"I will not post again until the matter is resolved." On that statement I don't think the mods should take any lessons from you Mr 4 posts (one of which was deleted), I have over 7000 posts on this forum plus many more which were deleted at the start. I persevered & became a respected member in under 12 months, I hardly ever post now because I have a busier life but to throw your toys out of the pram after only 3 months = Amateur. The rules are there for a reason.
As for the mods have individual tastes I raised that early on got the same answer but learned to accept it & move on. There are more important issues in the world like say the civil war in Syria or the fighting in CAR or South Sudan, get over it now!
Before you start insulting your should read a post properly. I left. I came back. I deleted everything when I left because I was sick and tired of the unwarranted decimation of posts, the inconsistencies, unfairness and the lack of proper discussion and recourse.
The fact that you make judgements on me based on perceived numbers instead of the common sense of well framed, articulated statements says everything about what is wrong here. I won't post here because I see no sense in spending hours sorting pictures and videos, correcting them, editing them, uploading them to a host and posting them here only to see them trounced for no bloody reason at all. It's a complete and utter waste of time and effort.
And while there may well be more important things going on in the world, they are not the subject of discussion in this thread. They are also unlikely to ever be discussed on this board either, since any post on the subject is likely doomed to be consigned to the removed posts thread ironically entitled "Jihad"