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All of the above I found using this site: http://www.soosed.com/lj/. Basically it's a tool that shows the most recent images posted on Live Journal. It's fun just hitting refresh all day long and seeing what comes up. Be warned though, 60% of the pics are kids who shop at Hot Topic way too much and other angsty shit.
I did a search and didn't see a topic for her, so i thought i'd start one. If one already exists - sorry bout that.
She's a supermodel, was on Howard Stern and is basically one of the richest people in the country where she's from (can't remember what country that is), but she likes to invest in real estate. Strange for a supermodel...
First post so not sure how to upload pics yet. Anyone from the UK will probably know this girl - for all others she's a british soap star and she's stunning. Hope the link works.
One of the old, OLD TPIR models also did Playboy back in 1971 -- Janice Pennington... I think she looks better at 50 than she did when I was a kid... :shock: