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General Cleaning

Which part of Pamela David u most like?

  • Boobs

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • Butt

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • Pussy

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • Navel

    Votes: 1 4.8%

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Senior Member
Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
I know I'll catch crap for this, but...

It's taken me awhile to actually get annoyed enough to write this post. While this is still my favorite place to visit everyday, I have to say that things are slipping a bit. Can someone please tell me why a 'nude' celeb forum permits all these lame pic posts, with the actresses being completely clothed? Sure, I understand the need for 'sexy' pics, and have even dl'ed many of these type of pics, but fully clothed ones? I've had posts decimated by the mods here, I guess because they didn't deem a nipple protruding through thin cloth as being 'sexy', yet everyday, I am seeing posts with actresses wearing as much as coats, and these are deemed acceptable. Believe me, this isn't sour grapes over having posts edited to nothing, it's all about getting psyched up that there is a new post of an actress that I like, only to find another shit post - that I probably already saw the night before over at SP...only the post here didn't include credit. What happened to giving credit, anyways? Sure, the poster over at SP might be the same as the one here, but in most cases, I am pretty sure they aren't. Giving credit for material taken from elsewhere used to be a pretty big deal, but it doesn't seem as much so nowadays. Everyone probably knows where you got the pics from, or will know when they come across them later, so why not give credit? You look even better for it, no?

Why should anyone give a flying fart what a poster with as few posts as myself has to say? It's a valid question, but no more valid than the points I've brought up. Besides, I am a firm believer that no post is better than a lame post, as the lame ones water down the quality of the collective whole here at NCF. If I want to go see 40 head shots of a model slightly moving her face in each pose, I'll go to SP, ffs.

If anyone is still reading, is there any way that there can also be a separate 'gif' section? Maybe a sub-section of the pic section? Unless they are used as previews for a video post, or part of a signature, I don't see the point of them.

That's it, I will now step down from my pedestal, and retire to my Tree. A very Happy, Healthy & Peaceful New Year to everyone here at NudeCelebForum!

***Edit*** One last thing: can someone tell me the purpose of passwords? I have RT, hef & sky remembered - great posters, btw - but for any new posters thinking of using them, please reconsider. I have deleted gigs of unknown material because I couldn't remember where I got them from to seek out the password. Hell, I've even had to go back to forums, cock in hand, one hand typing to find a stupid password...! Ok, ok, too much info. Sorry!


Staff Alumn
Staff Alumn
Mar 28, 2009
Reaction score
Different mods have different standards.
The posts you saw, if they were at the top of the page, may not have been checked yet.
We are trying to improve the quality of our material, but so far Jennifer Aniston has refused to get her norks out, even though I explained that it will bring her ratings up more than ours !