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VIDEO | 17 May 2010 Nadya
14m 26s
Download: MP4 1024x576 365mb
Finger insertions

Bathed in soft golden light that warms her supple young skin, new model Nadya will undress and reveal herself to you...

Her tight cotton shorts grip her arse cheeks and her unique floral bra hide small, pert breasts with little pink nipples that harden as she spreads her legs....

VIDEO | 18 May 2010 Kara D
18m 46s
Download: MP4 1024x576 449mb
Kara D

An incredibly sexual being, young Kara has that soft purity of an angel but then a shake of her hips and that sexy glint in her eye alert you to her tasty side...

Kara loves to get naughty and naked and today she's inviting you to watch as she strips down to her creamy bareness... Yum!



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VIDEO | 19 May 2010 Leiko
14m 52s
Download: MP4 1024x576 362mb
Pert breasts

With cutoff jeans and a red bra visible through her white singlet, Leiko looks good enough to eat!

Stripping off her clothes under the shade of a tree, Leiko shows off every sexy curve for your viewing pleasure - including her cute tuft of public hair and firm, hardened nipples.

VIDEO | 21 May 2010 Tinsley
22m 45s
Download: MP4 1024x576 543mb

With gorgeous hazel eyes and dyed red hair, this salacious Aussie babe is in the mood for some self-loving!

Peeling off her white dress, she massages her juicy breasts while exploring her damp pussy with her slim white vibrating toy.

This toy was generously donated by LoveCouple - find out how you too can be the giver of much orgasmic pleasure!



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VIDEO | 24 Jan 2023 Paulina D
45m 36s
Download: MP4 1080p (1.9G)
Hairy pussy

With her hands on her hips, long-haired Paulina shows off her sheer pink top, with her bra visible underneath. Once she unclasps it, her nipples poke through the shirt, so she takes it off and covers her bare chest with her brunette locks. Paulina peels off her skintight leggings, leaving her clad only in her thong. Then she gently squeezes one of her lush breasts, while braiding her hair.

Dropping her panties around her ankle, Paulina's soulful dark eyes glimmer as she brushes the dark curls decorating her vulva. She giggles while placing colourful sticky notes on her boobs, bum, and hairy armpits, then stands up so she can be photographed from below. After getting on all fours with her hips in the air, she puts her bare feet over her head and opens her legs. Casting a seductive smile into the camera, Paulina uses her fingers to spread her labia wide apart, giving us an intimate view of her glistening pink pussy.



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HD MP4 349MB 1920x1080 8m`45s
Long and lean, Esther flows over the studio bed like a river, like a skein of silk. All things movement, all things ease - her pleasure comes to her slow and steady, with little circles of her elegant hand, spinning faster and faster until she’s likely to float right off the bed.



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animalia 2 by Cleo_P 01 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<295MB] 1280x720 8m 4s
Those moments post orgasm when you've got nothing to do but just have another one - so good. Your limbs suffused with that gorgeous languid energy, eager to move, but only slowly. A body immersed in sensory pleasure isn't inclined to be in much of a rush... although, eventually, Cleo P will have to insist.

chickabiddy 2 by sequoia 02 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<126MB] 1280x720 3m 29s
Sequoia's rushes of sensory escalation are written so clearly on her face and in the increasing tensions of her body. I think that's part of what keeps drawing me back to her, and her work, in all spheres - a transparency of emotion that allows empathy, a depth of relating which banishes any silly illusions of individuality.



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daisuki 1 by Momo_Chan 03 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<349MB] 1280x720 9m 33s
What a long-awaited debut yours has been, Momo-chan. We've been seeing a lot of this stunning creature around the office lately, and she fits right in with all the Feck-folks like strawberries on shortcake. There's nothing quite like a gorgeous, intelligent new friend - especially one who comes out with a video like this. Oh my.

outline 1 by Elka 04 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<216MB] 1280x720 5m 56s
Contrary to general expectations, folks, I do try not to perve over contributors - boundaries and all that, you know. But can I just say, when I see shapes like Elka's I just want to shout bravo! To nature, for an awesome sense of structure, to Elka, for imbuing that structure with life and passion, and making of herself someone truly beautiful.



