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Gas Prices


Senior Member
Jul 24, 2004
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Texan said:
Hopefully with the recent cooling of the gulf stream the '06 hurricane season won't be as productive as the '05 season.

There is no "recent cooling of the gulf stream". Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are far warmer than normal in the area of the gulf stream. Where did you get this info?

Check this out:



SST anomalies:


Also, it looks as though the Atlantic sector is in for at least another decade of busy hurricane seasons:



Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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Kind of makes you wonder how easy its going to be to get hurricane and flood insurance, and how much they're going to cost. I imagine a lot of people along the coast are finding out right about now.


Senior Member
Apr 6, 2004
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my take on it is oil is just pausing, they are now killing us with natural gas, which in my opinion is much worse because there is no way to contain it. You have to heat your homes. You can get around the gasoline problem by conserving or carpooling.


Senior Member
Mar 16, 2004
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ice, hurrricane cycles do, and always have sa far back as they have been recorded, take more than 10 years... we ar eonly a couple years into this one... the only sure statement anyone can make about them is that global warming will be blamed for all of them...

nano, hurricane insurance doesnt exist, and to my knowlege, never has... wind insurance and flood insurance do, however, and the cost of these should be commensurate with the liklihood of needing to cash the policies in... in easy to understand words, they SHOULD be expensive to those who live on the gulf coast, an area known to be hit by hurricanes.. perhaps a lot of people living along the coast should relocate to a place where their homes are less likely to be destroyed by something no one is surprised by... for the record, i WOULD bet against the analysts... they missed katrina gas prices by a whole two dollars...

cuse, your take requires a conspiracy... consider where that might lead you... everyone likes to pile on "big oil"--whatever that actually is--but rarely does anyone question a 20, 30, 50, or 75 cent DROP in gas prices... also, what about the prices of petroleum distillates?? everything you own that is plastic comes from oil... have you seen any hike in the price of plasttics?? no?? hmmmm... oil companies make money from those as well, and IF there is gouging going on, it would be far easier to hide it there than it is in gasoline... please do not become a victim of smoke and mirrors... too many have already gone down that path...

someone mentioned china... at the rate they are going, by the time the three gorges dam breaks and kills a few MILLION people, the chinese consumer base should be severely depleted by the near daily coal mine explosions that seem to kill 30-200+ people each... and yes, that dam, the largest anywhere, i believe, WILL break... you want to talk about people in need of flood insurance, there are millions of candidates there..


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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No hurricane insurance? These guys may disagree with you.


"i WOULD bet against the analysts... they missed katrina gas prices by a whole two dollars... "

They may have missed it where you live, but many people in CA, GA, OR, WA, IL and many other parts of the US would disagree. $5 to $6 per gallon was a reality for them. And if you want to bet against the analysts, thats up to you, but given that they are the people closest to the situation, you'll lose more often than not.


Senior Member
Mar 16, 2004
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nano, thanks for that link, except for one small problem... taken directly fron your link... the policies listed under homeowners/property insurance are as follows; homeowners, real estate, commercial property, renters, flood, and earthquake insurance...

do you see anything missing, perhaps?? i will give you a hint... HURRICANE INSURANCE... if there is such a thing, it is a combination of policies, likely homeowners and flood...

the analysts are everywhere... do you know what an analyst is?? an analyst is someone hired to talk about a job or a task that they are unqualified, underqualified, or too stupid to do themselves... ask someone in the industry instead... someone actually hired to DO something, rather than talk about it.. also, no, the analysts actually have a rather bad track record... there may be a few somewhere that were right a few times, but every time something semi-major happens, the world doesnt end... there is a temporary inconvenience, and then things go back to normal... as i stated before, if the price of oil is the problem, it should be showing up in other places seperate from gas/deisel/heating oil... it is not..

i could sit around all day and whine, but i choose to actually do things with my life, and as such, a temporary price hike wont really do much to me... i know for certain that i am looking at two pay raises in the next 3 months, and that will definitely outstrip any additional expenses i might incur as a result of some disaster or other... to those living within their means, this is simply a blip... to those not living within their means, irresponsibility is the problem, not the oil companies...

finally, this will be my last immature tantrum post... i will return to referring to you as mindido... you chose that name for some reason, and i will honor that choice... if you wish to continue this childish trend of name calling, you are welcome to... it is, however, a shortcoming, and one i am correcting in myself... be immature or a grown up, i dont care... just know what you are choosing when you do so...


