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Apr 27, 2004
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Hello...My name is Gitman, and I am addicted to porn.


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Oct 16, 2004
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upnorth17 said:
First of all, she is a complete idiot. No act. No one can act that well, and based on Dukes of Hazzard, we have evidence she can't act that well.

However, I wanted to clarify a comment the original poster made. Are you saying that Ashley is a more talented singer???? If so, I think you might have some hearing issues. Jessica is not headed for the Metropolitan Opera, but she actually has a pretty decent voice from a vocal perspective. The clips I've seen/heard of ehr singing that were live are not bad. Ashley, on the other hand, almost literally can't sing. She's right up there in lack of vocal skill with Britney.
I think that they both have very little talent at singing, and yes I am saying that Ashley has a better voice, much worse packaging though. Britney on the other hand... that could be a very long discussion on what I dislike.


Senior Member
Apr 27, 2004
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3) If this is not an act, is it due to her obvious good looks that she has never needed to develop either a personality or brains?

I know this will sound sexiest, but it's actually a backhanded compliment to females.

The number #1 desire for ALL human beings is to connect, be loved, appreciated, and fit in. The reason I think that men are so much more developed and skilled is because this is what is required of them by the female in order for the man to attract them into their lives. A man has to have a lot of things including: intelligence, charm or personality, some kind of physical talent or skill etc. He cannot simply get by on good looks.

Now flip this coin...what does a woman have to do...in order to meet the needs I mentioned above? All she has to do is try and look pretty...cus that's all most guys are interested in. If a girl just looks pretty, than she will be able to meet her needs of connecting and feeling loved.

So my point is that...the reason men are the "best" at so many things, is not really due so much to a genetic superiority, but more of a developed talent or skill based out of necessity. Until, men start expecting more out of women, unfortunately for them...women will continue to be all but nonexistant is so many different industries and avenues of life.


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Aug 25, 2005
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Evelyn Lory


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Evelyn Lory - Xtreme version

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