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Senior Member
Dec 19, 2016
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Party Frolics 86

This was yet another awesome Bar Crawl! It doesn’t take long for these girls to flash, strip and tease every guy in the place! The girl pole dancing completely naked was the best bit of the evening…but the blonde she was up against was really hot with a lovely set of boobs ...

reality, public, amateur, striptease, flashing,

File Name : PF86.mp4
File Size : 398.5 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:06:48

Download k2s.cc - PF86.zip - 398.5 MB


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Feb 25, 2011
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stonewash 1 by Sheila 01 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<329MB] 1280x720 9m 00s
I'm not sure if this goes for men as well, but most women can attest that the practical appearance of denim jeans belies their potential for great distraction. It's that seam, you see - the seam that runs between the legs, pulling at exactly the right spot to take our attention in the most critical moments, especially when the jeans are tight. Fortunately, this moment is exactly the right one for Sheila to be exploring those sensations.

binaries 4 by susie 02 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<219MB] 1280x720 6m 1s
I love the way Soufflesouffle and Susie's conversation flows. The practical chattiness at the start, the way their voices go thicker with desire as their bodies start to claim their attention, and finally, I love it when they cannot speak at all, a new conversation of feminine moans occupying the aural atmosphere - until that's finished too, and they slide easily right back into companionable comfort.



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virtuous 2 by Prudence 03 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<233MB] 1280x720 6m 36
There are some really nice visual touches here. I especially like the smile on Prudence's face, coming and going with her concentration and flares of pleasure, the flickering shadow cast by the rapid movements of her wrist as she touches herself, fast and slow, building that essential tension, and the twitches of her muscles as her body gives in to her rapid ministrations. Beautiful.

nio's video diary 1 by nio 04 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<293MB] 1280x720 8m 2s
Hot. Weird. Confronting. Scary. You have this power, Nio, a frighteningly effective form of applied empathy, leaving me unable to seperate my feelings from yours. As we move forward together into the bright and garish, soft and gutteral, into the aching sensitivity of your raw psyche, I can't help but wonder - what lurks inside you, and what I am going to do in front of these mirrors you hold up to me.



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split peach 2 by Ambra_A 05 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<298MB] 1280x720 8m 10s
Here's another fun distinction between real life and video playback. That sweet moment after Ambra A's orgasm, feeling all vicariously blissed out, when you look down at that progress bar and realize that the video is only halfway over. The implication is enough to get anyone excited - again. Do you like being secure in the knowledge of what's to come? Pun not intended.

hyaline 2 by LydiaBennett 06 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<282MB] 1280x720 7m 43s
Everyone knows that sex is best when one's partner is fully aroused, and really into it - and IFM's take on porn is that we want to see the same thing when we're getting off solo. Part of Lydia Bennet's appeal is just that - her comfort with her body and her sexuality make her growing arousal so tangible, one can't help but feel an answering urge while watching her.

frisson 1 by Devochka 07 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<319MB] 1280x720 9m 11s
The power of the subconscious mind is unquestionable when it comes to sexuality - from the memories and dreams which inform our waking fantasies, to the surges of attraction we act on without ever questioning why. Devochka, by the way she allows her consciousness to drift on the currents of her own swelling arousal, clearly knows that the best way to get what you want, is to give up on wanting it at all.



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stonewash 2 by Sheila 08 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<228MB] 1280x720 6m 14s
Once you shoot yourself naked a few times, it's not an easy habit to quit - the photographic reflection of one's own body is undeniably a turn-on, and Sheila, as one of our earliest and best contributors, clearly has the self-snap instinct well entrenched in her sexual repetoire. No complaints, but I wouldn't mind getting to see those pictures. Maybe if we cross our fingers, Sheila will come post them for us in the forum.

