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Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
Reaction score
Bond Girls

OK, I didn't know where the heck to put this so Jihad if necessary.

These three photos are apparently from the new Vanity Fair and show 19 of the "Bond Girls"; from Ursula Andress to Denise Richards. From a historical perspective, I just thought they were interesting as I've drooled over most of them at one time or another. Most of them still look pretty darn good, especially Jill St. John. What a pair of legs! Kristina Wayborn isn't too bad either, I'd totally forgotten about her.



Senior Member
Jan 15, 2005
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Bond Girls - cleaned

It's an older photoshoot...


Vanity Fair's Bond Girls issue
0600 GMT October 3, 1999

LOS ANGELES - 007 NEWS contributing editor Greg Bechtlof has confirmed exclusive details about the photoshoot of the Bond girls in an upcoming Vanity Fair issue.

Greg managed to ask famous Bond girl Maud Adams (Octopussy) a few questions about the shoot.

Maud Adams confirmed that Annie Leibovitz, perhaps one of the most sought-after celebrity photographer in the world, shot the photos in two sessions -- one in Los Angeles and in New York.

Maud Adams appeared in the LA shoot with Ursula Andress, Jane Seymour, Lana Wood and another actress. Vanity Fair will merge the two shoots into one. Current Bond babe Denise Richards, who plays a nuclear weapons expert in The World Is Not Enough will be on the cover according to an earlier USA Today report.


But is a good idea to open a new thread anyway. Greetings...


Some production stills and shot MR & MRS SMITH premiere

Angelina looks great :beer: