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General Cleaning

Which part of Pamela David u most like?

  • Boobs

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Butt

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Pussy

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Navel

    Votes: 2 9.1%

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Senior Member
Dec 19, 2004
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Nizzle said:
Kudos to the dude who made the time to create this masterpiece.


It would be more hilarious if they did that kind of thing to an album that has explicit content as the main substance (Good example: Limp Bizkit - "Chocolate St*rfish and the Hot Dog Flavoured Water"). It would really show others what you'd basically be listening to if you get the actual album.


Senior Member
Nov 12, 2004
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Connie Nielsen

The thread was down.

Connie Nielsen (I)
More photosAdd/change photoAdd contact/agent Date of birth (location)3 July 1965Elling, Frederikshavn, Denmark Mini biographyDanish beauty Connie Nielsen consistently lights up the screen with an... (show more) Sometimes Credited As:Connie Inge-Lise Nielsen

Filmography as: Actress, Herself, Archive Footage, Notable TV Guest Appearances

Actress - filmography

(In Production) (2000s) (1990s) (1980s)
1. Ice Harvest (2005) (completed) .... Renata
2. The Great Raid (2005) (completed) .... Margaret Utinsky
3. Return to Sender (2004) .... Charlotte Cory
4. Brødre (2004) .... Sarah
... aka Brothers (International: English title)
5. Basic (2003) .... Osborne
... aka Formation extrême (Canada: French title)
6. The Hunted (2003) .... Abby Durrell
7. Demonlover (2002) .... Diane de Monx
8. One Hour Photo (2002) .... Nina Yorkin
9. Gladiator (2000) .... Lucilla
10. Mission to Mars (2000) .... Terri Fisher
... aka M2M (USA: promotional abbreviation)
11. Dark Summer (1999) .... Megan Denright
... aka Innocents (USA)
12. Soldier (1998) .... Sandra
13. Rushmore (1998) .... Mrs. Calloway
14. Permanent Midnight (1998) .... Dagmar
15. The Devil's Advocate (1997) .... Christabella Andreoli
... aka Im Auftrag des Teufels (Germany)
16. Voyage (1993/I) (TV) .... Ronnie Freeland
... aka Cruise of Fear
17. Paradis absolument, Le (1993) (TV) .... Sarah
18. Vacanze di Natale '91 (1991) .... Brunilde/Vanessa
... aka Christmas Vacation '91
19. "Colletti bianchi" (1988) (mini) TV Series .... Marilù
20. Par où t'es rentré? On t'a pas vu sortir (1984) .... Eva
... aka How Did You Get In? We Didn't See You Leave (USA)

Filmography as: Actress, Herself, Archive Footage, Notable TV Guest Appearances

Herself - filmography

1. Ceremonia de clausura del festival de cine de San Sebastián (2004) (TV) .... Herself
2. Connie Nielsen - en dansker i Hollywood (2000) (TV) .... Herself
3. 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (2000) (TV) .... Herself
Filmography as: Actress, Herself, Archive Footage, Notable TV Guest Appearances
Archive Footage
1. Ultimate Fights from the Movies (2002) (V) .... Lucilla (Gladiator)
Filmography as: Actress, Herself, Archive Footage, Notable TV Guest Appearances
Notable TV Guest Appearances
1. "aHA!" playing "Herself" in episode: "Brødre Special" (episode # 4.1) 11 September 2004
2. "Go' morgen Danmark" playing "Herself" 26 January 2004
3. "Go' aften Danmark" playing "Herself" 19 December 2003
4. "The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn" playing "Herself" 23 August 2002
5. "HBO First Look" playing "Herself" in episode: "Gladiator" 2000


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Senior Member
Mar 20, 2004
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2 latest sets out.

i wish shed get to the vids already, oh well...


**FIXED!! thanks for lettign me know***
Last edited:


Senior Member
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Hanzo, link not working for me either, I think it's due to the 'annonymous rediect' part, which causes the original file name to not display properly, the link I got after the redirect is: http://rapidshare.de...newset.zip.html/

there are characters missed out in the middle.

So Hanzo is it possible for you to stop using this annonymous redirect serive?