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Senior Member
Jul 18, 2008
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From the Liverpool Echo:

A TEENAGE glamour model was found hanged at her home in Merseyside.

Jenny Grant, 19, was discovered at her family’s house in Wallasey during the early hours of Saturday morning.

Police were alerted to the tragedy at 4am.

The Page Three model had been combining glamour work with studying at Lancaster University.

Earlier this year she won a national newspaper modelling competition.

Modelling bosses called the teen hard-working and popular and said she had no problems balancing her work with studies in criminology and psychology.

Adam Sutherland from Girl Management, who began representing Jenny six months ago, said: “We are all extremely shocked. I spoke to Jenny on Friday and she seemed really happy, particularly with the way her career was going.

“She’d just shot her own calendar for next year and she was due in London this week for meetings with magazines.

“Jenny was extremely professional and a very friendly girl. She was happy-go-lucky and got on with all the girls. They can be like a big family and she fit straight into that.

“She was hard-working and reliable. The company encouraged her to continue with her studies.

“We didn’t have a lot of contact with her family, but we know they were extremely supportive.

“There was no sign at all that she was feeling down or depressed.”

Jenny had a part-time job at Wilkinsons but quit to devote her free time to her glamour work.

Neighbour Heather Cattle said she became aware something was wrong at the house after five police cars pulled up outside.

“She was just a nice, normal, ordinary girl. She had a boyfriend who I think she had been with for quite a while,” she said.

Merseyside police confirmed they were called to an address following the discovery of the body of a 19-year-old woman.

The death is not being treated as suspicious.


Senior Member
Sep 1, 2008
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[the atmosphere processor is due to explode in four hours and kill the stranded survivors]
Ripley: Well, we've gotta get the other dropship from the Sulaco. There has to be some way of bringing it down on remote.
Hudson: How? The transmitter was on the APC. It's wasted!
Ripley: Well, I don't care how, but we better think of something. We better think of a way.
Hudson: Think of what? We're fucked!
Hicks: Shut up!
Hudson: We're doomed here!
Hicks: SHUT UP!



Hudson: We're all gonna die man.



Bishop: [Bishop is puzzled by Ripley's reaction towards him] Is there a problem?
Burke: I'm sorry. I don't know why I didn't even- Ripley's last trip out, the syn- the artificial person malfunctioned.
Ripley: Malfuctioned?
Burke: There were problems and a-a few deaths were involved.
Bishop: I'm shocked. Was it an older model?
Burke: Yeah, the Hyperdine System's 120-A2.
Bishop: Well, that explains it then. The A2s always were a bit twitchy. That could never happen now with our behavioral inhibitors. It is impossible for me to harm or by omission of action, allow to be harmed, a human being.



Hudson: [reading a motion detector] I got signals. I got readings, in front and behind.
Frost: Where, man? I don't see shit.
Hicks: He's right. There's nothin' back here.
Hudson: Look, I'm telling ya, there's somethin' movin' and it ain't us! Tracker's off scale, man. They're all around us, man. Jesus!
Dietrich: [looking through an infra-red scope, walks right past an Alien] Maybe they don't show up on infra red at all.
[the Alien pounces on her and drags her up to the ceiling]