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Sep 12, 2010
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Exclusive from VIVID Karissa Shannon Sex tape Online Version

Exclusive from VIVID Karissa Shannon Sex tape - Online Short version

I guess Karissa Shannon got sick of fake crying every time she saw a paparazzi camera/ pretending she wasn’t behind the release of her sex tape. The Playboy playmate, dumped along with her twin sister and thrown out of the Playboy mansion by ex-boyfriend Hugh Hefner, is dating former Smallville actor, Sam Jones III (he played the best friend of the lead character).

If you watch TMZ TV you’ll have seen Shannon posing for cameras out front of a notoriously camera-heavy restaurant and then feigning tears when asked about her sex tape. Less than a week later she and her boyfriend, with whom she stars in what Vivid Exec. Steven Hirsch called the ‘most extreme ever sex tape‘, were seen attending a business meeting with the adult entertainment company. Today, they’ve apparently struck a deal; a six figure deal (I typo’d that as ‘sex’ figure. True story).

Steven Hirsch, president of Vivid Entertainment, said of the tape, ‘We are excited to finally distribute this amazing DVD. Not only is it extremely kinky for a celeb sex tape, Karissa is absolutely beautiful. And as for Sam, let’s just say he’s no ‘Smallville’. This is sure to be one of our all-time best sellers.’


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