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General Cleaning

Which part of Pamela David u most like?

  • Boobs

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Butt

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Pussy

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Navel

    Votes: 2 9.1%

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Senior Member
Jun 9, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks for all the penthouse vids Xavier, here's my contribution of Julie K. Smith vids

I downloaded a dvd rip of The Barewench Project from mine37388
the vids featuring Julie K. Smith, Lorrisa McComas, Julie Strain,Nikki Fritz and then I edited out the annoying cameraman in these vids. Here are 6 edited down scenes from my favorite parts of the movie, enjoy

73mb 640x480 WMV 2058kbps 5min

93mb 640x480 WMV 2074kbps 6:19

28mb 640x480 WMV 2062kbps 1:56

91mv 640x480 WMV 2059kbps 6:14

13mb 640x480 WMV 1975kbps 56sec

17mb 640x480 WMV 2011kbps 1:19


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2008
Reaction score
Penthouse model Julie K. Smith pulling down a pink top to reveal her large breasts as she changes shirts. Hi-res DVD capture from Return to Savage Beach.

3.21 MB mpg 12sec

Julie K. Smith going topless during a sexy striptease dance, squeezing her large breasts around the stripper pole. Hi-res DVD capture from Return to Savage Beach.

10.03 MB mpg 40sec

Julie K. Smith standing in a guy's arms with her bikini top pulled aside to bare her large breasts as the guy leans over to kiss her chest. We then get a view of her backside in a thong as she turns and walks away into a house. Hi-res DVD capture from Return to Savage Beach.

4.54 MB mpg 18sec

Julie K. Smith wearing a short black skirt and nothing else as she dances topless on stage with a guy. Hi-res DVD capture from Return to Savage Beach.

12.45 MB mpg 50sec

Shae Marks (in white) and Julie K. Smith (in yellow) running into the ocean to go snorkeling, shedding their skimpy bathing suits to do some topless swimming as we see them from underwater. Hi-res DVD capture from Return to Savage Beach.

27.22 MB mpg 1:49


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2008
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Penthouse Pet Julie K. Smith and Playboy Playmate Wendy Hamilton lathering up their nude bodies while showering. Hi-res DVD capture from The Dallas Connection.

13.18 MB mpg 53sec

Julie K. Smith nude while she has sex with a guy in a hot tub, showing breasts and buns, and then has some champagne with him. Hi-res DVD capture from The Dallas Connection.

31.15 MB mpg 2:06


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2008
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Julie K. Smith dancing and stripping on stage, wearing a mask and exposing her breasts. Hi-res DVD capture from Day of the Warrior.

33.94 MB mpg 2:17

Julie K. Smith spraying perfume on her large breasts and rubbing them together before putting on a white bra while in a bathroom. Hi-res DVD capture from Day of the Warrior.

7.02 MB mpg 28sec

Julie K. Smith sitting topless on the corner of a bed, wearing a thong as she pulls on a pair of stockings and then walks out of the room. Hi-res DVD capture from Day of the Warrior.

2.73 MB mpg 10sec

Julie K. Smith standing in a shower as a guy joins her, taking off her bikini before having sex with her. We then see Julie in her bikini again as she sits with the guy in a sauna. Hi-res DVD capture from Day of the Warrior.

32.77 MB mpg 2:12


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2008
Reaction score
Erotic Confessions with Carrie Westcott vids

Julie K. Smith wearing a black leather outfit that barely covers her nipples as she talks to some guys for quite a while. She then ties one of the guys up and goes down on him before taking off her leather outfit and showing off her huge breasts. Finally she talks to one of the guys briefly while wearing the outfit again from Erotic Confessions.

35.36 MB mpg 3:27

Julie K. Smith having sex up against a wall with a guy and then having her huge breasts squeezed a lot as he goes down on her. She then rides him up against a comic book rack causing her breasts to bounce and then has sex from behind causing her breasts to bounce some more. All while a guy watches from Erotic Confessions.

18.43 MB mpg 1:48

Julie K. Smith wearing a leather outfit that barely covers the nipples on her huge breasts as she talks to a guy. She then lowers that and cups her breasts for the guy to play with before being gone down on against a comic book rack and then going down on him for a while from Erotic Confessions.

28.68 MB mpg 2:48

Julie K. Smith bursting into a room wearing a leather outfit that barely covers the nipples on her very large breasts and then talking to a guy before bringing Carrie Westcott into the room wearing a white nightgown. Julie then gets Carrie to lower her nightgown so a guy can play with her breasts for a bit before Julie and Carrie decide to leave. From Erotic Confessions.

21.33 MB mpg 2:04