Bartokamus
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
this is a complete different issue
if you want to see whats causing a 100% cpu usage use Taskmanager.
Press ctrl-alt-del and a taskmanager will popup
click on "processes" , now find the tab "CPU"
click it until the numbers under it are not 00.
you can now follow whats causing your processor to "steam-up".
and find the program causing it.


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
this is a complete different issue
if you want to see whats causing a 100% cpu usage use Taskmanager.
Press ctrl-alt-del and a taskmanager will popup
click on "processes" , now find the tab "CPU"
click it until the numbers under it are not 00.
you can now follow whats causing your processor to "steam-up".
and find the program causing it.

I already knew that. That's how I found out about the CPU Usage spiking to 100%.

The only thing in the CPU numbers that is high is the System Idle Process which runs between 95 and 99. But was told that was normal. Everything else is usually at 0 or 2.....but mostly 00.

But someone told me it's my graphics card that is causing the problem. Some people who have similiar systems said that they experienced the same thing with their 6800 GeForce Graphics card.

So, I'm hoping that the replacement will end of fixing the issue.