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shanna up close 1 by shanna 05 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<183MB] 1280x720 5m 26s
Wanking around a big, beautiful baby bump surely can't be the easiest thing - but if anyone is capable of impressive feats of masturbation, it's Shanna, who has demonstrated her extra-ordinary orgasmic abilities more than a few times around here. Athletic, sensual, and radiant, Shanna's climbs higher on my list of inspiring women with every new video.

the jellybean challenge 6 by Taliah_M 06 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<417MB] 1280x720 11m 25s
Yeah, you read right - Taliah's run through two hundred gigs of digital memory, and drained 8 hefty professional batteries, in her quest to find her orgasmic limits. Will she even wear herself out, at this point? Or will she run our flimsy equipment to the ground, first? I'm not sure, but my money's on Taliah - cool and collected, she'll rise up at the end with her body humming, a smoking rubble of electronics lying defeated in her wake.

gala's video diary 2.4 by gala 07 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<324MB] 1280x720 8m 58s
So many people touch themselves like starving people eating crackers at a feast. They float away from their skin after, still hungry. Gala eats her fill. When is the last time I felt the weight of my own teeth? Don't wonder what I mean - Gala will demonstrate. Oh yes. She will.



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schematomancy 2 by hyperballad 08 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<255MB] 1280x720 7m 26s
Hyperballad's practiced skill with this magic wand of hers indicates a certain level of obsession. Next week it's bound to be something new - a new technique, a new philosophy - that's she's just as excited to try out and share. Hyperballad just wants everyone to feel good, really really good, and she's smart enough to know that all that shared pleasure starts right here, with Hyperballad herself.

breakwater 1 by Lindsay 09 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<215MB] 1280x720 5m 57s
Lindsay's return has been one of the most anticipated releases in IFM history, thanks to a teaser in the latest Free Showreel. A cloudy day at the beach has some advantages - the chance to lie there for hours, enjoying the warm breeze and consolidating the tan without risking sunburn; some peace and privacy without the joggers, the kids and the surfers. The perfect opportunity to indulge in the primal pleasure of open-space orgasm.

dishabille 1 by Ivanka 10 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<134MB] 1280x720 3m 43s
The continuous suggestivity of sound here had me so distracted that I couldn't take Ivanka in visually until the 4th or 5th time I watched this - the first few times I just had to sit and listen, my headphones clasped to my ears, luxuriating in those subtle aural textures of rumpled fabric and shallow breaths.



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incredulous 1 by Lyla 11 Feb 2013
MP4 1280x720 278mb 7m 37s
The look of amazement in Lyla's eyes when she first slips her fingers into herself is priceless, almost as if she can't believe that anything could feel this good. As Lyla surprises herself further with the extent of her body's pleasure response, that impression of incredulity extends to her viewers, leaving me feeling like I've witnessed something entirely new.

MP4 1280x720 374mb 10m 15s
The gendered implication of the clothing worn by Susie and Souffle is seriously erotic to me, the contrast of Susie's long pants and Souffle's pretty little sundress... visually providing these metaphorical roles for them, to engage with and discard at their pleasure. Hot.

MP4 1280x720 180mb 4m 56s
My dirty mind can't help imagining what it would be like to stumble across Lindsay on the beach that day, in flagrante delicto. There's a sort of surfer-girl beauty to Lindsay's long, limber frame, making every moment of this film even more gorgeous for the way Lindsay just seems to belong to the beach... or maybe, it's the other way around.



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gala's video diary 2.5 by gala 14 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<349MB] 9m 33s 1280x720
Yes, this. I love to watch her shift gears, the smooth transition between stunning intellect and ready cunt. Watching her talk herself down, deep into her body, until she's soft and needy with arousal - and in this entry, the whole process on display. All aspects of self awaiting attention, at her beck and call... A happy Valentine's Day indeed.

daisuki 2 by Momo_Chan 15 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<386MB] 10m 33s 1280x720
It's fascinating to watch Momo-chan masturbate left-handed. Right-handed folk dominate the numbers in the world at large, and so too here at IFM - when was our last lefty contribution, anyway? Fortunately, we're hardly sinistrophobic. And if we were, Momo-chan would be the ultimate treatment to cure us.

chickabiddy 3 by sequoia 16 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<131MB] 3m 38s 1280x720
I love to watch Sequoia like this, stretched out in a field, luxuriating in the sensation of her own body and the physical presence of the earth around her. There's just a goodness to all of it that I find soothing, like at the end of a long day when all the things that need to be done are done. When Sequoia's in her right place, the whole world can rest.