titian tryst 2 by AnnaBelleLee 09 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<376MB] 1280x720 10m 18s
AnnabelleLee isn't going easy on Strawberry - working over that soft flesh with a confident agression belied by Annabelle's small form. Watching the kind of sex these two are engaging in feels beyond voyeuristic, as AnnabelleLee effectively strips and pounds and bites Strawberry's defenses away - leaving her vulnerable and open, and completely at Annabelle's mercy.

possession 1 by gracie_n 10 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<205MB] 1280x720 5m 39s
Gracie's orgasm seems to come on her like a separate entity, gathering in her middle and claiming her, limb by limb, until she is fully possessed. Her movements inspire me to think of orgasms in an entirely new way - as if waves of pleasure might be gathered and waiting in spaces all around us, just waiting around for us to call them.



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Feb 25, 2011
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nio's video diary 2 by nio 11 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<314MB] 1280x720 8m 35s
Nio's bum is very, very round. She likes to touch it. Chicken wire in front of the lens makes me feel bound to the frame, forced to stare into it. Fascination. Bare skin on lube-covered lino makes fart noises due to suction. Lust. Blue-handed girls have blue-tinged cunts, and when Nio comes, she is louder than a commercial airliner. All else fades from significance.

Haecceity 2 by zosha 12 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<233MB] 1280x720 6m 22s
Zosha's evident sensitivity gives me the impression that her senses are expanded beyond the boundaries of her skin, so that each movement of her body effects her exponentially. The escalation of her breathing is powerfully evocative. With each new gasp, her level of arousal is more and more obvious, marking her progression steadily until she tips gracefully over the edge.

intima 1 by immie 13 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<138MB] 1280x720 3m 49s
Knowing her ways by now, I always anticipate Immie's orgasm, tensing for impact - the way her pleasure can rend itself violently from her body, audibly and visibly powerful. So seeing her vulnerable in front of the window, supporting her body in that half crouch, muscles trembling - well, I'm just glad she didn't smack her head, or fall back through that window glass. The things we do for thrills, eh, Immie?



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Feb 25, 2011
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bodhisattva 1 by Edie 14 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<344MB] 1280x720 9m 28s
As beautiful as Edie's contours are under the studio lights, and as hot as it is to watch her as she curls her body in tight to take even more of that deep penetration, all I can think about is how wrinkled-up her poor fingertips must be getting. Fortunately for Edie, such finicky concerns are the last thing on her mind.

Saoirse up close 2 by Saoirse 16 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<251MB] 1280x720 6m 57s
One of the best things about being a human being in a civilized world is that it's not really neccesary for us to have tough hides. Good riddance, I say. I'm all for soft limbs, peach fuzz, long lines of velvety skin moving smoothly, easily over muscle - in my opinion, skin as beautiful as Saoirse's is worth the physical vulnerability. It's nice to be at the top of the food chain.

fair play 1 by Frannie 15 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<237MB] 1280x720 9m 7s
When you're as talented a smut-maker as our lovely Frannie, here, it's important to turn the cameras on yourself, once in awhile - if only to know what it's like on that side of the lens. But I suspect Frannie has another motivation for this little morning sesh. If she's anything like me, there's only one way to make sure she can stay professional during those long days of shooting - and it ain't banana pancakes.



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Feb 25, 2011
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possession 2 by gracie_n 17 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<251MB] 1280x720 7m 43s
Gracie's moans and sighs of contentment have a way of inspiring pure empathy, a deep gladness to see another lady feeling so damn good. She makes it clear that she's not in any hurry to finish herself off, which is great - great for Gracie, and pretty nice for anyone watching her, too.

claire_r's video diary 13 by Claire_R 18 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<349MB] 1280x720 9m 32s
It's probably 4'oclock.. maybe 5.. on Sunday. The 14th of January. Listening to Claire R brings back so many emotions of that year, of her, and of our friendship in those times. Recovering and finding old footage is always a joy, especially at IFM, but these lost and found gigabytes of Claire R's diary have special significance to me, digital reminders of this beautiful woman I was so lucky to know.

frisson 2 by Devochka 19 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<392MB] 1280x720 11m 30
Any fan of tits - which is basically everyone - will find a fellow afficianado in Devochka. By the way she worships her own beautiful breasts, it's clear that her care extends beyond a simple desire for momentary pleasure. Watching her touch herself I have a feeling that she's checking in with them, as she would any friend... which reminds me to take a break, and make sure mine are doing ok, too.



