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VIDEO | 17 Oct 2012 Lewa Solo
26m 31s
Download: MP4 1024x576 682mb

Beautiful dark skinned Lewa, undresses her slim body, large breasts and smooth shaved pussy outside as she reads her very educational sex book.

Making the most of the good weather she suns herself in the garden, first on the chair and later moving to the blanket. Loosing more and more clothes as she goes!

VIDEO | 23 Oct 2012 Kara D Solo 6 Self-Shot
42m 6s
Download: MP4 1024x576 738mb
Naked tour of my house

The beautiful blonde Australian Kara D is back on abbywinters.com with this very intimate and real self-shot set!

Giving you a sexy glimpse into her days at home she literally carries you around as she exposes her stunning slender body, pert breasts and trimmed bush of pubes as you spend some time in bed with her, in the bathroom, in the bath, and even the kitchen sink!

VIDEO | 24 Oct 2012 Alyshia Solo
21m 51s
Download: MP4 1024x576 536mb
Masturbating in shower

Beautiful Dutch, dark haired Alyshia shows of her tanned naked body as she washes and plays with the water in the shower.

Playing with her large breasts and letting the foam slip over her soft round, nipples towards her well trimmed pubes surrounding her pussy, she keeps a cute and seductive eye towards you. There may even be a little pee surprise in there as well!



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VIDEO | 30 Oct 2012 Fenna Solo 2
29m 31s
Download: MP4 1024x576 754mb
Body painting

The gorgeous Dutch Fenna undresses her amazing slim, curvy body, large breasts and pert, round bum as she paints in the warm golden glow of the sun.

Turning the paint towards her own body she uses herself as a canvas. Rubbing paint onto her nipples and over her breasts she stares seductively into the camera, enjoying expressing her sexuality.

VIDEO | 31 Oct 2012 Makayla Solo
19m 12s
Download: MP4 1024x576 487mb
Stripping at home

Brazilian beauty Makayla debuts with a gorgeous first solo as she undresses her slim, tanned body and large breasts.

Flirting with her piercing dark eyes and long curled black hair Makayla effortlessly seduces you as she moves around shedding her clothing. Holding her large breasts she wraps her long hair around her large erect nipples. We hope to see more of her soon.

VIDEO | 06 Nov 2012 Dani L Solo 2
18m 37s
Download: MP4 1024x576 507mb
Natural bush

Have you ever passed a girl in the street, exchanged eye contact and you can't help but think, "what would she look like naked?"

Exchanging a moment such as this with Dani she passes you in the park, her eye contact provokes a fantasy and you find yourself watching her undress her slim body, dark, smooth skin, full bush and large breasts. You watch as she grabs her toy and slowly inserts it into her wet pussy.

All of this in a split second, and in the time it takes you to walk past her the moments gone.



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VIDEO | 07 Nov 2012 Jessi Solo
35m 36s
Download: MP4 1024x576 856mb
Tan lines

Gorgeous blonde German babe Jessi makes her debut on abbywinters.com as she moves around her room, illuminated by the warm glow of the sun streaking through the window she undresses her tanned, slender body.

Exposing her stunning pert breasts and full bush from underneath her matching underwear. Her piercing eyes hold your gaze as she effortlessly draws you in and seduces.

VIDEO | 13 Nov 2012 Alyssa Solo 2
25m 5s
Download: MP4 1024x576 759mb

Stunning Spanish dark haired Alyssa shows us her slender, toned body as she returns for her second solo.

Wrapping herself tightly in cling film she shows of the contours of her frame, and rubbing lotion over her smooth, soft skin she lets her hands slip down towards her smooth shaved pussy where she starts to slips a finger inside...



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VIDEO | 14 Nov 2012 Liz C Solo
17m 8s
Download: MP4 1024x576 487mb

Welcome the very beautiful, slender, blonde Liz to abbywinters.com for her first solo shoot.

In the kitchen she shows off her stunning svelte body, small breasts and long legs. Undressing and moving from the work top to check out whats in the fridge you won't be able to keep your eyes off her.

And when she starts to rub lotion into her smooth taught skin, she'll have you hooked.

VIDEO | 20 Nov 2012 Yale Solo 2
32m 18s
Download: MP4 1024x576 820mb
Full bush

Beautiful and natural Yale flicks her blonde curly hair and exposes her slim, tanned body as she starts outside in the garden.

Flashing her breasts and full bush of pubes Yale gives you a cheeky, seductive smile as her fingers move down her body. Inside and now fully naked Yale moves into some stunning positions and shows every inch of her great body!



