Korean actress Lee Ji-hyeon sex scene in La Belle aka Mi in (2000)
Lee Ji-hyeon (이지현) - one of the most beautiful Korean actress!
La Belle (2000)
The Korean film tells us a love triangle between a woman and two men. The woman (Lee Ji-hyeon) has fallen deeply in love with a - i think - bad man, before she meets a handsome and romantic writer and has sex with him. The sex scene is beautiful, so can I say about many hot scene in Korean movies, but light, decor of the room, music, bodies of the main character, especially Lee Ji-hyeon, merge to one of the most romantic sex scenes I've eve seen.
The sex scenes were realistic but not profane. To call it pornography would be over the top. It is artsy.
An young and lonely writer accidentally had a gorgeous lover - another struggling soul - and began a mental adventure in sex and love , to understand the irregular rhythm of heart, to find out the meaning, purpose or even the dark side of love. Highly recommend for those who're into minimalism and for them only , you may find this film so boring with pointless sex scene if you're not one of them (imdb)
DOWNLOAD hot scene of Lee-Ji-Hyeon in La Belle (AVI, 349MB, 4 part, 25min)
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