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klementine up close 2.1 by Klementine 22 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<416MB] 1280x720 9m 56s
One of my favourite contributors, back for a second Up Close – a good day for me. And undoubtedly a good day for Klementine, as she takes her sweet, uninhibited time to unhook each button of her linen and denim ensemble, and to glide her hands caressingly all over her body, before finally settling in for that well-deserved orgasm.

del up close 2 by del 23 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<169MB] 1280x720 4m 31s
There’s so much tenderness in these moments, the kind that makes you want to melt right along with Del. I love that deep feeling, the way my body moves in empathy, the way my shoulders curl in to the image of her – heart-moving, incredibly arousing.

come and go 2 by Chambria 24 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<294MB] 1280x720 7m 27s
Between the amazing close-ups, her deep, consistent fingering technique, and that ultimate in sexy lip biting, Chambria is just really winning it today. Do you ever stop and think how lucky we are? We turn on our computers, log in, and we get to see this – I mean wow. Really. Wow.



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Schaulust 2 by Angelica_B 25 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<277MB] 1280x720 7m 27s
The fantasy of the voyeur is a requirement for the fantasy of the exhibitionist – it’s essential to believe that someone exists who wants to watch you without your knowledge. Someone wants this – to fixate on you, to remain unseen, to have all the time in the world to take you in. Someone wants this.

come down 1 by Victoria_R 26 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<381MB] 1280x720 8m 40s
Do you guys ever feel like skin looks even more amazing on IFM videos than it does in real life somehow? Maybe it’s the lights, and the neutrality of the setting – or maybe it’s just Victoria, adoring her perfect body until she just glows from within.



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sext dream 1 by Chantelle_P 27 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<256MB] 1280x720 5m 57s
I love the way sexting has infiltrated our culture – to the point where anytime you see someone casually texting, they could easily be writing or reading something downright filthy. Especially when they’re wearing those little texting smiles like Chantelle here, like a cat with the cream, so pleased at what they’re receiving.

klementine up close 2.2 by Klementine 29 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<404MB] 1280x720 9m 49s
Klementine has her arse-grabbing technique totally down – she feels herself up exactly the way I imagine a lover would touch her, squeezing and exploring and appreciating the fine forms of her own body. It’s so good I wish I had a gif of it – editors? Any takers?



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sondrine's video diary 1 by Sondrine 30 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<519MB] 1280x720 11m 24s
Sondrine arrives on the diary scene with a bit of a bang today, with her massive cast and a classic tale of woe in the mosh pit – but she’s not letting her temporary incapacity get her down. Instead, she’s getting down – every 12 hours or so, with herself. Until further notice.

3 minute mark 2 by Aria_W 31 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<334MB] 1280x720 8m 14s
I love how Aria feels herself, rubbing firmly and intentionally onto the spaces around her most erogenous zones. The textures and colours of skin on skin are hypnotizing as she moves herself closer and closer to fulfillment, using both hands to achieve that sweet pressure of anal penetration.



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VIDEO | 25 Dec 2012 Arianna Solo 2
29m 51s
Download: MP4 1024x576 769mb
Object insertions

Tanned, dark haired Arianna undresses her slim body and small, pert breasts as she jumps into the shower to play with her wet pussy and full bush.

Letting the warm water from the head of the shower flow down her body and drip off her curves she slips her fingers into her pussy and treat herself to some mid-day play!

VIDEO | 26 Dec 2012 Jessika F Solo
39m 52s
Download: MP4 1024x576 735mb

Blonde British natural beauty Jessika comes to abbywinters.com for the first time to show off her cute smile, pale skin and voluptuous body as she undresses in front of the window.

Exposing her breasts and pussy she slides her hands down over her body and through her short, trimmed pubes towards her wet pussy. Slipping a few fingers inside of herself she lays back and pleasures herself!

VIDEO | 01 Jan 2013 Ana B Solo 2
19m 5s
Download: MP4 1024x576 491mb
Tan lines

The thin white material of her thong barely covers, the outline of Ana's smooth labia pushing out from her underwear pulled taught as she moves.

Ana lets the thin bed sheets glide over her naked slim body as she stands off the bed. Falling down around her the gaps in the material reveal her tan lines, small breasts and athletic figure. Smiling, exposing her braces she slides her hand down...