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VIDEO | 03 Apr 2023 Josie L
21m 49s
Download: MP4 4K (1.5G)
Pinching nipples

"It's so beautiful here!" sweet girl next door Josie sighs, during her picnic in the forest. As she did in each one of her two solo shoots, she's planning to get sexy in nature. But this time, she takes her abbywinters adventures to the next level, by sharing how she likes to pleasure herself outdoors. After teasing her nipples over her striped dress, Josie lowers it to cuddle her pert breasts. Stripping down to her panties, she tugs up the lacy fabric so it nestles between her labia, and enjoys the sensation with a smile. Once she's naked, the sunlight glimmers all over her alabaster complexion.

Josie opens her legs, so we can admire each loving stroke she gives her silky-smooth pussy. She takes a break to heighten her arousal by jiggling both boobs, then reaches down and plunges two fingers deep inside. Tingly pleasure floods Josie's entire body, as she tenses up with a blissful orgasm, flushing pink and quietly moaning: "Oh, yes...". Once she's returned to reality, she resumes eating lunch in the nude. "That was really relaxing!" she murmurs, gazing up with a cheeky grin at a plane passing overhead.



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HD MP4 325MB 1920x1080 `5m`55s
When we were setting up the cameras, Desi mentioned her housemates might not really love it if they knew she was doing this on the couch. Usually, nobody has to know - except when you leave a nice tell-tale clue. Desi’s solution? “I’ll just tell them the cat threw up.” Whoopsie!



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VIDEO | 20 Nov 2012 Analyn Self-Shot
31m 29s
Download: MP4 1024x576 749mb
Photographing myself naked at home

At home with the gorgeous Asian Analyn as she grabs her camera and takes you on a naked, sexy tour!

Starting up in the bedroom she picks up her little camera and treats you too some glorious self-shot images of her getting ready in the bathroom, eating her cereal and even playing with her favorite little red vibrator! All this while she shows off her slim, tanned body, full bush a pert breasts!

VIDEO | 21 Nov 2012 Irmina Solo
23m 35s
Download: MP4 1024x576 595mb

Gorgeous Irmina expresses her beautiful Polish personality and natural slender body in this, her debut shoot for abbywinters.com.

Her innocent smile and curly light brown hair give her a very cute look as she giggles her way through her shoot. Not only does Irmina show us her great body but also her talent as a violinist! Using her instrument to express herself and highlight her body this is really a great set to watch.

VIDEO | 27 Nov 2012 Klara Solo 2
38m 16s
Download: MP4 1024x576 734mb
Anal toying

Gorgeous dark haired, Dutch Klara comes back to abbywinters.com for a stunning second solo as she once again shows off her stunning slender, tanned body, pert breasts and smooth shaved pussy.

Moving into some awesome and new positions she grabs her new toy and slowly slips it into her wet pussy. She even treats herself and you to some anal play!



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VIDEO | 28 Nov 2012 Adela Solo
29m 27s
Download: MP4 1024x576 744mb
Ballerina does anal insertions

Beautiful, brunette Adela shows off her stunning petite body, tight curves and smooth shaved pussy as she slips on her ballet shoes and tutu and spends some time with herself.

Outside on the terrace Adela slides her bright blue pants to the floor and slides her finders seductively inside her. Reaching for a few more of her favorite toys she experiments with some anal play to help her further enjoy her risque time outdoors!

VIDEO | 04 Dec 2012 Karlijn Solo 3
20m 2s
Download: MP4 1024x576 539mb

Arriving home from a run, toned, tanned Karlijn decides that she isn't tired yet and begins to workout her toned stomach and pert bottom on her exercise machine.

Stripping off as she works up a sweat, she reveals her slender body and smoothly shaved pussy. Moving on to some floor work she bends and twists her body in a variety of very sexy ways!

VIDEO | 05 Dec 2012 Amy L Solo
33m 22s
Download: MP4 1024x576 841mb
Pee and anal

Amy's lace underwear barely covers her smooth shaven vulva as she studies it with her fingers and the reflections from her make-up mirror.

Her hands running down over her petite body, and under her top, expose her pert breasts. Her fingers slide deeper inside of herself as she feels the urge to experiment further with her body. The tip of her fingers now penetrating deeper into her anus her lips tense with pleasure.



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VIDEO | 11 Dec 2012 Jia Solo 3
20m 35s
Download: MP4 1024x576 537mb
Finger insertions

Stunning Asian Jia once again shows you her amazing slender, tanned body and small pert breasts as she invites you to spend some time on the bed with her.

Highlighting her beautiful slim, long legs with her knee high socks she slides her hands over her body and towards her smooth shaved pussy where she starts to play and slip a finger inside...

VIDEO | 12 Dec 2012 Greta B Solo
26m 14s
Download: MP4 1024x576 656mb

Gorgeous Greta and her stunning tanned petite body, cute smile, brunette hair and glasses debuts on abbywinters.com with this beautifully simple shoot.

