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Clip Review:
Rachel Shelley coming up from behind Laurel Holloman and kissing her neck and lesbian kissing her before backing up giving us a view of both of their breasts underwater until finally they start to kiss each other again as they skinny dip in a pool.
file size: 71,0 MB
file size: 62,0 MB
Clip Stats:
duration: 1,19 min
duration: 0,49 min
resolution: 1280x720
Clip Review:
Rachel Shelley and Alexandra Hedison making out as they undress and Rachel lays back on a bed while Alexandra removes Rachel's bra. She then leans over and sucks on Rachel's nipples before they flip over and we see Alexandra topless on her back as Rachel goes down on her.
file size: 105,0 MB
Clip Stats:
duration: 1,59 min
resolution: 1280x720
Clip Review:
Sandrine Holt and Rachel Shelley seated across from each other at a table as they play a game of strip poker. Rachel starts off in her black bra and panties before she is forced to remove the bra, giving us a quick peek at her nipples before she covers up. We then see Sandrine topless in just her panties before she ends up losing and is forced to remove those.
file size: 78,2 MB
Clip Stats:
duration: 1,30 min
resolution: 1280x720