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Misc Group Models - cleaned


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
Sara - Cute Nevery Way

Just turned 18 when she did her F7V shoot, its her first time getting naked on camera! She's very excited however, and not shy about showing off her body... even in public! We watch her walking in a neighborhood, taking her bra off then going topless. She gets spotted several times, and even one driver pulls up and starts asking questions... on a dare she ends up walking completely naked on the street! She's got a cute little frame, and she's very sexual. Masturbating with a vibrator, she has a very strong orgasm with some incredibly hard visible vaginal contractions! After fingering herself and showing off how wet she is inside, she tries on another cute outfit and goes outside. Little mini skirt and wedges, she's flashing and giving us upskirt views, eventually getting completely naked in random public places! Finding a glass toy, she penetrates herself with it, getting milky wet which flows down her thighs. Then a random person spots her, but is friendly and wants to watch -- so we give him the video camera to record a photoshoot in the open public area! Back home, she masturbates with the Eroscillator toy, then again with the Vibraking toy, having more orgasms with visible contractions, and milky wet results. Going on the kinky side, she plays with some beads, pushing them inside her private parts, and pulling them out -- then using a large double ended dildo and pushing her limits on size! We get extreme closeups of her private parts, spreading and her giving stories about her losing her virginity... Putting on a sexy dress and red heels, she fingers herself hard and deep, then tries out the F7V Toy! She rides it hard in the most erotic fashion, getting rather into it over time! Showing off her sexy dancing skills, we see that body in motion all nude... then a nice hard breast & butt massage to finish. She's one totally fun girl, supercute, and having her total first time experiences here on F7V!

Sara - She Just Turned 18

4006 MB - MP4 - 55 min. - 1920x1080 - 720x480