Illuminated in the window she flirts effortlessly with every lingering stare, and as she undresses her small breasts and smooth shaved pussy you'll want to focus on nothing else but her!



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VIDEO | 18 Dec 2012 Evelina Solo 3
25m 17s
Download: MP4 1024x576 673mb
Natural bush

Natural and innocent looking Evelina shares some time with you as she moves around the kitchen and balcony, passing the time by having some fun with her slim body, large breasts and full bush.

Undressing her pale body she moves inside and takes off her wet clothes, sitting on the floor she brushes her hands through her full bush and starts to slowly slide a finger inside herself.

VIDEO | 19 Dec 2012 Alex K Solo
26m 8s
Download: MP4 1024x576 712mb

Beautiful Australian Alex debuts on abbywinters.com and treats us to her stunning toned and tanned athletic body.

Illuminated by the soft Amsterdam light she undresses in the window as she works out, stretches and shows you some of her boxing moves. Her cute, seductive smile is infectious, and as she reveals her small breasts, full bush and long legs you'll be knocked out!



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VIDEO | 04 Apr 2023 Scarlette
34m 31s
Download: MP4 1080p (1.42G)

Scarlette laughs with delight as she shows off her vibrantly-coloured bell bottoms, then tugs them down to uncover cotton panties covered with rainbow butterflies. Her fluffy full bush escapes from the sides, so she strips them off and puts the fabric under nose, breathing in her own sweet scent. Wearing only a tied-off T-shirt, she gazes sensually through her glasses, and runs her hands all over her soft Rubenesque figure.

After slipping out her bra with an innocent expression, Scarlette squeezes her small breasts together, then revels in sharing all of her body. She gets on all fours, to accentuate her thick booty, then rolls over and opens her legs, revealing her luxuriously hairy pussy with a bright smile. Raising her hands above her head, while massaging lotion into her boobs, she shows that her natural look extends to her fuzzy armpits. After trying on a tie-dyed tank top as a skirt, Scarlette stands in the nude, so her curves can be photographed from below.



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Kali_R Up Close 2.1 by kali_r 01 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<360MB] 1280x720 8m 5s
Kali is always a treat, and another Up Close session with her kind of feels like second Christmas, so I’m a happy hostess today. She’s quiet and subtle today, feeling herself, but those super hot, tiny little moans towards the end stack up against some of the loudest exclamations I’ve heard.

'comparative size' reissue by Ella_E 02 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<373MB] 1280x720 10m 0s
This is a fun one for me, because when it first came out I was away – off playing in the world – and so I missed out. Fortunately for me, a wild Reissue appeared, allowing me to indulge for the first time in Ella_E and her very strong toy. And with such a lovely fixed angle besides.



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SPF 1 by Leia_L 04 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<352MB] 1280x720 6m 54s
I feel so lucky to get to see Leia again, and now with some of my favourite things – yellow towels, green grass and lots of sunshine to illuminate her gorgeous glowing skin. Splayed out on the lawn, without any concern for short fences or nosy neighbours, Leia gives herself over to pure desire.

up to eleven 1 by Laura_P 05 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<297MB] 1280x720 6m 59s
For those of you who don’t know, in the good old days if you wanted the power of a Hitachi you had to wield a baseball bat sized object, and it had to be plugged into the wall. According to the power and intensity of Laura’s (very wet) orgasm, this little toy packs the same punch – in a much more convenient package. Truly, we live in magnificent times.

shade of blush 2 by Louise_R 06 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<215MB] 1280x720 5m 1s
This shot is so beautiful, and not only for the movements of Louise’s perfect bum. I adore her full-back tattoo, a pair of intricate butterfly wings unfurling from the center of her – and the design is extra beautiful as she twists and arches in pursuit of her orgasm, moving as if in flight.



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helping hands 2 by Mew 07 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<256MB] 1280x720 6m 42s
Now that Jadey has fully caught Mew’s attention, Mew needs her own release – but it looks like Jadey’s not finished yet, either. Ah, the sweetness of being a woman with a woman – the way orgasms fuel more orgasms, how Mew leaves off to concentrate on Jadey. Too good.

Kali_R Up Close 2.2 by kali_r 09 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<385MB] 1280x720 9m 11s
Mmm, it’s been a little while since I’ve seen the famous nJoy around these parts. That thing is kind of the Cadillac of sex toys - heavy and beautiful, extremely well-made – and it will take you for a ride you’ll never forget. I love how Kali draws it out, feeling every pulse and push.



