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Senior Member
Dec 29, 2015
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Brina - Sparky Blue Eyes


Beautiful, enthusiastic, and very sexy Brina is experiencing her very first adult shoot -- she picked F7V on her own, and you can only see her on F7V! Meeting her for an interview, she's a very social, talkative girl... she dresses down for us on a photoshoot, spreading her very pretty pink privates. Out at a park & exercise area near a canal, she flashes topless, does runs, situps & pushups with her breasts out! Even ends up fingering herself right on the trail, while people go by! In a cute black dress she poses for us, gives us upskirt views, then gives herself a foot massage. She's got very pretty, clean feet! Her butt is next, and we see how pretty her vagina is, as well as her 'virgin' butt... She then masturbates with her fingers to orgasm, and flashes at lunch. More finger masturbation in a bikini poolside, while we watch up close, and then she parades around in a very cute dress & strappy heels. She finds herself a large pink dildo, gives it a blowjob, then a lengthy hard pounding masturbation session... as she can't stop enjoying the dildo! Like she says, she really loves sex, and the 'penis'... and that dildo was just the right size for her. For a nice climax, she uses the Vibraking toy, ends up with a squirting orgasm (first time in her life) and some real closeups of her super pink & swollen private parts. This super sweet Exclusive First Timer is a total joy to watch on video... she will bring a smile to your face :)

Videos: 1920x1080, 4200 MB, MP4

Her First Step to Adult (5 videos)


Loving Penetration (2 videos)

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Senior Member
Dec 29, 2015
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Blake & Shay - Leggy Girls


Blake: She's a spunky first timer from Florida, on her way to LA for more adult work. So her warm-up shoot is with F7V. At breakfast we do an interview, and she flashes her perky breasts... and those bite-sized nipples. She masturbates with the Eroscillator vibrator in the nude, then fingers herself. In a sexy white dress & heels, she does a rather shy dance, then lets her gorgeous hair down for more nude teases. We then get extreme closeups of her private parts, and watch her masturbate with another vibrator... this time to a very strong orgasm, with visible vaginal contractions. She's a playful, cute one, enjoy her brief visit to F7V, before her porn career began.
Shay: Another total first timer who begins her experience with F7V, she on the other hand is totally shy, and even sexually inexperienced. Never masturbated before in her life, she was in for some real shockers... We meet her at a busy car show, and she does some nervous flashing for us... then does some full nude walking when all her clothes come off. She ends up using the Vibraking Toy, and it makes her squirt... in such an extreme way that it shoots all over the place, and at least six times!!! It so shocks her, and even scares her. She doesn't know what is happening to her, and it makes this shoot a lot more unique, just how her nervous reactions are to her bodily responses. After that crazy experience, she then does a cute dance in a cute outfit, and lets her loosen up a little. Two leggy, cute girls, both total First Timers, getting their first experiences before entering the wild world of porn.

Videos: 1920x1080, 4500 MB, MP4

Blake's Video (6 videos)


Shay's Video (4 videos)

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Senior Member
Dec 29, 2015
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Madison - Blue Eyed Babyface


Totally cute and adorable 19 year old with an accent coming to us all the way from South Carolina. She's tiny but has got a perfect set of natural C's and the most amazing bubble butt you have ever seen! This is an action packed adventure shoot that you don't want to miss! We start out by waking her up for an early morning shoot. She greets us with soft eyes and a cute smirk, stretches, and then goes out onto the balcony for some sunshine. She tries on a new tank top and panties but we just want to see her naked again and masturbating with her fingers like she would at home. At breakfast she tells us a little about herself as she drips orange juice from a straw onto her breasts and licks it off, then again with some maple syrup. This is all with a busy restaurant and staff in the background! Outside of the restaurant, she's dared to strip down and run across a street full of parked cars. She is fearless and is seen by several cars driving by! Later she gets out of the car and pulls her shirt off as she proceeds to fill the car up with gas. A car pulls up on the other side so we are immediately off to another location. We almost get caught again by someone walking their dog and then a man looking for directions. Madison is given a vibrator and we see thick juices forming as she becomes more and more turned on. At a new location she's seen wearing a sexy white dress. Cars on the adjacent freeway are constantly whizzing by and getting a full view of what's going on. Madison discovers a rather large cucumber and penetrates herself slowly with it from all angles. We get close up as her vagina lips grab on as it slides in and out of her. We leave for a safer location where Madison gets completely wet as she washes a car and plays with the hose. She inserts the hose inside of herself and giggles as the water shoots out. Her feet are dirty so she gives them a good wash and sucks on her toes as she rubs them. At lunch she flashes for us and then she's dared to get naked and walk up to a drive-thru window where she's caught not once but twice! Back at the house we get close ups of her tight body and all her features. Things take an even more extreme turn as she attempts to ride the FTV Monster. You'll have to watch to see how much of it she can take. She's so horny at this point we let her finish with the Vibra-King where she has a strong orgasm. At the airport we get a sweet goodbye and breast flash as she walks off to the terminal. You'll never see such an adventure like this except on FTV!

Videos: 1920x1080, 6700 MB

Total FTV Adventure (7 videos)


Little One With Big... (8 videos)

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Senior Member
Dec 29, 2015
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Harper - A Sexy Referral


One of Teal's close friends happens to be Harper, and through her, she was referred to FTV. She's a cute brunette with big green eyes, and she is as First Timer as you can get -- she hasn't even been naked in front of the camera before. So you get to see her strip down for the first time... and go a lot further than that! We see her in a sexy dress and heels, with the dress riding up her butt, no panties! She teases herself at this open, public resort, then goes home to masturbate. Using only her fingers, she ends up with a nice, natural orgasm with visible vaginal contractions. Then in another sexy, more casual outfit we see her walk and strip naked in a parking area, then tease us some more with her full breasts and butt. Back home she uses the Eroscillator vibrator, to an even stronger orgasm, bringing with it more orgasmic contractions. Then she spreads for us, giving extreme closeups of her private parts, spreading and gaping as much as she can. She timidly does a topless interview at a restaurant, and manages to get away with it! Then in a jogging outfit, she goes running on a golf course trail, flashing her breasts and running with her breasts out... while the golfers go about their business. Then going home, she finds herself a summer squash, and inserts it deep inside... starts pounding herself with it, resulting in some milky juices building up on the squash! In more sexy wear (dress & heels) she does some dancing for us, doing that booty shake (which she is pretty good at) and then leads us to some more breast & butt massage. She pulls on her nipples, and wow, she can stretch them far! A little yoga session is next, then a climax finale in the sunset... with the Vibraking. The results are so strong and instant that she has her strong orgasm in under a minute! Until today, she had never used a vibrator. Enjoy another total First Timer, seen here only on FTV.

Videos: 1920x1080, 4100 MB

Natural Masturbator (6 videos)


A Little Fitness (7 videos)

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