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VIDEO | 02 Jan 2013 Gisela Solo
20m 11s
Download: MP4 1024x576 532mb

Beautiful blonde Gisela appears on abbywinters.com for the first time in her tight workout clothes tautly wrapping around her firm and supple physique. Her full breasts are busting out of her tight bra and top and there are some thrilling cleavage shots as she commences her workout on her fitball. Speaking of fitball, if you like watching girls workout be sure to checkout Fitball Girls and Step Aerobics Girls.

Gisela continues her workout as she slowly undresses and reveals rubs her breasts and bum against her fitball. Her round bum is delightfully firm. Her smile, light freckles and long hair look great in this introduction to abbywinters.com. Welcome Gisela.

VIDEO | 08 Jan 2013 Sasha R Solo 2
33m 24s
Download: MP4 1024x576 826mb

Looking down her arched petite body Sasha dips her fingers into her wetness, opening her mouth wide she silently shows her pleasure!

Sasha's whole body pulsates as she massages inside and out, making the pressure inside her body build. She explains her favorite thing to do is squirt, and as the orgasm draws closer you'll soon see why!

VIDEO | 15 Jan 2013 Jessi Solo 3
15m 22s
Download: MP4 1024x576 420mb
Rooftop sunbathing

Beautiful and quirky Jessi undresses her stunning slender body to reveal her tan lines, full bush and pert breasts.

Making her way outside onto the roof top she makes the most of the sun as it dips in and out of the clouds. The strong winds blow her blonde hair as she soaks up some rays!



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VIDEO | 16 Jan 2013 Melody S Solo
29m 2s
Download: MP4 1024x576 738mb

Stunning brunette Melody cuts a slender and seductive silhouette as she wakes up and moves in front of the bright window, undressing her beautiful tanned, natural body.

Peeling back the covers from her smooth shaved pussy and small breasts, she stands tall on top of her long legs. Sliding her hands over her svelte body she lets her fingers touch the soft lips of her pussy...

VIDEO | 22 Jan 2013 Inga Solo 2
34m 37s
Download: MP4 1024x576 876mb
Panty licking

Quirky, sexy Inga with her short black hair, large glasses and slim pale body undresses as she starts to feel horny reading her novel.

Exposing her large full bush of pubes she runs her hands through and twists the hair into tight little curls. Letting her fingers slide down further she starts to play with her pussy in the bright natural light coming through the window.



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VIDEO | 23 Jan 2013 Emily B Solo
31m 26s
Download: MP4 1024x576 817mb
Nude bath

Warm water flows past Emily's labia as the soap mats her dark pubic hair. Sliding her fingers under the water she reaches down her body.

Emily's slender body dips under the bath water, only her pert breasts breaking the surface, water beading off her soft nipples. Standing up her hands glide up her inner thigh.

VIDEO | 28 Jan 2013 Esmerelda Solo
20m 4s
Download: MP4 1024x576 510mb
Glasses and long socks

Peeking suggestively through her glasses she rolls her tight long socks up her legs, laying her naked body on the bed she holds eye contact.

Esmerelda lets her towel slip from her body, uncovering her small breasts and slim figure. Standing up to walk outside she exposes her shaved strip of pubic hair and smooth vulva



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Nov 30, 2019
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Name: maibal_
Duration: 3:50:30
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Format: mp4
Size: 8202.72 Mb

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HD MP4 666MB 1920x1080 `16m`55s
Filmed on 5th December 2005 before IFM was even online, this video epitomised the IFM mission and became one of the most favourited of all time. There were no porn tube sites in those days, no Only Fans, no cam sites, and young women of 19 probably didn't share their masturbation experiences with friends. So what we captured on tape were the naturally evolved masturbation techniques and responses of women who had no playbook, no influences. Pure and simple. The original release was edited to 12 minutes for bandwidth economy but now that we're all on fibre (right??) we can bring you the unxpurgated ecstasy of Nikie.



