catherine's video diary 5 by Catherine 01 Feb 2018
HD MP4 [<304MB] 1280x720 8m17s
Catherine’s frank dialogues are so relatable and straightforward that the eroticism sort of takes me by surprise, so woven into the experience of listening to her that I hardly even realise how turned on I’m getting – and then she’ll pause in a certain way, and it will all flood in. But it’s not long before she’s changing the subject, talking about food, and then, back to sex, and on and on in this way as she undresses – the ultimate effect so unique to her, and so enjoyable to indulge in.
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attentive 2 by Annie_T 02 Feb 2018
HD MP4 [<214MB] 1280x720 8m17s
These first few moments with Annie here give me an unshakable impression of Aphrodite as depicted by Botticelli – hair adrift around her like a halo, thousands of threads arrayed all along the colour spectrum of golds and warm browns, glinting with light, her face in the centre, the classically beautiful planes of her face, ethereal peace. Aphrodite, as the camera pulls out, gently rubbing her nipples, sighing with anticipatory pleasure.
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