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VIDEO | 07 Jan 2009 Amanda R
14m 5s
Download: MP4 1024x576 391mb
Meaty lips

Amanda is a blue-eyed Aussie sweetheart. Her long waves of natural light brown hair fall about her freckle-smattered breasts as she slowly peels off her clothes. Her fun loving nature is reflected in her wide bright smile and gorgeous dimpled cheeks - don't miss Amanda's very first nude blush!

VIDEO | 08 Jan 2009 Annalisa
20m 7s
Download: MP4 1024x576 382mb

Annalisa's large blue eyes seduce and her bee-stung lips look soo kissable! She's wearing the most incredible coral coloured lace bra and her panties are the cute Brazilian style that hug and curve around her perfect arse- almost disappearing as it presses close to her increasingly aroused pussy...



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VIDEO | 10 Jan 2009 Jenny-Lee
13m 17s
Download: MP4 1024x576 362mb

OMG! Jenny-Lee is pure Aussie honey on legs! She's been brightening the forums with her quick wit and flirty charm, now get to see what all the fuss is about with her solo photoset today! Caught in the first blossoms of spring, she dances, twirls and fires sneaky, sassy looks at you...such a tease!

VIDEO | 12 Jan 2009 Jana
23m 48s
Download: MP4 1024x576 604 mb

Jana's legs are out of this world, long like a gazelle and suggestively flexible. Her first photo set for abbywinters.com is moody and seductive, deep ochres and caramels really highlight her smouldering beauty and passionate personality...it gets even hotter under the collar when she introduces her toy donated from the Dildo drive!



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VIDEO | 14 Jan 2009 Roxy
18m 3s
Download: MP4 1024x576 497mb
Pale pink nipples

The only thing better than one pussy is two right? New model Roxy had some company for her very first shoot, her little pal was just as cheeky and playful as Roxy herself! Some lounging around in the backyard and a slow, sensual reveal of beautiful bare skin are all in a day's work for this vivacious, lively young Aussie!

VIDEO | 15 Jan 2009 Keira
9m 58s
Download: MP4 1024x576 214mb

Keira is super petite with a tight, firm little body. She looks good enough to eat in this pair of coral coloured knickers and her famously large and every so deliciously puffy nipples peek through the lace of her cream knit mini dress. She pulls and teases at her cotton panties before sliding them down and spreading her legs...



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VIDEO | 17 Jan 2009 Leah
14m 5s
Download: MP4 1024x576 294mb

Healthy, happy and bursting with sexual energy, Leah glows in this brightly lit photo set today! Her caramel skin is smooth and satiny and her mane of glossy black hair tumbles down her back in sexy bedroom waves. She slowly undresses, peeling away her dress and sliding off her panties before showing off all her naughty bits!

VIDEO | 19 Jan 2009 Gemma T
33m 12s
Download: MP4 1024x576 810mb
Gemma T

Introducing Gemma! She's Cleo's very breastest buddy and when she heard about all the fun Cleo was having she just had to join in! Her cheeky photo shoot today is packed with giggles and cheery smiles as she slowly unbuttons her shirt and lifts up her skirt to reveal her soft creamy skin...



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VIDEO | 21 Jan 2009 Megan L
30m 7s
Download: MP4 1024x576 758mb
Megan L

Megan possesses the most warm and inviting eyes you'll ever bare your soul to. Her tasty arse isn't bad either! In her first solo today she slowly unbuttons her dress, teasing, cat-like and coy. A glimpse of her pastel pink lace bra and the wonders of her hidden creamy breast are well worth the wait!

VIDEO | 22 Jan 2009 Marigold
19m 9s
Download: MP4 1024x576 472mb

With her knickers around her ankles and a devilish smile on her face, Marigold is one sweet temptation that'll surely spoil your dinner! She's back from her world trip and ready to show off her newly toned and tanned body and her little denim skirt is perfect for those quick peeks whenever she bends over...