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Feb 25, 2011
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arch 2 by Angelina_Dee 20 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<151MB] 1280x720 4m 9s
The way Angelina Dee flows into her orgasm here is just really lovely, something warm and fluid. The energy which preceeds climax generally tends to be harsh and pointed, culminating with a steep drop, but not so for Angelina. She just arches lightly, tips her head back, and gracefully descends into a metaphorical pool of pleasure, gathered by her own gentle efforts. Beautiful.

penetrate 1 by lillith 21 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<288MB] 1280x720 7m 53s
Lillith moves through the depths of herself like a restless sleeper, tossing and turning through to ever more intense experiences as she opens herself up to vulnerability, body and mind. Proceeding slowly and carefully, peeling away layers of the protections maintained during the bright and busy daytime, Lillith goes deeply, allowing us to be present throughout.

claire_r's video diary 14 by Claire_R 21 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<122MB] 1280x720 3m 22s
This is a loose end, another little lost and found bit of Claire R, smoking and singing and dreaming into the camera. She spent a lot of time there in her box, surrounded by paper and trees, grass and mosquitos. She cut windows into her little space, made furniture - made love to herself, and thought about things. Doesn't it make you wish you had a little box to escape into?



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Feb 25, 2011
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fair play 2 by Frannie 22 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<167MB] 1280x720 7m 42s
I'll have to try that trick with the tank top sometime. Frannie is sure to be another one of those ladies who suffer from having only two hands - it's really a shame, not to be able to hit all the sensitive spots at the same time. Especially at the point that Frannie gets to around the 5 minute mark, when each one of those bits suddenly start to beg fiercely for attention. I suppose it's for the best, really. Otherwise, we might never leave our own bedrooms.

titian tryst 3 by AnnaBelleLee 23 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<192MB] 1280x720 5m 16s
Hey folks, just a talk update, no orgasms, nothing much to see here. Except possibly one of THE hottest conversations I have ever heard whispered into my red, blushing little ears, words spoken sensuously, confidently to each other by two of the most gorgeous redheads I know, who just happen to be stark naked, sprawled out in the rosy afterglow of their intense orgasms, while they gently, casually touch themselves... yep. Just a chat session.



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contractions 1 by lollee 24 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<272MB] 1280x720 7m 28s
Oooh, Lollee's got a Lelo - one of the world's highest quality sex toys, promising the most stellar orgasms that money can buy. Of course, even the nicest sex toys won't do much for a body that's not prepared to let go, but it's clear that Lollee's done her part - open and ready, Lollee's engaged in just the right way to get the maximum pleasure that her Lelo can offer. All that's left now is to lay back and enjoy.

nio's video diary 4 by nio 25 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<383MB] 1280x720 10m 29s
Left among the growths and the flutters, I ache to know - what is there, inside? In between her legs, Nio's art bristles, a thing with teeth, ravaging her body and taking her audience only to leave us needing. Confused and aroused, horrified and curious, we are left to understand that the things she has brought forward, maybe better left in dreams, are awakened now forever. Good luck with that.



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bodhisattva 2 by Edie 26 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<347MB] 1280x720 9m 30s
Languid now after the efforts of her first orgasm, Edie's beauty takes on an even more sensual attitude - though I wouldn't have thought it possible. That drowsy sensuality, however, soon gives way to the contortions and tensions of a body intent on its goal, impressing me with the intensity with which she pursues her climax. Watching Edie is pure delight. I hope to see her again around here.

intima 2 by immie 27 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<151MB] 1280x720 4m 8s
The continuity here is an excellent pull from part one to part two, bringing us back to Immie as she lays on the floor just under the window, still shuddering in the wake of her first orgasm, Now that there's no need to support her body, Immie's muscles are free to engage fully in her orgasmic experience - and as Immie's fans know, those muscles, along with her vocal chords, have their work cut out for them.



