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Early Exp0sed and NCF -- thread hijacks galore...


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Danahamm.com is a ripoff. Same old teasing bullshit. One nipslip vid and a couple seethrough pics. It says new adult site! See Dana like you've never seen her before. NOT!!! DONT BE FOOLED. SAVE YOUR MONEY


I'm just here for the tits
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2004
Reaction score
Danahamm.com is a ripoff. Same old teasing bullshit. One nipslip vid and a couple seethrough pics. It says new adult site! See Dana like you've never seen her before. NOT!!! DONT BE FOOLED. SAVE YOUR MONEY

Yeah....I'll keep that in mind...:computer:


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
Ain't no such damn thing as a sex addiction. We're guys, we like girls, and we want to have sex with them. That's pretty natural, innit? I don't understand these guys like Tiger Woods, and Mark Sanford, and Elliot Spitzer, and especially Ted Haggard saying they went to some sexual addiction counseling, and now they're cured. What did they do...fuckin castrate them? They're guys (at least the first three) who loved pussy, and got caught getting too much. So, now they're "cured"? What does that mean...they don't like pussy anymore? Bill Clinton. And that's all I've got to say about that.

I mean, take a look at Hilary! Can you blame him?

And as far as the "Reverend" Ted Haggard goes...God healed him of his homosexuality in two months? Yeah, like he healed me of scratching my balls...