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Misc Group Models - cleaned


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
Zoey - Sporty Mature

This mature hottie visits us from Houston, Texas with a lot of enthusiasm and excitement about doing adult for the first time in her life! Morning at a breakfast place she does a topless interview (and she's very talkative!) and then heads out to a busy hiking trail. Stretching and climbing topless, she seems very casual about letting her big breasts out as hikers pass by! Then her bottoms come off, and she's fingering herself on the mountain! She catches the attention of a very persistent hiker who wants to know more about her... Back home she masturbates with several different vibrators for a very lengthy masturbation session that ends up giving her foot cramps and a rush! Very wet inside, her juices start to flow down and out of her vagina. Then in a very sexy dress & heels, she gives us upskirt teases and shows of that full, firm butt... Finding a zucchini, she starts penetrating herself with it (and its the biggest thing she's ever had in her!). Back to some more masturbation at home, and an outfit change (with extreme butt closeups) and some sexy shoe heel stuffing (with her favorite & most expensive shoes). She cools down at the pool and says her goodbyes... Her first time shoot and very likely exclusive to F7V.

Zoey - Sultry Texan Girl

4006 MB - MP4 - 72 min. - 1920x1080 - 720x480



Respected Member
Respected Member
Nov 17, 2013
Reaction score

Courtney - A Day On The Farm
Release Date : 12/09/17

We first see auburn-haired Courtney in the car on her way to the shooting location, and we see her start things off by touching herself in the car, spreading her legs for easy access to her pink privates! They arrived at a farm and we see her quickly lose all her clothes, scampering around among the flowers and investigating an alpaca in a pen, then spreading next to the chicken coop. Back indoors we see her in the bathroom shaving herself down there to get rid of any stubble, then touching herself on the edge of the tub before using a vibrating toy for more fun. Afterwards we see more streaking as she runs down the pasture, then lays out a yoga mat to do some nude stretches before heading inside and showering up. The following morning we see her out on the lawn playing some croquet, then heading inside for a nap. When she gets up we see her attempt to insert the largest toy she had ever encountered, but her pink privates were just too tight...she's a cute and spirited girl who is having many first time experiences here as she spends a day on the farm, sharing the fun with xxx!


Total Duration : 44 Minutes
Total Size : 3,91 Gb
Resolution : 1920 x 1080
FileType : mp4


Video I - Just Before Autumn

Download [K2S] : https://k2s.cc/file/2f9668b70b038/Courtneyjba1080.mp4