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General Cleaning

Which part of Pamela David u most like?

  • Boobs

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Butt

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Pussy

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Navel

    Votes: 2 9.1%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
Well I understood that rule, it's rather the term 'sex-appeal' that leaves a lot room for interpretation and that is likely the reason for a lot of unwanted posts but also unwanted deletions.
Got a Katherine Heigl picture out of one of the deleted post and while it surely is no grade A picture on the Sex-Scale, having a good look on her Bikini Top is surely enough to cover the term 'sex-appeal', it was also no bad, low-res, double, fake, or any other crap.

Anyhow I glad that the rules about the more liberal because nude only would likely mean 80% of the picture threads could be deleted right away because a lot is sexy but simply not nude.
Sorry if that raised your workload.


Senior Member
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
Oh please, you're making your life hard yourself if you start to judge pics like that. I see KH in a Bikini Top, good view at her funbags = SEXY. It's not even worth thinking about it.

And your description is totally off!
Neither is her husband the focus nor is she "just to make out in the background", if you see it that way you seriously lack any kind of spatial perception.

A too big Granny bra? A Green Bikini Top that covers her funbags like it's appropriate for a star, she's not Miley Cyrus nor some second grade Hollywood wannabe that is desperate to be pictured. -If judge the pictures by what is worn instead of what is shown you somehow miss the point of this board.

And I also don't care what they do or how her expression is. A normal couple on the beach sitting below a sunshade, what do you expect? Often enough these kind of natural behavior gives the best pictures because the stars think they aren't watched.

"Yes. A hairy man in scrappy shorts and a T-shirt. Sexy."
Really if that is your summary of the picture you can deleted 99% of the pictures on this board as the silliness of minor things you mentioned can be found in most pictures.
This is a celebrity forum, if they show their stuff it's usually in a movie, ignoring screencaps all the pictures that we get are simply just sexy but not more.

In case of KH, no nude scenes so we must work with what we get, in the case of KH she is know for her funbags so:
Good view at funbags = PASSED
Learn a selective view, if not for the board then for yourself because you simply waste your time by judging pics by all the crap that surrounds the good portions of a pic.


Senior Member
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
F... the bearded dude, what part of "learn a selective view" is unclear?
I would still have taken the picture even if a gorilla sits besides here and she would be holding cow guts instead of her dog.
I glad I still get notifications and can judge myself.


Senior Member
Dec 6, 2014
Reaction score
F... the bearded dude, what part of "learn a selective view" is unclear?
I would still have taken the picture even if a gorilla sits besides here and she would be holding cow guts instead of her dog.
The internet is a big place, and there's lots of sites that cater to that garbage. Or you could just start your own forum and mod it yourself.


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2015
Reaction score
Actually, it's probably my fault.
Or rather, the fault of proxies.
One proxy accessing Dfiles reports - file does not exist.
But another proxy is working.
I usually have to work with proxies. Another connection(ISP) that does not require proxies is also working fine.

So I apologize.