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Which part of Pamela David u most like?

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Senior Member
Apr 23, 2004
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Big Brother 2007

Thought it was worth it's own thread as the other ones getting a bit old now and there's plenty of good looking girls this year!


Amanda is twin sister to Sam who both describe themselves as "twincredible". Five minutes younger than her sister, Amanda is the more dominant of the pair, but is no less addicted to boys, partying, shopping and all things pink and fluffy. They both say "If there's only one fit boy in the house we'll share him, definitely!"


Chanelle has an obsession with a certain celebrity wife and pop star. We'll leave you to guess who that is. She doesn't watch the news because "there's too much bad stuff going on in the world".


A self-proclaimed 'it' girl, Charley likes shopping, money and going clubbing at celebrity hangouts. A sleep-walker and talker, Charley is not a morning person. She admits to losing her temper easily and has to bite her tongue quite often. She has a phobia of spiders, is dreading the imminent smoking ban and also believes in ghosts.


Fashionable drama student, Emily is an indie chick with the heart of a middle-class politician who has no time for those who don't live up to her high standards. She'd like to write for Vogue, having given up her dream of becoming a fashion designer because she can't sew. She's hoping to find a gorgeous indie rocker man in the house.


Gobby and argumentative, Nicky speaks her mind at all times. A girl's girl, it takes her up to four hours to get ready for a night out, and she definitely isn't someone to mess with. "If people ignore me, I'll release my inner bitch!" She thinks love is "for losers" and she really hates men, "nasty little creatures".


Sam is twin sister to Amanda who both describe themselves as 'twincredible'. Five minutes older than her sister, she is less dominant, but more level-headed. Even so, she shares an addiction to boys, partying, shopping and all things pink and fluffy, just like Sam. They have their own 'Twin Song' they sing when they introduce themselves to boys.


A self-confessed 'princess', hyperactive Shabnam loves to talk, talk, talk. She's had an endless list of jobs being "far too creative to be tied down to mundane work." She thinks she might irritate her housemates with her boundless energy and zest for life.