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hygge 1 by Mylah 01 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<366MB] 1280x720 7m 57s
Go on girl, indulge yourself – a wank for each wheelbarrow you fill. If this is how she rewards herself for just moving the wood, I would love to see what she gets for actually chopping it. Maybe if we’re lucky, part 2 will fulfill my curiosity…

tap dance 1 by Arabella_M 02 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<268MB] 1280x720 7m 57s
Something about the gentle way Arabella taps her own nipple is just driving me wild – it’s so repetitive and confident, just an easy body memory, a perfect un-choreographed movement. I love the way little taps can light up erogenous zones, tiny drops of feeling leading to inevitable overflow.

sext dream 2 by Chantelle_P 03 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<314MB] 1280x720 7m 30s
With every gasp and moan and barely stifled ‘oh my god’ – I get the feeling that Chantelle is delighted by her own body, surprised again and again by the amazing things it can do, the feelings she’s capable of. I love to see her get caught up in the experience, the desires of her whole being coming together into one phenomenal arc.



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mona_m up close 1 by Mona_M 04 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<303MB] 1280x720 7m 31s
“I have eaten//the plums//that were in//the icebox. and which//you were probably//saving//for breakfast. Forgive me//they were delicious//so sweet//and so cold. “ -William Carlos Williams

porcelain finish 1 by Nazz 05 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<206MB] 1280x720 4m 55s
Nazz is quickly becoming our champion upright wanker around here, showing off her considerable skills this time – slippery environment, one foot propped up on that wet porcelain tub, AND a hands-free orgasm. I’ll leave it up to you to decide whether it still qualifies as a standing wank, after that spectacular finish – but overall, this was a lens-fogging power wank which left me open-mouthed and speechless.

sondrine's video diary 2 by Sondrine 06 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<489MB] 1280x720 13m 16s
Inspired by her own body, in love with her form, Sondrine gives us space and time to linger visually, to enjoy her as she enjoys herself. Permission to love. The way she says it makes me shiver all over … “I love to wank in the mirror. I love to watch myself.”



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HD MP4 [<358MB] 1280x720 7m 40s
Feeling kind of obsessed with the belly-down masturbation technique these days. I love the necessity of her body's arch, allowing the space for her hands to flutter and push - the tension between the hovering of her hips, and the reach of her fingertips, their synchronized ease.

hygge 2 by Mylah 08 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<474MB] 1280x720 11m 29s
Well, it doesn’t look like any of that wood needed to be chopped smaller, but I can’t say I mind – I’d much rather see Mylah warm and cozy by the fire, than doing menial labour. Feeling relaxed and at ease is essential for really good orgasms – and that’s kind of what Mylah’s all about right now.

auto acceleration 1 by Rachel_G 09 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<372MB] 1280x720 8m 38s
It’s so good to watch Rachel in deep communion with her body, her head tilted back and the rest of her tense as a live wire as she rubs her clit so, so fast. Those moments are incredibly intense but totally worth it, as they cascade down into orgasm, releasing her whole body and mind into a pool of bliss.



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dakimakura 1 by Annalice 10 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<322MB] 1280x720 8m 42s
Pillow humping is such an elusive technique – it is usually learned so early, one of those things you just stumble across during the experimentation phase. We all have different methods and none of them are better than the others, but I gotta say, I wish I could come like this. It’s just so damn sexy.

mona_m up close 2 by Mona_M 11 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<283MB] 1280x720 7m 11s
Mona’s body is like a live wire, a closed loop of electric arousal and desire, escalating exponentially and she smooths layers and layers of stimulation into the mix. There’s only so much a body can take, but Mona holds out – making this experience intense for her viewers, as I hold my breath in anticipation of what surely must come.



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lingering lace by Mae_E 12 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<402MB] 1280x720 9m 8s
Mae’s lingerie makes me happy – all cream lace and elegant design – so I love that she keeps it on for so long. She moves her hands over and under the sweet fabric, just pulling her panties to the side when she needs more – before finally letting the lingerie rest by her side, as she finishes what she started.

sondrine's video diary 3 by Sondrine 13 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<167MB] 1280x720 4m 7s
Sondrine’s movements are hypnotizing, timeless, the soft sway of her body moving the camera in rhythm as she explores her body, pushing aside and lifting up bits of clothing only as it becomes necessary to her hand’s wandering desire. I could watch these opening moments on a loop, all day, aroused and at peace.



