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General Cleaning

Which part of Pamela David u most like?

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    Votes: 9 40.9%
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    Votes: 5 22.7%
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    Votes: 9 40.9%
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    Votes: 2 9.1%

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Senior Member
Oct 25, 2007
Reaction score
Marie Bonnevie

Marie Bonnevie in 'I am Dina'



Time 3:44
Res: 640x272
Size: 35,1 mb


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks for vids KA

I downloaded a dvd rip of Divas Undressed, edited out all the dudes judging the contest, mostly their expressions when they see some ass, except for a couple scenes where Terri is showing off her ass in a thong in front of the judges, and when the camera pans off to the sideview.
Here's several edited scenes with Trish Stratus, Torrie Wilson, Stacy Keibler, Nadia, Terri Runnels, Dawn Marie and a little bit of Miss Jackie in a thong,
please enjoy

Intro with the divas exiting the limo, with a very nipply Dawn Marie

7mb 640x480 WMV 1950kbps 32sec

Dawn Marie in teddy, bra & panties,runway walk in thong & chaps, and kings cam where we see her in a thong

25mb 640x480 WMV 2011kbps 1:47

Stacy Keibler in white teddy, red bra&thong, and schoolgirl

21mb 640x480 WMV 2011kbps 1:31

Terri Runnels in 3 different segments showing off her thong, and a little bit of Jackie bending over in her thong

62mb 640x480 WMV 2058kbps 4:17

Torrie Wilson in teddy, a behind the scenes clip showing off her great ass,bra & panties walk and her walking with a lollipop, then Nadia trying to walk in heels, I like her ass in the last scene of the vid

41mb 640x480 WMV 2058kbps 2:51

Trish Stratus looking great in a thong, but her appearance is cut short due to one of the female judges, I can't remember the name but the chick beats down Trish, nice ass in thong shot during the beatdown, I messed up at the end of the vid, during the replay at the end of the vid I forgot to cut out the judge who got Trish's hat during her appearance

20mb 640x480 WMV 2058kbps 1:25