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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"HURRICANE INSURANCE... if there is such a thing, it is a combination of policies, likely homeowners and flood... "

Well, duuuhhh! Its still called "Hurricane Insurance". You really should learn how to do a bit of elementary research before making such ludicrous statements,

"hurricane insurance doesnt exist, and to my knowlege, never has.."


Senior Member
Mar 16, 2004
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all i know is that despite the huge letters that read "HURRICANE INSURANCE," it was not listed under policies, which only serves to back up a point i made previously--that there is no such thing as hurricane insurance, and that you must insure against wind and flood to have adequit coverage in the event of a hurricane... i stand by what i said, that there is no policy labeled "hurricane insurance." your link merely serves to prove my point...

admit that i am right!!!! :)


Senior Member
Jul 24, 2004
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There are policies which cover damage as a result of hurricanes. Here is one example from Charleston, SC:

Filing A Home Insurance Claim

Every year insurance companies pay more than $75 billion in claims resulting from losses suffered during fires, hurricanes, robberies, dog bites, falls and other incidents. The trauma of a burglary or severe damage to your home is stressful enough without having to worry about your insurance claim. This following information, prepared by the Independent Insurance Agents of America (IIAA), is designed to help you understand the claims process. Your First Southeast Insurance agent will be there to ensure your claim is handled promptly and fairly.


As far as I can see, the closest name for insurance policies is "storm insurance", but flood damage as a result of hurricanes can be claimed under the National Flood Insurance Program. As flooding is the most damaging part of a hurricane, this type of damage is probably more often claimed.

Winds can do heavy damage, but water, especially from storm surges, tends to do the most foundation damage, making a home much more expensive to repair. Look at the length of time to repair an area affected by a hurricane as opposed to a tornado. Cities in Tornado Alley tend to rebuild and recover quite quickly compared to places such as Florida after hurricanes, due to the lack of floodwater left behind after a tornado. Low-lying areas tend to retain great quantities of water and it fails to run off for weeks, making repair work impossible. This longer length of time causes homeowners to need more money for accomodations following a storm.

ETA: I just realised that this is getting wildly off topic. Time to return to our regularly scheduled programming.


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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Well, lets see. I typed "hurricane insurance" into Google and came up with 13,900,000 hits. So its your myopia against almost 14 million web pages. Gee, I wonder who most people would believe???

And you do know what a "package" is, don't you?

I take it you must really like making foolish posts. Makes no sense to me. Oh, thats right, you listen to that other idiot limbaugh.


The Gunhand
Staff Alumn
Aug 30, 2004
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Hurricane insurance is basically combining flood with windstorm coverage thus creating a "package". It is just a gimmick to help sale policies.


Senior Member
Mar 16, 2004
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mindido, you are either illiterate or stupid... you gave tex kudos for repeating exactly what i said...

berg, tornados damage a far smaller area, too... cleanup is not only generally unhindered by water, but in a much smaller area as well... less strain on infrastructure...

mindido, google can find any number of things that dont exist... its a good thing i like children, or i would have to stop responding to you...


Senior Member
Jul 24, 2004
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"Study: Kids no safer in SUVs than cars":


BLOOMINGTON, Illinois (AP) -- Children are no safer riding in sport utility vehicles than in passenger cars, largely because the doubled risk of rollovers in SUVs cancels out the safety advantages of their greater size and weight, according to a study.


Aha!!! Cable, you're proven wrong again!


Senior Member
Mar 16, 2004
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cman, check the whole story again... first and foremost, rollovers are NOT common... they happen more in "suvs" than in cars, simply because of a higher center of gravity... the major problem with any blanket statement about suvs is that a suzuki samurai is considered to be the equivalent of a chevy suburban... even a half blind untrained eye can look at those two vehicles and see there are very few similarities... also, the "rollover factor" was nothing quantifiable, it was some chucklehead saying "well... suvs roll over more often, so that changes EVERYTHING ELSE IN THIS STUDY."

when i say suv, im not talking about something that, were it not so tall, would fit in a shoebox... i am referring to vehicles built on the chassis of trucks... real trucks... how safe is a 1/2 or 3/4 ton pickup for kids?? if you want to talk about safety and suvs, please quote directly from the studies concerning how the yukon fared, or the survivability of a ford expedition... remember, scientists that dont want us driving large vehicles consider the chevy tracker to be an suv... i consider the tracker to be ill advised, and unsafe... my eyes can see that quite plainly...

at the end of any interpretation of this study, you are still left with two simple facts... first, rollovers are not common, and secondly, in any wreck NOT involving a rollover, you are most definitely safer in an suv than a small car..

mindido, i really feel bad for you... you take so much delight in reports of gloom and doom.... and when those reports prove false, as they usually do, you simply move on, eagerly awaiting the next story that tells of the coming armageddon... i feel for you, man...