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good onya 1 by Ela 28 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<251MB] 1280x720 6m 53s
Ela's gasps and squeals of pleasure just fill me with delight, kind of like watching someone have a whole lot of fun on a trampoline or at an amusement park or something. I don't know if it's my personality or just because it's my job, but I really do find it strange that one kind of fun is taboo, while the other is totally acceptable. All I'm saying is, the world would be a better place if more people got to see Ela's orgasms.

constant reader 1 by Bette_E 29 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<238MB] 1280x720 6m 58s
I'm a little frustrated on Bette E's part around the 2:15 mark, when she's forced to put down her stimulating reading material in order to use both of her hands to good effect. That's just not fair - Bette E deserves to have her cake and eat it too. If I was in charge every piece of written porn would have a text to speech feature for exactly this kind of situation.

titian tryst 4 by AnnaBelleLee 30 Apr 2013
HD MP4 [<253MB] 1280x720 6m 56s
Comparing notes on fantasies has left Strawberry and Annabellelee in an understandably agitated state, and the more turned on they get, the easier it becomes to let the dirty talk flow. Hands clasped, they open their minds and their bodies to each other, each one urging each one into the shared space of their mutual desires... where they come together finally, climaxing intensely, fulfilling and fulfilled.



Senior Member
Dec 19, 2016
Reaction score

Party Frolics 86

This was yet another awesome Bar Crawl! It doesn’t take long for these girls to flash, strip and tease every guy in the place! The girl pole dancing completely naked was the best bit of the evening…but the blonde she was up against was really hot with a lovely set of boobs ...

reality, public, amateur, striptease, flashing,

File Name : PF86.mp4
File Size : 398.5 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:06:48

Download k2s.cc - PF86.zip - 398.5 MB


Senior Member
Dec 19, 2016
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Party Frolics 85

Now this was a night to remember! It started with lots of hot girls teasing the guys, but then the Wet T-Shirt Competition kicked off and WOW! The girls battled it out during the rounds, then the final was between a blonde and a brunette - and it was a fierce competition! There can only be one winner though…so watch and find out

reality, public, amateur, striptease, flashing,

File Name : PF85.mp4
File Size : 533.3 MB
Resolution : 3840x2160
Duration : 00:09:07

Download k2s.cc - PF85.zip - 533.3 MB


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Feb 25, 2011
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VIDEO | 22 Jun 2010 Viola
13m 6s
Download: MP4 1024x576 342mb
Naked outdoors

Garbed in a knee length, grey skirt and fitted, stripy top, the things hot as hell and insanely bewitching Viola is hiding beneath will definitely be creating a stir in your pants. Knee high socks, lacey panties and a velvet smooth curvy figure...

VIDEO | 23 Jun 2010 Leona
15m 30s
Download: MP4 1024x576 392mb

A woman of many talents... Including juggling! This is a no frills shoot in the right kind of way. A beautiful young model, in a simplistic setting so all the focus is on her and her tasty attributes. Large breast, with big pink areola a never been touched mass of pubic hair.

Leona is just one more reason why abbywinters.com does it best!



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VIDEO | 25 Jun 2010 Gita
8m 52s
Download: MP4 1024x576 252mb

Follow Gita, our oriental Alice in Wonderland down the rabbit hole as she spreads her delicious hairy lips apart in the most fantastical of settings. Her hot pink dress, polka dot shoes and heavy rimmed glasses are eye catching lures to what lies beneath.

VIDEO | 26 Jun 2010 Ravenna
8m 25s
Download: MP4 1024x576 217mb

Natural light streams in to backlight this classic cocoa coloured beauty.

