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Which part of Pamela David u most like?

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Jul 30, 2009
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Oct 24, 2010
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Who cares?

Most people go a little gaga over baby animals, and Hayden Panettiere is clearly no different.The Heroes actress is wearing a Rolex Prohunter Daytona Watch looked overexcited when she was introduced to a wolf cub at the premiere of her animated children’s film Alpha and Omega in London today.She cuddled and cooed over the adorable animal, who stole the limelight as it nestled in the starlet's arms.

Hayden had earlier stopped by the BBC Radio 1 studios to chat with morning host Edith Bowman, where she dished on fame, the Heroes series and watching her Ukrainian boxer boyfriend Wladimir Klitschko's fights.

The couple recently enjoyed a European summer holiday, sailing in Croatia and joining in Oktoberfest festivities in Munich, Germany.Alpha and Omega, which opens in the UK on October 22, is about two young wolves, Kate and Humphrey, who have known each other since 'cubhood' but are at different ends of the pack social order.Hayden voices Kate, who as the Alpha of the pack must go through with an arranged marriage, breaking the heart of her best friend (voiced by Justin Long), who is hopelessly in love with her.[iloveinwatch]


Senior Member
May 27, 2005
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She was always do damn HOT! I read in multiple sources that she wanted to get naked for Playboy but Pam Anderson, jealous that Brown was sleeping with Pam's ex Tommy Lee, pulled her weight with Hef to make sure Bobbie never got so much as a second look from Playboy.

Bad for us.


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2010
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Lexi Belle – Ice Cream Bang Bang
After some mechanical issues with the Bang Bang truck we are finally back on the streets. Driving around to find some of the hottest teens we got lucky and found a sexy teen in private school uniform. Knowing that most private school girls are wild childs we pulled over to talk to her. Lexi thanked us for stopping since she was hot and could use something to cool her down. While she was sucking on a rainbow pop sickle we told her about our reality show we are filming and was wondering if she wanted to be a part of it. Proving to us that she is a wild child, Lexi was all about sucking and fucking in the back of the Bang Bang truck!!

MP4 | 268Mb | 00:30:51 | 640×480 | 1217kbps