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coquetry 1 by Erato 17 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<282MB] 1200x720 7m 51s
Bless these Melbourne girls, with their floral prints and brunette fringes. I just feel inspired by Erato for a sec, to declare my love for this aesthetic and all the women that wear it, who ride bicycles and read books all over this town in summer. I love them. Erato, I don't know about whether you're inclined towards books and bikes - but for now, I'm just gonna go ahead and imagine you are.

bristle 1 by Delilee 18 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<218MB] 1200x720 00.05.59
I'm a total sucker for a girl with good oral hygeine - there's something about the aesthetic of someone brushing their teeth that just really does it for me. It's the way they look themselves in the eyes in the mirrow, their mouths wide open... toothbrushing, I wager, is undeniably sexual. And now that I've further associated it with this video, I think I'm well on my way to a little fetish.

shanna up close 2 by shanna 19 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<173MB] 4m 59s 1280x720
We use masturbation in so many different ways - for sexual gratification, to help us sleep, to treat and comfort ourselves. Bodies, minds and hearts are linked inextricably, and the relief which occurs naturally via orgasm makes it one of our most essential tools for effective maintenance of our emotional bodies. Whether she does so consciously or not, Shanna is taking care of herself. Observing the tenderness with which she does so has a powerful effect on me.



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incredulous 2 by Lyla 20 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<172MB] 1200x720 00.04.44
It's sad that people throw away their lives, money, and youth on trying to be something other than what they are. The more I watch Lyla, the more I have this sense that the most alluring thing a human can do is just let themselves be affected, visibly affected. Lyla holds nothing back, and it is stunning to watch.

Gala's video diary 2.6 by gala 21 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<129MB] 1200x720 00.03.44
Is it just me, or is Gala's sexiness outrageously exponential? It's like she's wearing some kind of sexual aura, that grows and grows... like the more you look the more you see, like a fractal... oh for fuck's sake. I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore. Gala, you're hot, okay? Really hot. Ps. You've totally got a l'origine du monde thing going on in this one.

hilarity 1 by Gatita_Loca 24 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<303MB] 1200x720 8m 18s
As a thousand tiny strokes on a pale canvas come together to form an image, so too do all these small caresses add up to something larger than the sum of their parts. Bit by bit and ever so gently, Gatita Loca treats herself, her efforts cumulating in one of the best genuine responses to orgasm I've seen here at IFM.



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outline 2 by Elka 25 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<292MB] 1200x720 00.07.59
Often with bodies, what occurs on the surface is a sort of metaphor for what's going on inside, the movement of thought and emotion and the jumble of quickening arousal. When I see Elka reach so deeply into her physical self, I wonder what depths she's exploring in her own mind - the fantasies pressed away between layers of self, to be accessed only when she is at her most open.

Waltz Op. 40 1 by Temptation 23 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<267MB] 1280x720 7m 19s
Temptation's really living up to her name here, offering up a voyeur's dream view - a woman touching herself slowly, exploring, glimpsed through the gaps of wooden boards. The experience for both viewer and subject is erotically charged, intense and romantic. As the rain falls, Temptation too slips to the floor, breathing hard and sated.



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binaries 2 by susie 26 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<206MB] 1280x720 5m 40s
Stripped of their clothing, Susie and Souflesoufle begin to merge into a coupling which transcends gender roles, getting right down to the good bits. When you're distracted by pure arousal, suddenly nothing matters except that excitement, pulsing through body and mind.... and the person who's making it happen for you. After that, their gender only serves to further enhance the experience.

hilarity 2 by Gatita_Loca 27 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<228MB] 1280x720 6m 15s
This time I'm ready, and looking forward to it - the way that those helpless giggles well up in Gatita Loca's chest, even as her pleasure bubbles and spills over into orgasm. I feel like this is usually a thoughtful process, this watching and writing. Serious and respectful, honest and honored. But once in a while, it's good to have a little laugh - so thanks for this one, Gatita!

gala's video diary 8 by gala 28 Feb 2013
HD MP4 [<320MB] 1280x720 10m 1s
Sometimes watching Gala masturbate makes me feel like I'm drowning - except without all the pain and dying and the urgent need to breathe. It's like I'm drowning and finding out I don't need to breathe after all, only stay - tilt and shift, watch and relate, think and feel. That same sense of timelessness leaves me disoriented when the video is over. Coming up for air just seems weirdly unnecessary.