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tap dance 2 by Arabella_M 14 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<274MB] 1280x720 6m44s
There’s something special to me about debut studio shoots, when a contributor is discovering IFM for the first time. I remember for myself what a revelation it was – the peace, and the space. The imperative to prioritise one’s self and one’s pleasure. Arabella is taking full advantage, to achingly beautiful orgasmic effect.

multitask 1 by gina_cherie 15 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<301MB] 1280x720 7m19s
Gina’s joining the ranks of the standing wankers today, though it seems it’s more from necessity than a desire to challenge herself. Can she finish in the time it takes to smoke a cheeky cigarette in the back? When combining your pleasures under pressure, I recommend caution – not all of us are as cool as Gina Cherie.



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VIDEO | 30 Jan 2013 Nichole Solo 3
17m 26s
Download: MP4 1024x576 452mb
Full bush outside

Fingers pulling at her labia and brushing past her thick red full bush, Nichole lays on the hard tree, the outdoor breeze cooling her pale skin.

Walking through the long grass Nichole undresses her tall body, exposing her large breasts and all natural underarm hair. Pushing her toes into the mud of the river bank she takes a few tentative steps into the cold water.

VIDEO | 04 Feb 2013 Sabina M Solo
40m 3s
Download: MP4 1024x576 736mb
Natural bush

Sliding the arm of her glasses down her petite naked body, through her full bush and up to her hard, erect nipples Sabina explores herself.

Running her hands around her labia she exposes her dripping, natural wetness, and the more she stimulates her body the wetter! Naturally hairy she hints at her unshaven legs and armpits, walking her fingers over her body she shows off every inch.

VIDEO | 06 Feb 2013 Kimberley Solo 2
33m 50s
Download: MP4 1024x576 805mb

A cute smile and quick glance from Kimberley as she slides her hands underneath her warm, soft underwear.

Throwing back the bed covers and slipping off her clothes Kimberley slides her hand up the inside of her soft thigh, feeling her smooth skin and further up, her trimmed pubic hair and pink and silky labia.



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VIDEO | 11 Feb 2013 Lucie L Solo
36m 2s
Download: MP4 1024x576 901mb
Long hair

Squeezing and massing her full, pert breasts between her hands, Lucie slips out of her tight stockings and moves her hand down her body.

Writhing on the sofa Lucie pushes her fingers deeper inside herself, massaging and pushing deeper she tenses her body. Holding your gaze with her cute, large eyes she raises herself too an intense and intimate orgasm.

VIDEO | 13 Feb 2013 Kayla T Solo 2
28m 18s
Download: MP4 1024x576 703mb

Pubic hair escapes from the side of her lace underwear, her finger pushes against her crotch searching for her pink vulva.

Taking her glasses off she brushes them through her full bush, stimulating herself. Holding tight to her large breasts she lays back and arches up her fuller figure.

VIDEO | 18 Feb 2013 Grisel Solo
28m 3s
Download: MP4 1024x576 697mb
Natural bush

Long legs, puffy nipples, beautiful round bum and extremely kissable lips. Grisel is an exceptionally good looking girl. Her Latin American roots showcasing contrasting features of pale skin and dark eyes.

The afternoon light wraps gently across the svelte body of Grisel, her cute smile and alluring eyes are captivating. Her thick natural bush protrudes from the sides of her G string as she runs her hands across her bush and onto her clitoris before deciding to introduce a personal toy to help her masturbate.



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VIDEO | 22 Feb 2013 Misha Solo 4 Self-Shot
27m 50s
Download: MP4 1024x576 568mb
I pose nude in public

Goosebumped skin covers Misha's naked body as she feels the cold sea air against her slender body, her nipples hard in the breeze.

Undressing her large breasts Misha seeks cover not only from the wind but the prying eyes of others. Out in public her and Yale explore each others bodies, Misha's smooth shaved vagina, her long legs and untouched pale skin. Friends Misha and Yale did their self shot shoots together, filming parts of each other, in their a first ever shoot for abbywinters.com. So watch out for Yale's in the near future!

VIDEO | 25 Feb 2013 Ariel D Solo
19m 20s
Download: MP4 1024x576 513mb
Cleaning naked

Cold water cascading over her pert, large breasts Ariel's tanned skin tightens and goosebumbs.

Peeking suggestively through her thick rimmed glasses Ariel runs her hands around the rim of her shirt, lifting it and hinting at slipping it off her body. Loosening her bra she slowly reveals her large breasts and gripping them tightly she smiles as she pushes them together.
