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General Cleaning

Which part of Pamela David u most like?

  • Boobs

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Butt

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Pussy

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Navel

    Votes: 2 9.1%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
Not sure if I can ask a question here, but I know I can't do it in a picture thread so...

Isn't cleaning the thread supposed to delete non active links?

I checked a few of these links and they are still active. Just curious as to whether or not you folks knew that some of the links in this "cleaned" thread are still active, maybe I'm missing the point (not sarcasm, confusion)


Senior Member
Nov 18, 2009
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celebrities by first names

54 Alexis Dziena
9 Alyssa Milano
60 Amanda Peet
63 Amber Heard
77 Amy Smart
2 Angelina Jolie
67 Angie Dickinson
72 Ann–Margret
92 Anna Faris
34 Anna Paquin
10 Anne Hathaway
53 Ashley Judd
99 Betsy Rue
95 Betsy Russell
22 Bo Derek
86 Brittany Daniel
32 Carla Gugino
78 Charlize Theron
42 Charlotte Ross
49 Chloë Sevigny
100 Christina Ricci
39 Cybill Shepherd
85 Dana Delany
79 Daryl Hannah
31 Demi Moore
21 Denise Richards
40 Diane Lane
91 Drew Barrymore
17 Elizabeth Berkley
35 Elle MacPherson
83 Erica Durance
8 Eva Green
45 Gina Gershon
65 Goldie Hawn
52 Gretchen Mol
7 Halle Berry
18 Heather Graham
98 Hedy Lamarr
62 Helen Mirren
93 Jacqueline Bisset
15 Jaime Pressly
12 Jamie Lee Curtis
43 Jane Fonda
51 Jayne Mansfield
70 Jenna Jameson
50 Jennifer Aniston
20 Jennifer Connelly
45 Jennifer Tilly
4 Jessica Biel
69 Joyce Hyser
44 Julianne Moore
47 Julie Andrews
14 Kaki Hunter
82 Kari Wuhrer
33 Kate Winslet
11 Katie Holmes
24 Keeley Hazell
71 Kelly Brook
66 Kelly Monaco
6 Kelly Preston
25 Kim Basinger
64 Laura Harring
97 Laura Linney
58 Linda Blair
41 Lisa Bonet
48 Lizzy Caplan
56 Mädchen Amick
59 Madonna
46 Maggie Gyllenhaal
75 Malin Akerman
81 Maria Schneider
55 Mariel Hemingway
5 Marisa Tomei
76 Mary Louise Weller
84 Mathilda May
29 Meredith Baxter
74 Michelle Johnson
90 Michelle Williams
16 Mimi Rogers
94 Mischa Barton
96 Molly Ringwald
23 Monica Bellucci
64 Naomi Watts
36 Natalie Portman
37 Natasha Henstridge
61 Nicole Eggert
27 Nicole Kidman
57 Pam Anderson
19 Pam Grier
1 Phoebe Cates
38 Reese Witherspoon
73 Rosanna Arquette
68 Rosario Dawson
26 Salma Hayek
13 Shannon Elizabeth
3 Sharon Stone
28 Sherilyn Fenn
80 Sophie Monk
89 Susan Sarandon
58 Sybil Danning
88 Teri Hatcher
30 Uschi Digard
87 Valerie Perrine


"V" Is for Vagina
Staff Alumn
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
Last 2 links are active but they are repost and reposts/dead links get removed no matter who post them.

Yuma68 removed all other links, and if he didn't edit posts and put them back all other links are gone. So I don't really get your point. If he Dead Link Removed links back, than posts will be merged with original thread.
But he didn't. he wasn't online for 2 days.

Feel free to ask but don't worry NCF has very good/one of best mod crews so all posts and everything gets checked and is where it should be, sometimes it takes 5 min sometimes 5 hours, we can't be online whole day.
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