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General Cleaning

Which part of Pamela David u most like?

  • Boobs

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Butt

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Pussy

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Navel

    Votes: 2 9.1%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Nov 20, 2017
Reaction score
Paris Hilton - Love Advent 2017 - JAN 8 - 1080p (2018)

Video: MPEG4 Video (H264) 1920x1080 59.94fps 3439kbps [V: h264 high L4.2, yuv420p, 1920x1080, 3439 kb/s]
Audio: AAC 44100Hz stereo 125kbps [A: SoundHandler (aac lc, 44100 Hz, stereo, 125 kb/s)]
Size: 26.4 MB
Duration: 1:01

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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Sandra Huller - Uber uns das All (2011)

Sandra Hüller is a German actress who has been featured in Requiem, Henri 4, Brownian Movement, Toni Erdmann and Fraulein Stinnes Travels the World (AKA Fräulein Stinnes fährt um die Welt).


FileJoker Link:

File size: 234 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 1280x720
Duration: 06:18

(celebrity, uncut, Full frontal female nudity, bush, butt, breasts, hairy pussy, sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
745MB Basic Instinct - FullMovie+~02:00:10 HQ~SD 576p

745MB Basic Instinct - FullMovie+~02:00:10 HQ~SD 576p
(circa 1992)~A seductive suspect & a cop who can't resist her~




[+Plus a Cap+]

{v~Download the MP4 Here~v}
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HQ~@~Fullscreen~SD-720X576 02:00:10 44100kHz~stereo H264 Thx2> original poster (op)

A former rock star, Johnny Boz, is brutally killed during sex, the case
is assigned to detective Nick Curran of the SFPD. During the investigation,
Nick meets Catherine Tramell~Sharon Stone :razz: a crime novelist who was
Boz's girlfriend when he died. Catherine proves to be a very clever and
manipulative woman and though Nick is more or less convinced that she
murdered Boz, he is unable to find any evidence. Later, when Nilsen, Nick's
rival in the police, is killed, Nick suspects of Catherine's involvement in it.
He then starts to play a dangerous lust-filled mind-game with Catherine to
nail her, but as their relationship progresses, the body count rises and
contradicting evidences force Nick to start questioning his own suspicions
about Catherine's guilt and he becomes sexually involved with the seductress.
Jeanne Tripplehorn :razz: portrays Dr. Beth Garner, Nick's psychologist girlfriend...
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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Lyubov Aksyonova - Rasskazy (2012)
AKA Short Stories
AKA Рассказы

Lubov Novikova topless on top of a guy as they have sex in bed, pulling her long hair to the side to reveal both breasts as she rides him. We then see a bit of the top of her butt from the side, as well as her breasts again before she leans over to kiss him.

Lubov Novikova lying naked on her stomach on a carpet and showing one butt cheek and then the lower half of both cheeks as a guy kisses the small of her back. She then turns over and lies on her back as the guy leans over her, her left nipple peeking into view.

Lubov Novikova sitting in the front seat of a car as the guy who is driving reaches over and puts his hand between her legs with her skirt hiked up so that he can finger her while she in turn reaches over and slides her hand down his unzipped pants to also jerk him off. Lubov moans as she reaches orgasm and then turns to face the guy as she continues to give him a hand job.


FileJoker Links:
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File size: 524 Mb
File type: Avi
Resolution: 1920x1080
Duration: 07:16

(celebrity, uncut, Explicit sex scene, uncensored scene, naked, nude)
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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Hyun-Jin Park & Ki-Yeon Kim - Natali (2010)

Hyun-Jin Park naked in a guy's arms as he squeezes her great breasts before they have sex. We see her riding the guy backwards, leaning back as the guy holds her by her waist. From Natalie (AKA Natali).

Hyun-Jin Park undressing in a guy's sculpture studio as she models for him naked. She starts off topless in a skirt as she sits on a table before standing up and striking a pose. She is then seen completely naked in the same pose, showing breasts and bush as the guy forms a model of her.

Hyun-Jin Park fully nude as a guy runs his hands over her breasts and then makes out with her. We then see her having sex with the guy in bed, showing more of her breasts and her bare butt while in a variety of positions with the guy.

Hyun-Jin Park seen topless through a window as a guy watches her undress for another guy, first holding her arms over her breasts and then dropping them to her side. Finally her skirt comes off and she turns her back to show her butt while pulling down her pink panties.

Hyun-Jin Park first naked in a guy's lap in a stairway before he picks her up and carries her to a bedroom. She is then seen having sex with the guy on a bed, showing her breasts as she rides him and her bare butt as she leans over him. She then has sex with him while sitting in his lap facing him, and finally as she lies on her side with the guy behind her.

Hyun-Jin Park naked on her back in bed as a guy reaches down under the sheets to put his hand between her legs. He then rolls on top of her, sucking on her right breast before moving to the other. We then see him having sex with her, Hyun-Jin on her back naked. Afterward, we see more of Hyun-Jin nude as she lies on the bed beside the guy as he sleeps before finally sitting up.

Hyun-Jin Park standing naked at a window, showing her bare butt from behind before she begins to wrap herself in the curtain.


FileJoker Links:

File size: 732 Mb
File type: Mp4
Resolution: 1920x1080
Duration: 11:48

(celebrity, uncut, Explicit sex scene, Ful frontal female nudity, bush, butt, hairy pussy, blowjob, uncensored scene, naked, nude)