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General Cleaning

Which part of Pamela David u most like?

  • Boobs

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Butt

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Pussy

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Navel

    Votes: 2 9.1%

  • Total voters


Senior Nudity Digger
Respected Member
Jun 18, 2019
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Other leaked videos and all the stuff in one file

A few extremely short leaked clips that have not been posted on the forum yet including 3 really short sex videos (2 different and a slow-motion version of one) (13.14 Mb):

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Link to all the clips of Ashlen Alexandra I posted in this thread and some other short clips/gifs (189 Mb):

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Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
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A twelve year old thread suddenly bumped? People must be bored.
The only way to really compile a "top 10" [or pick-a-number] is to take a thousand submissions and extrapolate from them. And even then you'd have twice as many who disagreed entirely and would have completely contradicting choices. That's because beauty, attractiveness, sexiness, call it what you will, is entirely subjective, and what works for one will not for another.
Another thing is time.With a few notable exceptions, most of those listed are active right now, so lists like this, and the lack of availability of material from the past only serves to underline the transient, disposable nature of pornography. For instance, two I've listed below were once on every glamour and adult magazine cover the world over. Try to find those images now and if you're lucky you'll find some low res magazine scans. Unlike mainstream film, TV and fashion modelling, we really don't think anything of our pornstars and trade for newer models in a heartbeat. No one will ever "trade in" Marilyn Monroe, Rita Hayworth, Cindy Crawford or Christy Turlington. they are forever.
Looking at the thread thus far, there are a few crossovers, but glaring omissions [IMO]. If a group is talking about "gorgeous" porn stars how the hell does someone not mention Annette Haven, Raylene, Celeste, Rachel Ashley, Anita Queen, Vanessa Chase, Susan Hart, Traci Lords [OK. Maybe people don't talk about Traci Lords for a good reason, but still...], Keisha, Julia Perrine, Stacey Donovan, April Summers, Sydnee Steele, Gwen Summers, Esther Fine, Moana Pozzi, Sarah Hamilton, Toni Francis, Taylor Wane, Pj Sparks, Uschi Karnat, Nina DePonca, Domonique Simone, Savannah, Angelica Bella, Barbara Dare, Ona Zee, Isis Nile, Harmony Rose?
More notable missing , Isis Taylor, Mason Storm, Stoya Doll, Ellie Idol, Ginger Lynn Allen, Madelyn Marie, Stracy Strone [Bijou], Charlotte Stokely, Jassie James, Sandy Egerherzi [Vega Vixen], Anissa Kate, Arianna fox, Giselle Mari, Diane Lion, Amirah Adara, Anita Vixen, Tristan Kingsley, Nadia Synn [Bailey], Tabetha Sweet, Charmaine Sinclair, Anjali Kara, Emma Leigh, Sarah Young, Goldie Blair, and on and on ad nauseum. Sometimes literally.
Here are 10 who in my view absolutely should have been mentioned before but have not even once. They aren't in any order. Rearrange [or don't] as you please:

Kascha Papillon [Alison LePriol]

Madelyn Knight

Danni Cole

Hyapatia Lee

Deidre Holland

Olivia Taylor

Anna Malle

Rocki Roads

Taylor St Claire

Kayla West

I could keep banging on but no one cares. Or reads. But you get a big list and a few pictures and can feel free to research a bit more on your own.
On a side note, almost anyone can look great thanks to a good makeup artist, flattering lighting and a very competent photographer. suze Randall and Andrew Blake never produce shots of munters. Take a look at social media shots, the impromptu stuff where there's none of the thrills of any kind of production value. Most look like car wrecks. If they don't, then even high res digital video of today won't reveal the nasty surprises of sweat rashes track marks and herpes scars.
Below a couple of self shots of Lezley Zen [who fixed her "Jewish schnozz" but was smart enough to stop surgery after that, without makeup, and Kayla West in the full glare of daylight. Both Seem to scrub up OK. Maybe that should be a criteria?



Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
Goof NM

Another Brainfart, D'oh!! Please ignore & mods please delete...
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Registered User
Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score

Diana Gómez, Silma López, Paula Malia, etc - Valeria (2020) s1e1-3 HD 1080p [nude, sex]

Format : MPEG-4 at 6 136 kb/s
Length : 413 MiB for 9 min 24 s 917 ms

Video #0 : AVC at 5 938 kb/s
Aspect : 1920 x 1080 (1.778) at 24.000 fps

Audio #0 : AAC at 192 kb/s
Infos : 2 channels, 48.0 kHz


(pass: hef)

esperando cuando puedas los demas videos de los capitulos del 4 al 8 por favorrr.mil gracias


Senior Member
May 12, 2020
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eyes stickers- instagram 5/12/2020

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Dead Link Removed/bl64h1vi

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Dead Link Removed/mfru7ngy


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
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1.4GB Marisa Tomei - BeforeTheDevilKnowsYou'reDead-HD++~01:56:44 1280X688p

1.4GB Marisa Tomei - BeforeTheDevilKnowsYou'reDead-HD++~01:56:44 1280X688p
(circa 2007)~The talented actress Marisa Tomei, here @ 43 y/o & absolutely Sexalicious~




[+Plus a Cap+]

{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}
{v~Or Here~v}

HQ~@~Fullscreen~HD-1280X688 01:56:44 6ch-48000kHz~English H264 Thx2> original poster (op) :cool:

Needing extra cash, two brothers Andy & Hank conspire to pull off
the perfect, victim-less crime. No guns, no violence, no problem. All the
while, Hank is having an affair with Andy's wife, Gina~Marisa :razz: Their
mother dies when a robbery accomplice ignores the rules and crosses the line,
his disregard trigger a deadly series of events & everyone winds-up getting hurt...

[++Plus a Marisa Tomei - BeforeTheDevilKnowsYou'reDead wallpaper++]

Thanx2> the wallpapers original creator! :cool:

Here's a link to a bunch my posts here at NCF.

Everyone! Please take care & adjust to the 'new covid-19 normal'.
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Banned User
May 21, 2020
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Bored? Try this

Hey guys, have You heard about this new app?

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Found out more on this link: https://*******/fun_videos_daily

P.S. help spread the word not the virus. #staysafe <3


Senior Member
Jun 23, 2010
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no, there isn't

Is there a thread for insta famous " All American Bad girl" aka Amy Elizabeth Jackson?


Senior Member
Jul 26, 2020
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Requesting to request for requests that don't request

hi has anyone got the Nadia Sapphire onlyfans photos and videos off her onlyfans page at https://onlyfans.com/nadia_sapphire

i cant seem to find any photos or videos on the internet of her from her onlyfans page. also she said on twitter a while ago that she was doing a shower video for her onlyfans has anyone got the shower video. off her onlyfans page aswell as the other photos and videos what she has done for her onlyfans page.

she also does naked stinkface videos in her thong on her onlyfans cos she said that on her twitter page so can anyone please upload her onlyfans videos and photos off her onlyfans page.

SHE HAS 163 Videos and 354 Photos on her onlyfans page at the moment can anyone please upload them or can someone pm message me with all videos and photos off her onlyfans page.