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focus in 2 by Kimba 09 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<259MB] 1280x720 6m 42s
Kimba's focus rests deep inside her own body, eschewing any consciousness of space and time. That kind of deep attention pays off, as she immerses herself in every single sensation conjured up by her own movements, simultaneously conscious and unconscious, left at the mercy of her patiently manifested arousal.

Last edited:


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Dec 19, 2016
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Sexy Shoot 18 (Part 2)

In Part 2, Emma strips outside and then masturbates in the back of the car…starting with fingers and then onto a dildo - lots of good angles, close-ups and spreading in this one! Don’t you just love how much of a bad girl Emma is?! Enjoy!

public, amateur, nudist, blonde, masturbation, outdoor,

File Name : SS18-2.mp4
File Size : 858.9 MB
Resolution : 3840x2160
Duration : 00:14:06

Download k2s.cc - SS18-2.zip - 858.9 MB


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HD MP4 494MB 1920x1080 12m`25s
IFM's Problem Solving Committee had a whole master plan when it came to our darling Tilly, but it didn't seem to pan out. Perhaps without her friends, she just lost interest... but fortunately, we were able to restore this epic solo vid, for all your Tilly viewing pleasure. And there is a lot of it.



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Dec 19, 2016
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Sexy Shoot 18 (Part 1)

Here’s another BRAND NEW girl! We genuinely met Emma in a local pub as we overheard her speaking to her Tinder date about how she had a fantasy about getting naughty in public - we couldn’t believe what we were hearing, so luckily when he left first, it gave us a chance to speak to Emma about shooting for us...she agreed and said she’d be well up for it :) In Part 1, this all natural curvy blonde certainly does get naked and naughty in public! Watch her strip, dance, do some stretches, flash a passing train and then take a huge piss - all in public! I think we got to see more than her Tinder date ever did lol!

public, amateur, nudist, blonde, masturbation, outdoor,

File Name : SS18-1.mp4
File Size : 658 MB
Resolution : 3840x2160
Duration : 00:10:58

Download k2s.cc - SS18-1.zip - 658 MB


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VIDEO | 22 May 2010 Kamila
13m 3s
Download: MP4 1024x576 309mb

Kamila looks very tempting in her blue top and green skirt, which she cheekily pulls up to show you her cute, pink underwear.

With her gorgeous smile and long dark hair, Kamila might look innocent, but we all know the innocent ones are often the naughtiest!

VIDEO | 24 May 2010 Kylie H
23m 43s
Download: MP4 1024x576 571mb
Small breasts

Kylie peeks at you over her black-rimmed glasses. She's lying playfully on her bed, her t-shirt rolled up to show off her pink bra and spotted undies.

This Aussie babe could be the girl next door or the girl you went to school with, but she's definitely the sort of girl you'll be fantasising about for the next month - guaranteed.

VIDEO | 25 May 2010 Rachel S
13m 20s
Download: MP4 1024x576 318mb
Rachel S

Rachel recounts a sexy story or two, revealing her penchant for public sex, before getting a frisky and ... as you do ... naked.

But the stories don't stop there! In fact, Rachel continues to express her fantasies as she plays with her hair, her tender breasts and her delicious pink bits.



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VIDEO | 28 May 2010 Gilian
16m 54s
Download: MP4 1024x576 435mb

An absolute angel, Gilian is the quintessential abby model - healthy, vibrant, confidant and in love with life!

Staff at AWHQ all seem to go a bit gooey whenever she's around and this shoot is a stunning example of her radiant beauty. Enjoy...

VIDEO | 29 May 2010 Courtney M
7m 19s
Download: MP4 1024x576 203mb

Huge eyes, long lashes, slim figure, pert boobs - the list goes on!

New model Courtney is naturally sexy chocolate flavoured fun! Her classy laid back cool is very appealing, and as she slowly undresses she reveals her gorgeous figure to boner-inducing effect!

VIDEO | 31 May 2010 Kasey F
19m 42s
Download: MP4 1024x576 487mb
Tan lines

If you like bums you're in for a treat today because Kasey has a fine one and this shoot shows it off to perfection!

Round, pert buns with high cut grey cotton briefs so her sexy arse cheeks are peeking out, plus tan lines, plus long blonde hair, big blue eyes and a sweet smile - this young thing will drive you nuts!
