Rhea Durham
NAME: Rhea Durham
HEIGHT: 5'9"
HAIR: Dark Brown
EYES: Green
BORN: 1979
DISCOVERED: Rhea was discovered at a model search in 1994 in the Lakeland Square Mall in Lakeland, Fla. Rhea moved to New York City.
RESUME: Landed the coveted L'Oreal campaign. Models alongside Gisele in the sexy Dior ads. Has a $500,000 Georgio Beverly Hills fragrance campaign. Models for The Gap, Valentino, Ann Taylor, Bloomingdale's, Byblos, Fendi, H&M, Helmut Lang jeans, Louis Vuitton, Olay Color, and Nine West. Rhea has dated actors Stephen Dorff and Mark Wahlberg.
Pregnant with Mark Wahlberg's baby.