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Which part of Pamela David u most like?

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    Votes: 9 40.9%
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    Votes: 5 22.7%
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    Votes: 9 40.9%
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Apr 9, 2008
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post more guyz.. i am waiting anxiously...or special message to Aria Giovanni "I Miss You"...


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Nov 18, 2009
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. Anne Hathaway
#10 Anne Hathaway nude in
Havoc (2005)
(0:36) Anne crawls seductively on a couch while her boyfriend videotapes her. We see butt crack over the top of her pants. She then takes off her top to reveal her breasts.
•As a teen, Anne hit it big in Disney’s G-rated Princess Diaries movies.
•Since debuting nude, Anne starred in Brokeback Mountain (2005), The Devil Wears Prada (2006), and Get Smart (2008).
•Anne scored a Best Actress Academy Award nomination for Rachel Getting Married (2008).
Tags : videotaping, boobs, crack, striptease
. Alyssa Milano
#9 Alyssa Milano nude in
Embrace of the Vampire (1995)
(0:50) Alyssa poses topless for photographer Charlotte Lewis. The snapping session evolves into a heated girl-girl makeout.
•Alyssa became a star as Samantha Micelli, Tony Danza’s daughter on Who’s the Boss?
•Embrace of the Vampire forever changed Alyssa’s good-girl image—for the better!
•Having proven her supernatural sexiness, Alyssa went on to star as a hot witch on the TV series Charmed.
Tags : topless, boobs, posing, lesbian
. Eva Green
#8 Eva Green nude in
The Dreamers (2003)
(1:22) Eva is seen topless, wearing long black gloves, posing like the Venus de Milo come beautifully to life.
•The Dreamers landed Eva the role of Vesper Lynd in Casino Royale (2006).
•Selecting just one Dreamers scene is a challenge; Eva appears naked 10 times.
•Legendary filmmaker Bernardo Bertolucci—who created the landmark Last Tango in Paris (1972)—directed The Dreamers.
Tags : boobs, posing, Venus, Milo,
. Halle Berry
#7 Halle Berry nude in
Swordfish (2001)
(0:38) Halle is sunbathing and reading a magazine. Hugh Jackman approaches. She drops the magazine and we see her breasts.
•Famously, Halle earned $500,000 to go topless here.
•Halle’s other great naked moment is her sex scene in Monster’s Ball (2001).
•Swordfish beats Ball as Halle’s hottest work because we get a clearer, longer look at her nude body.
Tags : boobs, reading,
. Kelly Preston
#6 Kelly Preston nude in
Mischief (1985)
(0:59) Teenage Kelly strips full-frontally naked in her bedroom for Doug McKeon.
•Kelly is best known today as the long-time wife of John Travolta.
•Mischief is set in 1956. Many 1980s teen sex comedies followed a nostalgia trend (Porky’s, Losin’ It, Screwballs).
•Doug McKeon, the guy here with Kelly, was the kid in On Golden Pond (1981).
Tags : bedroom, striptease, FFN
. Marisa Tomei
#5 Marisa Tomei nude in
Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead (2007)
(0:14) We enjoy a long look at Marisa topless walking around her bedroom, talking to Ethan Hawke after sex.
•Marisa stunned the world by winning an Academy Award for My Cousin Vinny (1992).
•Of Marisa’s four nude scenes in Devil, this is the longest look at her incredible, 42-year-old body.
•Marisa followed up by famously going nude again in The Wrestler (2008).
Tags : boobs, aftersex, walking, topless, home
. Jessica Biel
#4 Jessica Biel nude in
Powder Blue (2009)
(1:08) Jessica dances on stage at a strip club. She exposes her breasts, then drips candle wax all over her naked body.
•Jessica initially reached stardom on the wholesome TV series 7th Heaven.
•The nude scene in Powder Blue was heavily hyped prior to the movie’s release—and then Jessica lived up to the buzz.
•Unlike Jessica Alba in Sin City (2005) and Lindsay Lohan in I Know Who Killed Me (2007), Jessica plays a stripper who actually strips!
Tags: striptease, boobs, wax, striptease
. Sharon Stone
#3 Sharon Stone nude in
Basic Instinct (1992)
(0:27) While being interrogated by police, Sharon uncrosses and crosses her legs, revealing—via a shocking shot of her vagina—that she is not wearing underpants.
•This is the most intimately explicit nude scene ever performed by an A-list star.
•Sharon proves she’s a natural blonde.
•Sharon claims she was “tricked” into doing this scene. Even so, she doesn’t regret it.
Tags : vagina, blonde, police
. Angelina Jolie
#2 Angelina Jolie nude in
Gia (1998)
(0:27) After a nude snooze, Angelina (playing real-life model Gia Carangi) bares boobs and butt walking down the hallway trying to stop lesbian lover Elizabeth Mitchell from leaving.
•Angelina was a relative unknown prior to Gia. This movie made her the most famous woman in the world.
•Just like Gia Carangi, Angelina is openly bisexual in real life.
•The other woman here is Elizabeth Mitchell, who plays Juliet on Lost.
Tags : FFN,boobs, walking, public, hallway
. Phoebe Cates
#1 Phoebe Cates nude in
Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
(0:51) In Judge Reinhold’s masturbation fantasy, Phoebe rises from a backyard pool in a red bikini, approaches him in slow motion, and pops off her top to reveal her breasts.
•This is the celebrity nude scene to which all other celebrity nude scenes must answer.
•The power of this moment comes from a young star at her most beautiful, a sexy slow-motion build-up, and the relatable circumstance of a teenage crush on your sister’s hot friend.
•After Fast Times, Phoebe Cates never did a topless scene again. Her work was done!
Tags : masturbation, fantasy, bikini, slowmotion, boobs, breasts