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General Cleaning

Which part of Pamela David u most like?

  • Boobs

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Butt

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Pussy

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Navel

    Votes: 2 9.1%

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Senior Member
Aug 31, 2005
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LIEN RS part 1 & LIEN RS part 2 & LIEN RS part 3


Senior Member
Oct 16, 2004
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Jessica Simpson- How tough is it to raise a moron like her?

I am just wondering, because we have all seen her in interviews, and I doubt that it is just an act. Now this begs the questions-
1) If this is not an act, how do you go about raising a mushroom like her?
(I see no evidence that she has ever been repeatedly smashed in the head with a shovel to cause brain damage... ETC)
2) If this is not an act, is it due to genetics... IE- How sharp is the rest of her family?
(Although I know that her sister Ashley is also a celeb, and a more talented singer, is she as dense as Jessica?)
3) If this is not an act, is it due to her obvious good looks that she has never needed to develop either a personality or brains?
4) Is her brain somehow injured, such as in an accident?
5) If this is not an act, is this a bad impression of the 'Marilyn Monroe charactor'

She is undoubtably hot looking, so in still photo's she looks good, yet in interviews or news she has a vacant look in her eyes that reminds me of a cow. Does anyone else have an opinion on Jessica? (This post is sort of tongue in cheek, sort of not)

The Chief

Senior Member
Oct 25, 2004
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well, she's incredibly stupid isn't she. I'd sit through that MTV show sometimes just to see what stupid thing she'd say next (and because she's hot, of course). Even if you give her the benefit of the doubt - she can argue the show was edited to disfavor her - it's hard to think much of her. No wonder Nick got tired. I mean, hitting that must have been fun, but come on, there's only so much stupidity one man can take.
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