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Misc Group Models - cleaned


Senior Member
Mar 14, 2017
Reaction score
Jess West - Lady of the Manor!

1,18 GB / 1920x1080 11200kbps / 14 min / MP4

Yes she is the one in charge in this scene, coming down the stairs to make you aroused as is her whim! Classic sheer RHT nylon, stiletto heels and traditional garters is the order of the day, and no holding back as she performs erotically to get you both wanked off with great gusto!

Filejoker.net pt1
Filejoker.net pt2



Senior Member
Mar 14, 2017
Reaction score
Chloe Toy - Cum to your refresher class!

1.6 GB / 1920x1080 13980kbps/ 00:16:04 / MP4

You are recalled to the Advanced masturbation office,by deputy director Toy. Obviously she's dressed to assist you to wank, to best result, in her sheer panties and vintage fully fashioned nylons. So cocks out, lets get to it!




Senior Member
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
Sabrina - Little Brit


She's a busty, cute girl who just recently started her experience in adult, and has several first time experiences here on F7V. We see her walk down a neighborhood, flash her full breasts, then go home and use only her fingers to masturbate to a toe curling orgasm. Driving her car around on the busy streets, we watch her take down her summer dress, and drive topless... she loves every minute of it! She then goes home to finger tease herself some more, then give us a hard breast massage fest -- squeezing, pulling, pushing her breasts like we would if we could get our hands on them! On the comfy bed, she uses the eroscillator vibrator with visible vaginal responses, then spreads & gapes for us up close. Notice her rather large & swollen clitoris. Out on a jogging trail full of bikers and 'housewives', she runs topless and flashes her butt, then uses a long double ended dildo for some deep pounding on the balcony. Then its time to show off how she looks in a sexy black dress & heels, while dancing to her favorite music, leading to another finger masturbation to orgasm. She wanted see what her limits are, so she tries out the F7V Monster Toy, riding it as deep as she can go, then pounding herself with it... until she's pretty sore! Its the biggest she's ever had inside her. Then wanting to go for even more extreme, she practices fisting until she full-fists, and goes until she can't take it anymore. After all that, she gapes herself so you can see deep inside!

Videos: 1920x1080, 4700 MB, MP4

Beautiful Girl, Beautiful Day (5 videos)


Going Extreme in Style (6 videos)

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Senior Member
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
Maya - The Tiniest First Timer


Her very first weekend in adult, she was referred to F7V by another F7V girl, and she's having all her first time experiences here! She's super tiny, only 85 pounds, and some would think she's a lot younger than 19! A very sexual girl, her desire to be seen in adult is being fulfilled here. We see her at a mall, where she goes shopping for some clothes. We see her flash her breasts in this busy public place, even try to get away with her shorts down! She doesn't seem to be shy at all and finds a department store to flash more in, and try cute dresses & heels for us. Fingering herself, she's getting wet and wants to go home and masturbate. Using the Eroscillator vibrator (she's never used a vibrator in her life) she ends up having a strong orgasm, and squirting all over by accident! She's never squirted in her life... ever. Then in a very sexy orange dress & heels, she experiments with a banana, pushing it as deep as it can go, and starts having sex with it. Turning herself on, she goes for the Eroscillator again, and ends up having another intense squirting orgasm, with her butt getting really wet from sitting in all her juices! On the next day, she heads over to a car wash, and starts fingering herself in the car while the car wash guys watch! Back home, in the pink room, she gives us some foot fetish, then a breast & butt massage. Notice how nice and round her breasts are! Then she experiments with anal, using her finger, and pushes in a glass toy as deep as it can go. She's so tight in there that she can keep the toy inside her as she moves in different positions! Then, using her fingers only, she masturbates to a nice, natural orgasm... the way she likes doing it at home. In a supercute prom dress, she gives us upskirt views, then takes that very big thick shoe heel and stuffs it inside her! Truly kinky, she goes straight for the F7V Monster toy, pushing her limits to the max... managing to get the head in. Using a smaller dildo she penetrates herself further, but by that point her tiny vagina is exhausted! Taking a shower, we watch her lather her body, then give us extreme closeups of her supercute clitoris. Then, in the arms of a very busty brunette, she masturbates one last time with the Vibraking toy, and ends up having her strongest orgasm of her life, and ending up squirting too. Multiple views of some really strong vaginal responses... watch that little vagina pulsate like crazy! Her total First Time experience is seen here, before she becomes a porn star.

Videos: 1920x1080, 7200 MB, MP4

Cute Girl Next Door (6 videos)


A Second Day of Sex (11 videos)

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Senior Member
Mar 14, 2017
Reaction score
Anna Joy - See it all hose!


1.08 GB / 1920x1080 11066kbps / 13 min / MP4

Just chatting with Anna over a coffee, and she notices your passion for sheer pantyhose! In fact the very type she is wearing, with no seam at all. She's up for showing you how good her plump bald wet pussy looks through nylon, and you both masturbate together. Nice.

Filejoker.net pt1
Filejoker.net pt2