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VIDEO | 24 Jan 2009 Kiki
15m 13s
Download: MP4 1024x576 394mb

Sometimes sweet, mostly spicy but always heart stopping, Kiki is snoozing in crisp white cotton sheets today. Her soft, smooth, cocoa skin is covered until she rolls over in her sleep and the sheet gently pulls away from her breast. Her nipples harden in the cool breeze and her whole body springs up in goosebumps...gorgeous!

VIDEO | 26 Jan 2009 Veronika
16m 18s
Download: MP4 1024x576 483mb

A twinkle in the eye and some curious glances from beneath a thick curtain of glossy natural red hair, Veronika is a flaming bombshell! You've already seen her trek up a mountain...and get sweaty along the way in Hiking Girls, now get to know her a bit more intimately in her very first solo shoot!



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illustrated 1 by Rosie_A 01 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<168MB] 1280x720 5m42s
Does anyone else feel shivers just watching Rosie draw? The intricacy of her design, the smooth feeling of lines of ink emerging over pencil – oh, I could watch her draw for hours. There’s an undeniable feeling of undeniable connection, between erotic art and erotic imagination, between heart and cunt, creativity and passion, as Rosie flows from one to the other, her work merging seamlessly with her pleasure.

kate_b up close by Kate_B 02 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [160MB] 1280x720 5m24s
There’s a softness to Kate that has me marveling, wanting to lay down to watch her, rest my head on a pillow and feel warm and safe. The sweet timbre of her moans, the puff of her nipples, and the gentle escalation of her orgasm all collide and whirl together into an incredible, unique eroticism I feel tempted to dip into again and again, her arousal somehow nourishing, her orgasm a balm.



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day job by Lilley 03 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [284MB] 1280x720 8m25s
I’m glad Lilley’s putting that job seeking highlighter to better use, because honestly, I chafe at the idea that she should even need a casual job. Lilley’s a professional in pleasure, and highly skilled in the field of pure feeling, with a master’s level capacity for joy. She should be paid a salary just to have orgasms. I’m glad IFM is getting the ball rolling, but really, someone should make this a permanent position.

catherine's video diary 1 by Catherine 04 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [326MB] 1280x720 8m54s
So excited to greet Catherine today, for our new video diary series. Diaries just keep getting more intimate and more special around here, and if part 1 is any indication, Catherine’s will only continue the trend. I love her forthright honesty, her verbosity. I love the way her dress clings to her curves, her intense sex flush, her hard-won orgasm. I can’t wait for part two.



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pas de bourree 2 by Jada 05 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<310MB] 1280x720 8m7s
Jada’s super intense orgasms are so exciting I can’t help but watch over and over, so hypnotized each time by her mounting arousal that I have to re-watch to be sure I’m not missing anything. It’s these kinds of orgasms that give me that falling-in-love feeling, my brain swelling with oxytocin even as my blood rushes to swell other parts of my body, eager to respond in kind, to feel what she’s feeling.

bushwhack 1 by Aria_W 06 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<227MB] 1280x720 8m7s
I wonder if this could be a new trend – connecting with self and nature by going on a sensual bush walk, an erotic pilgrimage into the depths of self-pleasure. Alone with the land, with no one but the kangaroos to witness her, Aria breaths and stretches herself wide on the earth, naked but for her boots, generous as the horizon.



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high tide 1 by Lyndel 07 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<217MB] 1280x720 8m7s
Don't let Lyndel's slight frame and angelic appearance fool you - this girl packs a punch, for herself and any viewers who may so happen to fall into observation. Every time she ramps up the intensity I think, this is it, this the moyion that's going to get her, the stimulation that's going to push her over the edge - only to watch her amp it up even higher, riding the waves like a seasoned pro.

Caity Up Close 2 by Caity 09 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<248MB] 1280x720 7m16s
I’m breathtaken by the shapes of Caity here. Watching her makes me want to reach for clay, or anything I could shape in three dimensions, with both hands – wishing to feel the shape of what I see in space, the deep dipped arch of her back, the incredible perfect curve of her bum as it sweeps down to her thighs. But better just to watch, and sigh. No fixed medium could capture her subtle moves and sighs and stretches, the will which fills her body head to toe.



