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Misc Group Models - cleaned 2


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2021
Reaction score
Margaret A Presenting (Photo 118) 2848x4288

Margaret A Presenting (Photo 118) 2848x4288

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Age: 20
Eyecolor: GREEN
Haircolor: BROWN
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Breast Size: Large
Measurements: 90/60/92
Country: Ukraine
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Bio: i like meet new friends, noisy companies, participation in different events on the art field.
i want to be actress and i even tried enter Theatre university but unsuccessfully,
but i do believe that during next examination i will manage to enter.
now i am visiting drama school improving my knowledge and skills.
i am also keen with photography and different shootings. i am trying to participate in all castings.

Total images: 119
Size: 123.99 MB
Formats: jpg
width: 4288 pixels
height: 4288 pixels



Senior Member
Dec 13, 2021
Reaction score
Maja A Lucky (Photo 120) 2667x4000

Maja A Lucky (Photo 120) 2667x4000

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Age: 21
Eyecolor: BROWN
Haircolor: BROWN
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 53 kg
Breast Size: Medium
Measurements: 87/60/93
Country: Russian Federation
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Bio: I love nature, I adore to walk naked in open fields. When the sun caresses my body, and morning dew kisses my legs, it's perfect... But I live in the city and this pleasure is a rare thing. Posing naked allows me to relax and plunge into my sweet dreams. I feel pleasure while posing for MET ART and I hope I am able to transfer these emotions to you.

Total images: 122
Size: 190.84 MB
Formats: jpg
width: 4000 pixels
height: 8517 pixels



Senior Member
Dec 13, 2021
Reaction score
Mariko A Asian (Photo 133) 4992x6668

Mariko A Asian (Photo 133) 4992x6668

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Age: 23
Eyecolor: BROWN
Haircolor: BLACK
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Breast Size: Medium
Measurements: 92/64/90
Country: Japan
Ethnicity: Asian
Bio: My name is Mariko. I�m 20. I like to dance and to go to rock concerts. I am pretty good at martial arts. I play the guitar and write texts for my own songs. I draw very well, that�s why I�ve chosen a job of the tattoo master. I simply adore my job. I like extreme photosessions. Once I was photographed sitting on the bike. But it will be interesting to mention that the bike hanged with the tires up! It was horrible but very exciting. But when I come home, I am kind, tender and a nice girl. I like it when someone takes care of me.

Total images: 134
Size: 606.64 MB
Formats: jpg
width: 6668 pixels
height: 6668 pixels



Respected Member
Apr 15, 2011
Reaction score
Stella Cardo - Summer Lovin' 2021-12-26

Resolution : 4500 px
Photos : 50
Size : 65,1 MB

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