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General Cleaning

Which part of Pamela David u most like?

  • Boobs

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Butt

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Pussy

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Navel

    Votes: 2 9.1%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Sep 17, 2010
Reaction score

Little Black Dress




Get 2Mp Photoset



ex- Moderator Dude
Staff Alumn
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
Part 3

Gold Coins On Bare Butt (60 Pics)\
Go Naked Go Naughty (76 Pics)\
Hiney And Sheers (63 Pics)\
Hiney Call (66 Pics)\
Hiney To Heaven (60 Pics)\
Hot Hiney (60 Pics)\
Hot Stocking Stuffing (63 pics)\
In Blue (41 Pics)\
Lace Booty Shorts (65 Pics)\
Lace Top Boobies (69 Pics)\
Lotsa Naughty (60 Pics)\
Lots Of Lust (64 Pics)\
Lust Maiden (65 Pics)\
Maid To Please (82 pics)\
Miss Ivana Greeencard (65 Pics)\
Most Naughty Bikini (82 Pics)\
Most Naughty Ever (75 Pics)\

LINK - 17 sets - 1199 pics ~800x1200 - SIZE 163 MB


Senior Member
Oct 1, 2010
Reaction score
Heyo, I dunno how to make previews. Buttttt I thought y'all might want the NEW UPDATES anyway. Here you go, with a big thanks to CrazyDaisy, he was a regular back on the now defunct perved forum and it looks like he is still out there providing quality goodness.


here is the link, download it before it dies then re-up it as much as you can.

mirror == http://rapidshare.com/files/424472451/PCOFIVE.rar

EDIT :: new link, will be dead soon I bet. The P@ttypatrol has already found this thread. It will be dead soon.

EDIT :: We should really start using the term P@ttycake and NOT mentioning the set numbers or their names . I think the P@ttyNazi's are searching for that sort of thing.

I have re-upped the file on several differnt hosting sites and used a differnt set of mirrors for each one. Whichever links get taken down first I'll assume those forums are the ones with heavy P@attyPatrol activity, and I will not return to those fourms. Sry if the forum you are reading this on turns out to be the forum that is getting links NARC'd out, but It's a giant pain in the arse to always be uploading to a different file host for each forum I want to post in. I'd much rather just deduce which forums are "clean" and use them exclusively