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sotto voce by Valerie_K 10 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<191MB] 1280x720 7m16s
Valerie’s sweet little toy is so quiet, I can barely hear its buzz above the sound of her clothes coming off. It’s so good how she’s not afraid to use it quietly, despite the cameras – I can relate to those long moments without much movement, that relaxed feeling when all of your attention is focused on the pleasure building between your legs.

catherine's video diary 2 by Catherine 11 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<222MB] 1280x720 7m16s
If this isn’t already some kind of established kink, I’m calling it – whispering is incredibly hot, whispering about sexual things, that much more so. I have a fascination with Catherine’s distain for “lovey-dovey” sex, her preference for all that’s rough and dirty. I’m obsessed with the way she says “disgusting”, rewinding the video over and over, the combination of her lips’ movement and that look on her face - stirring me up, in darkly erotic places.



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waves of night 2 by Rose_P 12 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<315MB] 1280x720 7m4s
Rose powers up for part 2, with a toy as aesthetic as she – the white smooth curves of it echoing the shapes of Rose’s own body, its powerful sounding little motor setting her to writhing, and invoking some extra intriguing lip-biting. There’s such a contented relaxation to a woman using a toy, all freed up to feel, teetering on the edge between so much and too much. No scarcity, all ease, all abundance.

bushwhack 2 by Aria_W 13 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<174MB] 1280x720 4m55s
Laid out on the fallen giant of a native tree, Aria embodies her intimate connection to Land, to Place, to the earth which supports her. It’s so sweet to see her exploring her body like this, wide open. Rough bark on her skin, wind on her breasts – the muted riot of colours as she blends perfectly into her surroundings, dissolving into, crying her pleasure into the dusk.



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small things 1 by Elsa_S 14 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<218MB] 1280x720 4m55s
Elsa’s tiny, rapid movements here are incredibly hot to me, the way such a small motion can have these marked effects on her body. The subtle pink flush rising with more and more intensity, into her chest, colouring her gorgeous cheeks. The way her eyebrows are knitted in tension, making my body respond in kind. Her sucked-in breaths, her trembling thighs, her quivering belly, all of it increasing in perfect harmony, begging for the release that will, somehow, magically, be granted by this tinest of gestures, repeated ad infinitum.

Seedling 2 by Xia 15 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<139MB] 1280x720 4m41s
I love this fresh angle, watching Xia’s strong and slender body from above as she works her way into a sexual frenzy. This is one of those epic orgasms this site is a monument to – shaking and rolling, waves of pleasure hitting Xia faster than she summons them. Her whole body a live and charged electric wire, sliding against couch and floor, toes pointed as she directs the incredible tensions pushing their way forth, shivering, threatening to shatter it all apart.



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sondrine up close 1 by Sondrine 17 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<186MB] 1280x720 6m18s
Mystical Sondrine is a force to be reckoned with, the cheeky neighbour sprawled lasciviously on the curb, daring you to look into the soft shadow between her legs. A queen on stage, a lucky draw, a thousand reflections, wondering if you can find the real one. An artist, Sondrine, shimmering behind and around and inside the multitudes of herself, ineffable, incandescent - and yet here in this quiet space she opens herself, undecorated, naked to the world. Feel awe. Be grateful.



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catherine video diary 3 by Catherine 18 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<168MB] 1280x720 4m35s
Ahh, a classic diary entry – wet and needing to come, right on the brink of when the party starts. These kinds of things need to be quick, but not too quick – enthusiastic, but not too loud – and fun, but there’s also the need, the need that dominates your ability to be casual, the need that is the opposite of chill. The need, which must be sated, party or no.

high tide 2 by Lyndel 19 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<225MB] 1280x720 7m38s



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bound to happen 1 by Celine_H 20 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<290MB] 1280x720 8m49s
The helplessness of bondage, the vulnerability, totally nude, waiting, the anticipation of the pendulum. And the force... the inevitability of orgasm, the power of a Hitachi wand, unbearably compelling, inexorably strong, There's nothing Celine can do, once the wand drops - nothing to be done but to come, and come, and come. Gushingly, shudderingly, uncontrollably.

attentive 1 by Annie_T 21 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<247MB] 1280x720 5m36s
Annie eases herself in with lots of good, attentive foreplay, gentling her breasts and nipples and belly and hips as she undresses, bringing her whole self along for the ride. But even as the fire heats up between her legs, she returns her hands again and again to her nipples, unable to leave them behind – a certain sweetness there, a wholeness of stimulative pleasure. The completion of a perfect circuit.