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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Feel sorry for me??? You've got to be kidding. And, exactly, where have I been wrong? Pretty much everything I've suggested has come true. It's because I don't read comic books or listen to big fat idiots on drugs. And I don't take delight in doom and gloom, I am just very concerned for the human race and the direction we are headed. If some of us listen to your idols, we are indeed headed far over a cliff.


Senior Member
Mar 16, 2004
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no, i really do feel sorry for someone who is so insecure he must constantly chop others down so he feels better... i feel bad for someone who is only happy when bad news hits... yes, mindido, i feel bad for you, someone who apparently lacks any basic tenet of respect for others... your name calling is immature and childish, and you have no sense of change over time... to you, what was true ten years ago must still be true--IF it is a negative, and about someone or something you dont like.. naturally, anything about people and things you like that was negative is now better... you have closed your eyes to reality, and simply have little to offer anymore... you freely cast accusations about me, without having the slightest clue of who i am or what i do... you act like you are compensating for some tragic shortcoming in your own life... nonetheless, i have the basic respect necessary to be generally civil with you, and use your selected handle... apparently, you do not posess the same...

your level of concern stops when it threatens your tightly held and misdirected liberal views... you believe you are the best equipped to make other peoples decisions, and to spend other peoples money...

and now, a direct response to the three lines posted... one at a time, and in no particular order...
--i dont read comic books, never have, never will
--to my knowlege, i dont listen to anyone that is fat, an idiot, or on drugs
--i do sometimes listen to someone who WAS (past tense) addicted to prescription pain killers, who voluntarily overcame that addiction, and who is currently in court to protect his, my, and your right to not have your government snooping in your medical records
--you have been wrong about gas prices, you have been generally wrong about hurricanes, you have excluded any wrongdoing by your beloved democrats when you have gleefully reported republicans in trouble... the list goes on, but i tire of it...
--where is your crystal ball, and how is it you can see where the human race is headed... if you are that good, surely, your stock portfolio must rival that of bill gates... as your short term predictions have mostly fizzled, what are we to take from your long term predictions???
--you most definitely DO take delight in gloomy news... check your posts regarding 4-7 dollar per gallon gas prices (predicted only, and never realized)... they are among the cheeryest posts you have ever made here...

you should seriously consider a career in journalism... you are most definitely qualified... you are a set liberal, you never let the facts get in the way of a good story, you choose to ignore things that are inconvenient to you... i will, if you wish, write a glowing letter of recommendation on your behalf to any news outlet you wish... you will fit right in...

good day, sir


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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Having a bad day lumbaugh? Missing your big fat drug addled idiot? Don't worry, he'll be back in a day or two so that you can get your fix.

Oh, and exactly where have I been wrong with gas prices (or hurricanes)?? It seems I asked you this question previously. You may not have paid $4 to $7 per gallon, but many people around the country (GA, CA, OR, WA to name a few) certainly did.

And no, I don't take delight in gloomy news. But I do believe people should be prepared (taught to me a long time ago when I was a boy scout). People who are prepared will make fewer stupid decisions. If you want to put tons of money into filling up big SUV's, thats up to you. But I think most people are more intelligent than that.

Time to go put your head back in the sand.



Senior Member
Mar 16, 2004
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yep... more immaturity...

please explain who paid $7 per gallon here in the US... it broke $4 in a few places, but not many, and i dont recall hearing anything at all at $5 or higher... except your predictions, that is...

if you dont take delight in apocalyptic predictions, why do you seem so cheery when you report hearing about outrageously high prices?? it seems to run counter to what you say...

if i want to be safe on the road, and if i want to pay a bit more for that safety and utility, that is my privelege... drive your spec if you want, but to me, intelligence falls in the safety category far more often than fuel economy...