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junipur's video diary 2.5 by Junipur 09 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<545MB] 1280x720 10m 42s
Junipur’s outdoor adventure style has been so fresh for me right now – like watching nature docos when you’re trapped inside, watching Junipur connects me with the beauty and freedom of her travels. The only thing missing for me was hearing her voice – fortunately, the end of the video fixed that for me.

at ease 2 by Astrid_R 10 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<257MB] 1280x720 8m 0s
Astrid's lube strategy is, in a word, sensational. I am seriously obsessed with this method. It’s genius – put enough lube on your skin to be able to dip in and get as much as you need, without handling caps and plastic tubes in the heat of the moment. It’s practical AND sexy. Super win.

SPF 2 by Leia_L 11 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<253MB] 1280x720 6m 16s
Ahhh, fences won’t protect us anymore! Now people have drones, we’ll have to start paying attention to the sky when we want to play outside – or else, just forget about it, and let them watch. Either way, Leia’s retreated – to the shade, for a bit of relief from the hot Aussie sun, and maybe out of sight of those sneaky drone cams…



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come and go 1 by Chambria 12 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<309MB] 1280x720 6m 55s
Chambria looks like she just stepped gently out of a classic art museum – was she in a painting? Or was she an exquisite sculpture? Her lines and colouring, hair and face, the senseless elegance of her motion as she sees herself through to orgasm, all conspire give me that same transcendent floating sense of beauty, otherworldly emotion.

softness of stars 1 by HollyWood 13 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<376MB] 1280x720 8m 37s
Hollywood I love you! I am a huge fan of this stunning starlet – and not in the least for her exquisite taste in literature. Unlike most reading-themed IFMs, this one features a book I’ve never heard of before, which is just par for the course when it comes to Hollywood. She’s just that cool.



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Georgia_L Up Close 2 by Georgia_L 14 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<338MB] 1280x720 8m 42s
Hair removal isn’t really my thing, but Georgia’s grooming is so on point she’s starting to inspire me otherwise. As pubic hair comes back into style, demi, or full-bush Brazilians have started to take off as a trend – and one as perfect as Georgia’s is a pretty rare.

button by button by Sarah_R 15 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<406MB] 1280x720 9m 11s
I’m melting over how long it takes Sarah to undress herself – button by button by button, as if there were no shortage of them, an abundance of buttons to linger over and lovingly slip between button holes, thousands of long, slow breaths to take, all the time in the world to feel and expand and grow and touch.



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HD MP4 345MB 1920x1080 `8m`45s
Our summer girl is back, the epitome of warmth, ease, comfort. Days of hair bleached by the sun, skin glowing, muscles totally long and relaxed without an ounce of tension in them. A little lube, that pretty pink vibe, and even as Autumn wraps itself around our streets, Gabbie is floating on sunshine.



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Del Up Close 1 by del 16 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<200MB] 1280x720 5m 4s
It’s such a joy to watch Del masturbate with that hint of her tampon string showing, knowing as I do the internal tenderness of the female body, the incredible power of blood flow during this phase of our cycles. A gentle touch transforms pain into pure sensation – and following the pace of arousal leads to mind blowing orgasms.

up to eleven 2 by Laura_P 17 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<337MB] 1280x720 7m 59s
Laura P, naked now, seems like she’s ready to get serious – which is intriguing, considering how intense her first session was. Now I’m realising that was just a warm up. Even watching her blast her nervous system with pure stimulation has mine on high alert - Laura’s the type of girl who likes it riveting, all sensations turned up to 11.

Schaulust 1 by Angelica_B 18 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<292MB] 1280x720 7m 28s
The dance between the voyeur and the observed is a delicate one – the heavylight spaces between acknowledgement, an obsession with the unsaid. The tension hinges on not knowing – like a caught breath, schrodinger’s equation - these moments are charged with the intense eroticism of secrecy.



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3 minute mark 1 by Aria_W 19 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<283MB] 1280x720 6m 40s
There’s a moment here around the 3 minute mark, when Aria takes in a quick little gasp. So subtle, but so effective – that one sharp breath just floods the whole scene with a new charge of arousal. Suddenly, her movement take on a new intensity, bringing her tumbling to the edge of her orgasm.

softness of stars 2 by HollyWood 20 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<368MB] 1280x720 8m 58s
Taking it slow, soft in the filtered sunlight, it’s good to see another side of Hollywood. I am especially loving the flowing length of her hair these days. It’s gentle and nostalgic, like Vaseline on a lens – although around here, we don’t tend to waste lube on the cameras. Anyway, Hollywood doesn’t need any special effects. Her mood and energy create the perfect picture.

helping hands 3 by Mew 21 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<216MB] 1280x720 6m 29s
Jadey’s sated for now – I love the sultry way she looks on as Mew works herself over, that deep long sustained stare which occasionally becomes eye contact for her increasingly desirous friend. A gentle touch here, a kiss on the neck – but mostly Jadey watches, witnesses and holds space.