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electric skin 1 by Jay_Elle 22 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<165MB] 1280x720 5m18s
Meta-content alert – Jay Elle is doing exactly what you’re doing right now. Connected to the portal in front of you, looking through a screen to find the perfect erotic material to get off – just like you. There’s something immensely soothing about getting off to a video of someone watching porn. And increasingly so, when that someone is as deliberate, hot, and exciting as Jay_Elle.

arabella_m up close 1 by Arabella_M 23 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<192MB] 1280x720 5m12s
I’m obsessed with Arabella here – those clothes, so reminiscent of prim and proper, vintage, making me think of pantyhose though she’s wearing tights, making me think of women working in offices in the 50s, her slim waist zipped in to that subtle skirt. Those eyebrows, the way she makes me feel intelligent, just watching her. And the way she touches herself, oh, the squeezing and the kneading, it’s so visually tactile, and finally in full Up Close focus. Bliss.



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illustrated 2 by Rosie_A 24 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<134MB] 1280x720 4m33s
I feel like sex towels are a thing that everyone has, and no one talks about. There’s cum towels for men and ejaculation towels for women, and of course, period towels for everyone. I love seeing the objects of intimacy, and I love how Rosie’s pink sex towel allows her to fuck herself hard, without any concern for staining her blanket.

catherine's video diary 3 by Catherine 25 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<248MB] 1280x720 6m46s
Watching Catherine’s video diaries is a bit like being her girlfriend – I find myself nodding and going “yeah” and “yeah, that makes sense”, wanting to laugh and encourage her. With girlfriends we vent, we talk it out, we blow off steam – but I kind of wish we could relieve the sexual tension together too, like this, ending our girl-talk sessions feeling revived and refreshed on every level.



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small things 2 by Elsa_S 26 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<134MB] 1280x720 6m6s
Elsa’s debut had a marked effect on me, her distinctly delicate colouration and the insistent, quiet intensity of her orgasm returning to me over and over – so naturally I am very excited for this part two. I adore the way she slows it way down here, playing for awhile, under and over and in-between the fabric of her clothing. It’s good to see her exploring further, and stimulating herself deeper, even as she focuses down and in toward her beautiful orgasm.

bound to happen 2 by Celine_H 27 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<289MB] 1280x720 8m51s
The best of all worlds, as Celine gently shrugs off her binds to take that powerful magic wand into her own hands. There’s a sweet, delicate balance between helplessness and control, a pendulum of desire which swings back and forth. Sometimes we need to be in power, sometimes we need to just surrender – and with this mechanism, Celine’s got it all. I want one.



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burst free 1 by Amba_L 28 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<278MB] 1280x720 7m36s
Amba is bursting with life, barely able to be contained by the screen’s boundaries, the constraints of flimsy fabrics. I love her panties, the way they’re so sheer they look like they’ll melt under the soft pressure of her fingers, stretching them from inside, and her soft black bra, a stretchy little piece of material which only emphasizes the lush gorgeousness of her breasts. Her ardour is everything, expanding to consume all my attention, taking over the world.

electric skin 2 by Jay_Elle 29 Jan 2018
HD MP4 [<224MB] 1280x720 6m52s
Jay_Elle takes her time getting going, teasingly, stripping away layers deliberately and one at a time. The sense I get is that of someone so confident she doesn’t need to rush, has no need to push herself. The knowledge that orgasm will come to her, surely and delightfully and at her own command, is strong throughout these moments – and it’s easy to understand why, considering the super effective intensity of her stimulation, once she does dive in.