A genuine smile and full pink lips will get you going as she cheekily slides out of her denim shorts unveiling perfectly see-through cream lace panties, with Ravenna's mouth watering goodness just visible beneath until all is revealed.

VIDEO | 28 Jun 2010 Emily T
11m 59s
Download: MP4 1024x576 349mb
Emily T

Stunning, stunning, stunning! Fair skin and beautifully natural, long blonde hair (upstairs and downstairs), is contrasted delightfully against summery green grass.

Pulling her hairy lips apart her fingers disappear deep inside her yummy pink pussy. Getting herself too hot to handle, Emily turns on the sprinkler and gets dripping wet all over...



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Feb 25, 2011
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VIDEO | 30 Jun 2010 Blaise
9m 26s
Download: MP4 1024x576 233mb
Meaty lips

If the old adage is true that some girls could look good dressed in a paper bag, then new model Blaise if definitely one of those girls! Clad in an oversized shirt and form fitting shorts, what she slowly but surely reveals beneath is a very pleasing sight indeed.

Flawless skin from head to toe and gorgeous brown locks that frame a glowing face and genuine smile, you'll be entranced by her top to toe perfection.

VIDEO | 02 Jul 2010 Janie
10m 24s
Download: MP4 1024x576 283mb

A sheer delight, with her long sun kissed hair and all over golden tan, Janie returns to grace us with her mouth-watering presence once again.

VIDEO | 03 Jul 2010 Adelaide
8m 40s
Download: MP4 1024x576 214mb
Tan lines

Prepare to have your socks completely knocked off folks!

This totally adorable Brit has one of the most unbelievable bodies you're likely to come across! New model Adelaide is curvy in all the right places, has smooth skin plump with youth and a face like a nymph. You are going to fall hard for this one!



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Feb 25, 2011
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VIDEO | 05 Jul 2010 Renata
16m 31s
Download: MP4 1024x576 418mb

An exotic, full lipped delight, new model Renata is enticing from head to toe. To say the least! Stunning dark eyes that draw you in and seem to say "come to me". Her long dark hair falls gently over her shoulders to frame her beautiful face and rests softly on her smooth cocoa skin.

She's a tasty treat you just have to try!

VIDEO | 06 Jul 2010 Harper
10m 30s
Download: MP4 1024x576 279mb
Meaty lips

Harper is back to treat you to more of her all Abby perfection and I'm sure everyone out there is glad to see her back! Fun, natural and animated she is always a delight to watch.

VIDEO | 07 Jul 2010 Erna
17m 6s
Download: MP4 1024x576 410mb

Fresh faced Erna plays around in her colorful home-made tights, with an extremely short skirt (also home-made) this dread-locked and freckled beauty is extremely flexible.

She shows her cheeky grin, playful demeanor and pert bum in this shoot.



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VIDEO | 09 Jul 2010 Laila
18m 56s
Download: MP4 1024x576 461mb

She's cute, sassy, has a dappling of adorable freckles across her face and best of all is available from every angle in her latest abbywinters.com shoot!

Spread out on her floorboards with a mirror to catch her reflection you'll be wishing you could taste the lips of her perfect, neat pussy as she slides her vibrator gently inside.

VIDEO | 10 Jul 2010 Rebecca T
11m 6s
Download: MP4 1024x576 263mb
Rebecca T

Sexy cropped hair, creamy pale skin and delicious plump lips are just a small part of what makes Rebecca so gorgeous.

As sunlight falls gently across her body, kissing her hair with golden rays, her red dress slips off her shoulders and allows her small pert breasts to peek out from the low neckline.

VIDEO | 12 Jul 2010 Melissa T
17m 19s
Download: MP4 1024x576 445mb
Melissa T

New model Melissa is a happy go lucky, all Australian blonde. Her gorgeous lean figure is lightly dappled with freckles, her skin is silky smooth and her pink bits are barely visible beneath a delicious layer of thick, blonde pubic hair.

Crawling around her couch in a tight denim skirt, enjoy the show as she exposes her most sexual side.
